This notion that the players are "greedy" is nonsense


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I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it.
Great post

But most of the guys here calling them Greedy have no idea what they are asking for and what is being offered ....... they just want the players to play for whatever Jerry wants to pay them.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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If Dak was a 4 time super bowl champion like Mahomes I would pay him what he reportedly is demanding - a market setting, highest in NFL history contract. But the guy can't beat really good teams and disappears in the playoffs every damn year.

For him to demand a contract like that makes him what? GREEDY. It doesn't matter if you agree or not, that's just how it is.


Well-Known Member
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I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it.
Finally. Great post.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If Dak was a 4 time super bowl champion like Mahomes I would pay him what he reportedly is demanding - a market setting, highest in NFL history contract. But the guy can't beat really good teams and disappears in the playoffs every damn year.

For him to demand a contract like that makes him what? GREEDY. It doesn't matter if you agree or not, that's just how it is.
You have no clue what he’s “demanding”. No clue.


Well-Known Member
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I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it. understanding is that Dak was already offered a lucrative contract. It's not top heap of NFL, nonetheless a nice substantial sum.

Disregarding it, only shows him or agent want Helio money. For someone who hasn't commanded much in post season.

Only forces one to see light of day.


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They are greedy. So are the owners. Both can be true at the same time. For almost 40 years I worked a full time job and ran my own business on the side, resulting in some 80-85 hr workweeks. I never made more than $180,000 in any year. To see anyone...... millionaire or billionaire whining and posturing about money makes me laugh. Yes, their talents are much more lucrative than the average guy. But to see someone turn down $50 million a year because they want $55-60 million a year, I'm sorry. I call that greedy.


Well-Known Member
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If Dak was a 4 time super bowl champion like Mahomes I would pay him what he reportedly is demanding - a market setting, highest in NFL history contract. But the guy can't beat really good teams and disappears in the playoffs every damn year.

For him to demand a contract like that makes him what? GREEDY. It doesn't matter if you agree or not, that's just how it is.
He values his services more than you do, thats not greedy its a market...looks like we will find out what his market is this offseason..when it comes to someones pay greedy would be a very hard thing to prove, how do you set a "This is enough" price on family finances for genrations? If your neighbor could get 10k more from the competition and leaves his current company for it is that greedy, is he literally going to watse the extar money so no one can have it?


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I think it has more to do with players withholding their services while still under a contracted year.
well, they have no recourse otherwise. because the contracts in NFL aren't gauarnteed and injuries happen all the time.
its also part of the NFLPA/Owner agreement since the players can miss 6 games to hold out and still have a full year of their contract counted if they play after that.


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The notion is half correct.

The half missing is, so are owners.

big dog cowboy

Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.


Well-Known Member
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They are greedy. So are the owners. Both can be true at the same time. For almost 40 years I worked a full time job and ran my own business on the side, resulting in some 80-85 hr workweeks. I never made more than $180,000 in any year. To see anyone...... millionaire or billionaire whining and posturing about money makes me laugh. Yes, their talents are much more lucrative than the average guy. But to see someone turn down $50 million a year because they want $55-60 million a year, I'm sorry. I call that greedy.
Apples to Oranges. that's the beautiful thing about capitalism. Supply and demand. If there was a demand for your 80-85hr work weeks and the market for your services was $50million a year, you'd have every right to expect to be paid that because you'd know based on the market you could go elsewhere and get that. It's just business.