This is why we believe in conspiracies

Now we've got to ask ourselves, are the players in on it.
That won't stop it because the A.I. and robots can be programmed with bias. We are already seeing that with A.I. chat bots.
You can program the bias out of refereeing. Calling balls and strikes is pretty basic stuff. The same with calling fair or foul balls. It's in football where the calls get more subjective. For instance, pass interference is pretty well defined in the rule book but programming a robot to determine when that threshold has been crossed will be hard to do.
You can program the bias out of refereeing. Calling balls and strikes is pretty basic stuff. The same with calling fair or foul balls. It's in football where the calls get more subjective. For instance, pass interference is pretty well defined in the rule book but programming a robot to determine when that threshold has been crossed will be hard to do.
Then you need to watch more baseball to even have an opinion.

There is much consernation at present over the terrible Balls/Strikes calls in baseball.
What killed us today was penalties . 3 rd qtr especially.

Holding call in our 1st possession killed a drive and then on Phil next possession several defensive penalties .

2 scores down headed to 4th qtr was going to be real tough despite having some opportunities following.

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