This is the first time I can remember not caring about the draft


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I’ll age myself and give yall some personal info I’ve never shared here before. I turned 50 a month ago. I’ve been a fan since I was a a very young kid. First game I ever went to was Dallas at Oakland in 1980. My dad hates he ever took me to that game. I’ve been a diehard ever since.

This is the first time in all my years I’ve ever felt like this. This is the first time I can remember not caring about the draft. This is the first time in all my years I can remember feeling this down before the season begins.

The draft this year to me is depressing. Sure The Boys draft better than average. They hit on can’t miss players and they miss on reaches, but they still do better than most. WTBS, I’m always all in. I follow all the draft gurus, and listen to hour after after of podcasts and YouTube videos. But not this year. I just don’t know.

Do I like it?
Nope! I hate it actually.
But it’s my reality, and I hope it changes before the season arrives. It would be a very weird and depressing football season without having the Cowboys spirit that usually pumps through my veins.


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I’ll age myself and give yall some personal info I’ve never shared here before. I turned 50 a month ago. I’ve been a fan since I was a a very young kid. First game I ever went to was Dallas at Oakland in 1980. My dad hates he ever took me to that game. I’ve been a diehard ever since.

This is the first time in all my years I’ve ever felt like this. This is the first time I can remember not caring about the draft. This is the first time in all my years I can remember feeling this down before the season begins.

The draft this year to me is depressing. Sure The Boys draft better than average. They hit on can’t miss players and they miss on reaches, but they still do better than most. WTBS, I’m always all in. I follow all the draft gurus, and listen to hour after after of podcasts and YouTube videos. But not this year. I just don’t know.

Do I like it?
Nope! I hate it actually.
But it’s my reality, and I hope it changes before the season arrives. It would be a very weird and depressing football season without having the Cowboys spirit that usually pumps through my veins.
I feel the same.


Well-Known Member
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I’ll age myself and give yall some personal info I’ve never shared here before. I turned 50 a month ago. I’ve been a fan since I was a a very young kid. First game I ever went to was Dallas at Oakland in 1980. My dad hates he ever took me to that game. I’ve been a diehard ever since.

This is the first time in all my years I’ve ever felt like this. This is the first time I can remember not caring about the draft. This is the first time in all my years I can remember feeling this down before the season begins.

The draft this year to me is depressing. Sure The Boys draft better than average. They hit on can’t miss players and they miss on reaches, but they still do better than most. WTBS, I’m always all in. I follow all the draft gurus, and listen to hour after after of podcasts and YouTube videos. But not this year. I just don’t know.

Do I like it?
Nope! I hate it actually.
But it’s my reality, and I hope it changes before the season arrives. It would be a very weird and depressing football season without having the Cowboys spirit that usually pumps through my veins.
Me and you are in the same boat. I turn 50 in July and I honestly can't get excited about this season. Most of it is how last season ended with that ugly, embarrassing playoff loss. That team had me believing and they disappointed me to the point where I don't care going into this season. I'm ready to move on from this core of players we have. They are a bunch of losers and front runners to me starting with the QB. Then add in the offseason bs with the two bozos in the front office. Yes I'm still a Cowboys fan and will always be but I will not be going out of my way to watch Cowboy games next year. The disappointments of the past few years culminating in last years embarrassment leaves me feeling empty right now.


The Labeled One
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Hope springs eternal, the positivity will regain when Dallas arrives in Oxnard :muttley:
:laugh: ......No it won't. The jig is up. Everyone that follows this team close enough....knows. This franchise is a by a bunch of jokers in it for the money. Just as long as they stay competitive until the league can make ratings....that's all they care about.


Well-Known Member
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I’ll age myself and give yall some personal info I’ve never shared here before. I turned 50 a month ago. I’ve been a fan since I was a a very young kid. First game I ever went to was Dallas at Oakland in 1980. My dad hates he ever took me to that game. I’ve been a diehard ever since.

This is the first time in all my years I’ve ever felt like this. This is the first time I can remember not caring about the draft. This is the first time in all my years I can remember feeling this down before the season begins.

The draft this year to me is depressing. Sure The Boys draft better than average. They hit on can’t miss players and they miss on reaches, but they still do better than most. WTBS, I’m always all in. I follow all the draft gurus, and listen to hour after after of podcasts and YouTube videos. But not this year. I just don’t know.

Do I like it?
Nope! I hate it actually.
But it’s my reality, and I hope it changes before the season arrives. It would be a very weird and depressing football season without having the Cowboys spirit that usually pumps through my veins.
Same. They've taken the fun out of it. Kind of sad, actually.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is the first time I am not excited about anything this offseason as much. Maybe the fact they aren’t doing anything may be a slight hope of a change coming along.

I am not excited about the draft as much either.
Usually I am. I am even considering just going to meet some friends for a few beers and watch it or more like keep an eye on it at the bar. Both Thursday and Friday.

Or maybe it just takes so long with the picks I don’t care to hear all the same old yapping.
I will see how I feel later in the afternoon and decide.


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They get some good players in the draft, the issue is that Jerry and his son run all football operations and want all credit, yet they are bad at all things football related and they run a very non serious football atmosphere, which filters down to most of the players. Even Micah is affected by this now IMO. The only times (2) during this very unfortunate NFL reign that the Jones family has had for more than 30 years was during the Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells era where the strong head coach personality and coaching skillset essentially ran the team have we had a good plan. JJ and SJ have absolutely no plan or idea what they're doing. At all.


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That being said, my hockey team finally has some competent management and a bright future, so once September hits, the excitement will go there.


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I’ll age myself and give yall some personal info I’ve never shared here before. I turned 50 a month ago. I’ve been a fan since I was a a very young kid. First game I ever went to was Dallas at Oakland in 1980. My dad hates he ever took me to that game. I’ve been a diehard ever since.

This is the first time in all my years I’ve ever felt like this. This is the first time I can remember not caring about the draft. This is the first time in all my years I can remember feeling this down before the season begins.

The draft this year to me is depressing. Sure The Boys draft better than average. They hit on can’t miss players and they miss on reaches, but they still do better than most. WTBS, I’m always all in. I follow all the draft gurus, and listen to hour after after of podcasts and YouTube videos. But not this year. I just don’t know.

Do I like it?
Nope! I hate it actually.
But it’s my reality, and I hope it changes before the season arrives. It would be a very weird and depressing football season without having the Cowboys spirit that usually pumps through my veins.

How many “Poor, poor Me” threads do we have to endure? Just another pity party thread.


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:laugh: ......No it won't. The jig is up. Everyone that follows this team close enough....knows. This franchise is a by a bunch of jokers in it for the money. Just as long as they stay competitive until the league can make ratings....that's all they care about.
Then leave please and spare us your misery. Jeez.


Well-Known Member
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That being said, my hockey team finally has some competent management and a bright future, so once September hits, the excitement will go there.
If your hockey team is the Stars they are running out of time this evening.


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I'm 56 and remember Dallas winning the SB vs Denver. the Cowboys were almost always respected and hated as a perennial threat to reach the SB. Today they are a laughed at punchline, the fans are viewed as the same.


Texas Ranger
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I think you feel like that because I feel the same way and that is because no matter who we draft we all know if were being real that we are not going to be anywhere near better this year than we were last.


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I am excited for the draft. I am even more excited to see the melt downs on here afterwards:)

While I do understand the disappointment, it doesn‘t compare to Campos 5-11 seasons for me.