This is why I say Jerry does not get it!


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bbailey423;2503372 said:
you are missing my point....I agree the team has been built well. Why can't he just get out of the way and let them play?

I am upset with Jerry admitting he LOVES the media firestorm...for stating loud and clear for everyone to hear "WE LOVE THIS KIND OF STUFF....BRING IT ON". I don't get the impression the players like this one bit...they are looking pretty tired of it. Other teams can just focus on the opponent...why does Jerry THINK we need more than JUST THE OPPONENT and JUST THE GAME. Why is the GAME not enough?

I don't think Jerry literally loves the firestorm per say. It is bravado and reverse psychology and yes he is not afraid of it. He likes positive attention overall. The Dallas Cowboys and the new stadium are 2 hungry lions to feed. The visibility brings a larger market share and increased revenue. It is as much a business as a sport. If this were not the case the players would be amateurs.

When Jerry bought this team it was financially teeter tottering and the market share was dwindling. Not only maintaining but growing a franchise is vital to the evolution of the game, the teams and the NFL.

With all due respect you don't seem to get it. Promoting the team is a necessity. Jerry just happens to be very good at it. Win or lose each year he pretty much gives the fans a team with hope.

Jerry Jones is not Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.


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Jerry's comments Sunday night basically told everyone this:

I WANT the Dallas Cowboys to be the BRITNEY SPEARS of the NFL.

He was defiantly proud that the team was getting attention--not for its success, dominance, preparedness, unity, contributions to society---but for being dysfunctional.

To me he is worse than Brittney. She doesn't have a brain. Jerry has a brain but no soul.


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cowboyed;2505160 said:
I don't think Jerry literally loves the firestorm per say. It is bravado and reverse psychology and yes he is not afraid of it. He likes positive attention overall. The Dallas Cowboys and the new stadium are 2 hungry lions to feed. The visibility brings a larger market share and increased revenue. It is as much a business as a sport. If this were not the case the players would be amateurs.

When Jerry bought this team it was financially teeter tottering and the market share was dwindling. Not only maintaining but growing a franchise is vital to the evolution of the game, the teams and the NFL.

With all due respect you don't seem to get it. Promoting the team is a necessity. Jerry just happens to be very good at it. Win or lose each year he pretty much gives the fans a team with hope.

Jerry Jones is not Nero fiddling while Rome is burning.
oh I get it....I see the Colts in the playoffs again...I see the Steelers in the playoffs again....I see all the trophies that Pats have hoisted....we are Dallas...everyone knows who we is time to stop thinking we need to INFORM everyone about who we are....and START WINNING. We are nothing but show ponies and paper champs until we win something other than "the most popular team". And all I am saying is that the lights are bright enough...the single elimination mode we are in has raised the bar as high as it can get....and I am left dumfounded to hear our owner say he LOVES this stuff. As if the "lose or go home" atmosphere of every game we play from here on out is NOT exciting enough! It is almost disrepectful to the opponent and the NFL. Almost as if we are saying "the challenge of beating our opponent on the field is not enough, we need to tussle with the media all week about everything other than the team we are playing"


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bbailey423;2503355 said:
Watching the TO interview...listening to the line of questioning. Then for TO to finally end the session with "I am done with this". We are in single elimination mode....the ante cannot be raised any higher than single elimination mode. Yet Jerry, the addict, relishes adding more toppings. It is just very dissapointing and an indication that he JUST DOES NOT GET IT!!!

Mr Jones DOES NOT GET IT? Are you kidding me...........:confused:

Remember, he is a Billionaire with a "B"....and very successful businessman....I will assume you are a Millionaire or below.......MAYBE, you and I are the ones who DOES NOT GET IT--right? :rolleyes:


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bbailey423;2505390 said:
oh I get it....I see the Colts in the playoffs again...I see the Steelers in the playoffs again....I see all the trophies that Pats have hoisted....we are Dallas...everyone knows who we is time to stop thinking we need to INFORM everyone about who we are....and START WINNING. We are nothing but show ponies and paper champs until we win something other than "the most popular team". And all I am saying is that the lights are bright enough...the single elimination mode we are in has raised the bar as high as it can get....and I am left dumfounded to hear our owner say he LOVES this stuff. As if the "lose or go home" atmosphere of every game we play from here on out is NOT exciting enough! It is almost disrepectful to the opponent and the NFL. Almost as if we are saying "the challenge of beating our opponent on the field is not enough, we need to tussle with the media all week about everything other than the team we are playing"

Get thee to a nunnery, thou doth protest too much, methinks....

All you are doing is vociferously yapping on what Jones purportedly stated and gleefully massaging it ad nauseum in order to fulfill your anti-Jones agenda. Get off the Hater-Ade will you!

Seriously it is downright neurotic to dig did a cavernous pit of despair on Jones' comments which I believe are glib if not tongue in cheek. Actually I don't even care if he really meant them. They will have little or zero impact on the players or coaches. Unlike we fans the Dallas Cowboys are focused on the next opponent.

While you are at it why don't you resurrect Jones' comments of over a decade ago about 500 other coaches leading our team to victories. Good grief!


The Duke
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bbailey423;2505390 said:
oh I get it....I see the Colts in the playoffs again...I see the Steelers in the playoffs again....I see all the trophies that Pats have hoisted....we are Dallas...everyone knows who we is time to stop thinking we need to INFORM everyone about who we are....and START WINNING. We are nothing but show ponies and paper champs until we win something other than "the most popular team". And all I am saying is that the lights are bright enough...the single elimination mode we are in has raised the bar as high as it can get....and I am left dumfounded to hear our owner say he LOVES this stuff. As if the "lose or go home" atmosphere of every game we play from here on out is NOT exciting enough! It is almost disrepectful to the opponent and the NFL. Almost as if we are saying "the challenge of beating our opponent on the field is not enough, we need to tussle with the media all week about everything other than the team we are playing"

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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5Countem5;2503724 said:
Who cares what they think?

Remember: Just because this stuff bothers YOU- it doesn't mean it bothers the players. They may be able to handle distractions better than you are, and as a matter of fact, I am sure of that.

From Breer's column yesterday:

And there's a benefit to that when you're in the kind of high-profile position in which the Dallas Cowboys are perpetually.

But there's also a place to draw the line.

So when Bradie James is asked if there's a benefit to the spotlight, he'll say yes. Ask him, on the other hand, about last week's full-out, Barnum-and-Bailey act, and you'll hear something else.

"Hell no," James responded, a week after surfacing as a mediator in the Tony Romo-Terrell Owens spat. "You don't gain one thing from that. I don't care if everyone says it makes you come together. ... We had to go through it, but I wouldn't wish that anyone.

"It was tough for us."

Listen to Witten's show on the Ticket this week and you can tell he doesn't like it, either.


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Hostile;2505497 said:
because we spend more time before a game talking about any and everything other than the opponent. And I can easily see that rubbing people the wrong way. As if the GAME itself is an afterhougt. As if winning is a given. We beat the DEFENDING SUPER BOWL CHAMPS. And the media/players are still talking about a "rat". This is the atmosphere that has been created. You act like I am making this stuff. I guess you did not hear the winningest QB in franchise history mention the negative affects it has on the team.


The Duke
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bbailey423;2505532 said:
because we spend more time before a game talking about any and everything other than the opponent. And I can easily see that rubbing people the wrong way. As if the GAME itself is an afterhougt. As if winning is a given. We beat the DEFENDING SUPER BOWL CHAMPS. And the media/players are still talking about a "rat". This is the atmosphere that has been created. You act like I am making this stuff. I guess you did not hear the winningest QB in franchise history mention the negative affects it has on the team.
So because the media has an anal fixation with blowing out of proportion anything dealing with the Cowboys, Jerry and the Cowboys are at fault. Gotcha. Every now and then I forget why I don't take you seriously. I need these occasional reminders.


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Chocolate Lab;2505505 said:
From Breer's column yesterday:

Listen to Witten's show on the Ticket this week and you can tell he doesn't like it, either.
who would LIKE it? It is human nature to dislike this. We can't just play football. We have to play the "hollywood" thing. Everything and everybody is larger than life. Which is why you can't even get the grunts to play special teams like there job security depended on it. Or why we are the most penalized team in the NFL because our focus is NOT sharp. We have become so full of it that we COMPLAIN about the quality of an opponent. THe fact that the LOCAL media would even ask a player if we wished the opponent was of higher quality should alarm everyone. The fact that the LOCAL media takes this team to task for not beating teams more soundly. This has and weighs on the players. The Steelers beat teams by the skin of their teeth every week...but are celebrated for it because it proves their mental edge. We almost seem embarassed and disinterested if we cannot blow teams out or score on 50 yard TD passes. WE HAVE NOT WON ANYTHING....we SHOULD be the desperate team at ALL times.


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One thing you see with Jerry critics is they are fast to blame him on anything that goes wrong but never give him credit for when things go good. There is no doubt I don't always agree with Jerry but at the end of the day I know Jerry will do everything in his power to put a quality team on the field and he wants to win more than any fan out there


The Duke
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Doomsday101;2505546 said:
One thing you see with Jerry critics is they are fast to blame him on anything that goes wrong but never give him credit for when things go good. There is no doubt I don't always agree with Jerry but at the end of the day I know Jerry will do everything in his power to put a quality team on the field and he wants to win more than any fan out there
Yep, which is why I don't take them seriously.


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Hostile;2505538 said:
So because the media has an anal fixation with blowing out of proportion anything dealing with the Cowboys, Jerry and the Cowboys are at fault. Gotcha. Every now and then I forget why I don't take you seriously. I need these occasional reminders.
first of all...I don't give a d*amn about what you think of me....and secondly AN ENVIRONMENT has been created by the OWNER that gives the media a forum to BLOW THINGS out of proportion...and he does nothing to help it with his pie hole running non-stop. There used to be a time where athletes did not say anything unless they could back it up. But somewhere along the way the Dallas Cowboys think that because they look good on paper that means the season should just be cancelled and the Cowboys should be declared the champs. MEMO...we have not won anything in a long time!


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Doomsday101;2505546 said:
One thing you see with Jerry critics is they are fast to blame him on anything that goes wrong but never give him credit for when things go good. There is no doubt I don't always agree with Jerry but at the end of the day I know Jerry will do everything in his power to put a quality team on the field and he wants to win more than any fan out there
I am not doubting that. But he has done it his way with ZERO results long enough! How about trying ANOTHER way. He has procured the talent. He is like a person who is in constant need of validation. Let the talent, the team and the coaches play the thing out. Stop declaring Super Bowl or bust every time a mic is on. Their is enough pressure already. MOVE into the background. If they way you are doing something is NOT working. WHat is wrong with trying another way?


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If it's the price to pay for an owner who does everything else in his power to put the best possible product on the field, I have no problem with it whatsoever.

If this team doesn't end up making a playoff run, Jerry Jones will have had very little to do with it. He played a huge role in putting us in position in the first place. If one of Jerry's conditions of management means that players and coaches will have to succeed despite distractions, so be it. I just wish our fans spent half the time appreciating the good as they do looking under their beds for the bad.


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bbailey423;2505562 said:
I am not doubting that. But he has done it his way with ZERO results long enough! How about trying ANOTHER way. He has procured the talent. He is like a person who is in constant need of validation. Let the talent, the team and the coaches play the thing out. Stop declaring Super Bowl or bust every time a mic is on. Their is enough pressure already. MOVE into the background. If they way you are doing something is NOT working. WHat is wrong with trying another way?

I think Jerry "gets it" just fine...

It's you that are having a problem. Why do you think an NFL player would be as chicken-little as you are? Give them a little credit- they probably have a LIFE and do not over analyze every thing that the media says...


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Idgit;2505563 said:
If it's the price to pay for an owner who does everything else in his power to put the best possible product on the field, I have no problem with it whatsoever.

If this team doesn't end up making a playoff run, Jerry Jones will have had very little to do with it. He played a huge role in putting us in position in the first place. If one of Jerry's conditions of management means that players and coaches will have to succeed despite distractions, so be it. I just wish our fans spent half the time appreciating the good as they do looking under their beds for the bad.
why is "succeding despite distractions" a condition that MUST be factored in? It's almost like WE CRAVE IT. We are talking about a group that has never they don't know HOW to win. Why not just try to win with a little humility and hard work? Why not do your job and KEEP your mouth shut. Their is a rat in the lockeroom because everyone wants their 5 mins of fame. It is not even about football with this team.


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bbailey423;2505562 said:
I am not doubting that. But he has done it his way with ZERO results long enough! How about trying ANOTHER way. He has procured the talent. He is like a person who is in constant need of validation. Let the talent, the team and the coaches play the thing out. Stop declaring Super Bowl or bust every time a mic is on. Their is enough pressure already. MOVE into the background. If they way you are doing something is NOT working. WHat is wrong with trying another way?

He has changed how things are done and it is starting to pay off, this team is far removed for the days of 5-11 because fans want it right now or else they will go into a fit is your problem. I see improvement in this franchise and I think this franchise is moving in the right direction and if they hold course they will achive the goals that Jerry and fans want. Because you have your panties in a wad because Jerry does not do things exactly the way you want makes no different to me. I'm a fan of the Cowboys not you


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Maybe you would prefer the Bills owner?


Some other owner who doesnt open the pocket book?

For all his "faults" the man tries to field a winner with all his resources.We should be thankful he is on our side.


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bbailey423;2505567 said:
why is "succeding despite distractions" a condition that MUST be factored in? It's almost like WE CRAVE IT. We are talking about a group that has never they don't know HOW to win. Why not just try to win with a little humility and hard work? Why not do your job and KEEP your mouth shut. Their is a rat in the lockeroom because everyone wants their 5 mins of fame. It is not even about football with this team.

Why would a "rat", wanting 5 minutes of fame, give a story anonymously?