Only on here, and a few hating analysts.
I don't run into anyone outside of this forum that are like they are in here.
Except I have one friend, that hates the Cowboys. Then again he now hates the Rangers, Then liked the Astros all of a sudden, because he loves Nolan Ryan for some reason and is no longer with the Rangers.
I think he used to like Dallas, until after Jimmy left. He is for sure a bandwagon jumper. But he pretty much hates on everything. Except teams that are winning.
So I disregard him.
When I travel, always come across a few Cowboys fans. None of them ever act like some on here. Even fans of other teams still give more respect.
The worse I get is ...Cowboys suck, then I have my comeback depending what team they like, then we laugh, all in fun.
In Vegas, a guy was getting on an elevator, had an Eagles shirt on. He said, .... hey Cowboys suck, now I need to close the door so you can't have a comeback..... I seen him the next night, and he bought me a beer. Talked for a few minutes, as he was with some other friends.