This is why we believe in conspiracies

Lol. Here's another mean girl fanboi that won't discuss the topic but only me. Knew you couldn't stay away long. No control like I stated multiple times. Am I right? Again?
More name calling from the forum referee. Well done champ, you're awesome!
Didn't you respond to me just now?

Why are you following me around? No self control?

The others are spot on, you're unlikable. At best.
The money that the NFL has thrown away promoting causes that have NOTHING to do with football could have easily funded referees full salaries for the next decade.

Exactly, and besides, it's the NFL. They make hand over fist. They can more than enough pay full salaries for the refs AND take care of the former players who have long lasting issues.
So I knew the Giants had an all time blown game this past weekend so I wanted to rewatch the final 5 minutes. With 17 seconds and no timeouts, the Jets complete a pass down the middle of the field. Clock is running, Jets all run down to try and spike it, receiver HANDS THE BALL TO THE CENTER, who quickly gets down to snap the ball. Now the jets are lined up, center down in his squat, never takes his hand off the ball, the ref runs up and literally touches the ball and runs out of there, almost all in one motion, like he was playing tag with the ball. He never took the ball out of the center's grasp, never actually spotted the ball... he lets the JETS spot the ball...... and I immediately think... ***? Ive seen this before, and teh ref damn sure didnt run past the ball and touch it all in one motion to ensure the offense could snap the ball. So I went back and watched that last play two years ago and yep..... that ref damn sure didnt let the Cowboys spot the ball.

What a freaking joke. And when we see this stuff..... this is why Cowboys fans get so upset when officiating impacts a game.

Im not saying the result would have been any different. It would have taken an amazing play to pull it out... but things should be the same from the stripes each week.
The Refs are involved in too many games. All the replay nonsense hasn’t helped either. Unfettered gambling being jammed down our throats makes the thing stink to high heaven. Lastly how can you trust anything touched by that dirtbag Gooddell.
Why can't we just discuss the topic at hand? I surely want to. I wonder why others don't? Lol.
It’s a very charged topic here……Too many years of critical calls not going are way. Some deserved and some not
I've seen that happen many times. I saw one where the ref didn't even touch the ball. Nothing surprises me anymore. WWE.
It’s probably not a conspiracy, it’s just referees doing their individual thing. I’m guessing is that somewhere taught to hold it and some were taught to just tap it.
I said you were unlikeable. No one can deny that that knows you. After your feelings were hurt by the truth you tried to make up your story that I “follow you around in threads” Which was a pointless lie that could and was easily proven a lie.

Maybe you mistook me for someone else. So just try to be a man and admit you were wrong again. Like the Dez catch debate.

Thanks for saying I’m a better person though. That did take being a man. So try it once more and you’ll be better for it.
Spin, spin, spin it, fanboi. There's no mistaking someone who holds on to years of b-hurt over a debate they lost. Most especially when they go into your PMs to call you names over it. Why aren't you referencing that repeated accusation? I've mentioned it like 5 times now and you ignore it. Is it because it's true? Embarrassing.

So, your past unhinged behavior notwithstanding, now all you do is take pot shots with the other Sideline Sallys who won't step into the debate ring because they have a good memory of what happens when they do (that's why they're fanbois in the first place). You literally did it here and now pretend you haven't been doing the exact same thing for years.

Like I said, none of the other people from those debates has hard feelings over it except you. What's wrong with YOU that you're the only one that can't move on? Sad.
More name calling from the forum referee. Well done champ, you're awesome!
Didn't you respond to me just now?

Why are you following me around? No self control?

The others are spot on, you're unlikable. At best.
Fanbois gonna fanboi. Badge of honor to be not liked for bringing proof that a whine is just that. Post less crap, get fact checked less. Keep conferring with the Sideline Sallys though. Maybe you'll have the courage to step into the debate ring again in due time. See you next time! Again.
I knew the ending of that game would fire up this place, and you did not disappoint. It's always someone else's fault when the Cowboys crap out...again. :rolleyes:
wrong. That is not what I was saying at all.So roll your eyes all you want. I never blamed officials for that loss. But dont think for a second that there is a reason officiating is a hot topic in our games.... because crazy stuff happens all the time when it comes to the Cowboys.
Seriously???? Look you little whiny piss ant, nobody really cares and I mean NOBODY about your ridiculous post, I was just pointing out that the rules of this game have changed over the years and that spotting of a ball by an official may have been one of those rule changes and you got all butt hurt over my response to your post?????? Get a fricking life you whiny idiot!
Thanks Captain..................appreciate the backup.
Fanbois gonna fanboi. Badge of honor to be not liked for bringing proof that a whine is just that. Post less crap, get fact checked less. Keep conferring with the Sideline Sallys though. Maybe you'll have the courage to step into the debate ring again in due time. See you next time! Again.
If there's one thing we can all count on is you blasting the forum with your cheeseball, passive aggressive insults. The redundancy is also lame **.

What normal functioning adult gets a woodrow when people think he's a tool? :laugh: Pathetic.

The only ring you're ever entering is in your smooth brain.
If there's one thing we can all count on is you blasting the forum with your cheeseball, passive aggressive insults. The redundancy is also lame **.

What normal functioning adult gets a woodrow when people think he's a tool? :laugh: Pathetic.

The only ring you're ever entering is in your smooth brain.
There's the emotional mess I know and love. See you next time in another thread. You lack the control to prevent me from being right so with you I'm like Nostradamus. Lol.

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