This notion that the players are "greedy" is nonsense


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It's business, eh? Each side is negotiating in its perceived best interest. This board likes to lambast the Jones' for cap mismanagement and then in the same breath criticize them for being "greedy billionaires" who shouldn't be so tight. CeeDee and Dak don't have to consider the cap or the team's immediate future or their teammates getting cut to save cap space,,, they could if they wanted to,,, but apparently they don't. So call it greed or selfishness or maybe it's just a dance both sides go thru before the deal is made.
They don't own or manage the team. they own themselves. that should be their primary concern. Works great for other teams in the league.


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Cowboy fans think our players are greedy even though other players around the league are resetting the market. If our players don’t want to take a team friendly deal, they’re greedy. This is a strange fan base.
its a beaten fan base, in another thread i showed where this FO is in fact WORSE than the Jets since 1996..Thats bad and the fanbase is jaded at this point.


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Fans are just angry cause Cap limits the amount of stars teams can retain.

That’s on the owners not the players. It wasn’t their idea to have a salary cap


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I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it.
The players are risking their lives and if they survive, they live with CTE.


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Who doesn’t want more than they need or bare necessity?

Maybe 3rd world countries but not America
of course. it would be hypocritical to say otherwise, but it doesn't really change the fact. there's also orders of magnitude.


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I’ll always support the players over the owners. If all the owners disappeared nobody would give a damn. We know what the league would look like without these players quite literally by looking at leagues like the XFL. Its night

I’ll always support the players over the owners. If all the owners disappeared nobody would give a damn. We know what the league would look like without these players quite literally by looking at leagues like the XFL. Its night and day
Still excuse for every player to have to be the "highest paid at their position ". No business is run that way. No business at all.


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Great post

But most of the guys here calling them Greedy have no idea what they are asking for and what is being offered ....... they just want the players to play for whatever Jerry wants to pay them What they feel the player is worth.

Other than that, 100%


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I keep hearing about how Dak is greedy and Lamb is greedy and how the players need to do what's right, yadda yadda yadda. A NFL players career is extremely short and they hire agents to ensure they maximize their earning potential while they're still in their prime and able to perform at elite levels. Most of these guys don't come from much at all, and know they'll need to stack up everything they can to set themselves up and their families up for life after their career ends.

Owners are BILLIONAIRES. They're mainly older men with extremely deep pockets and no worries about what their future holds in terms of finances. If they don't have the ability to work the salary cap in their favor to keep the talent they have on the team and remain competitive, than the player is the last one to be blamed. NFL players have the worst players association, they don't have guaranteed contracts, they're at risk of CTE, and they're putting their bodies on the line every week to entertain the fans.

Jerry had all the time in the world to extend these guys and his priorities were completely out of whack . So while we want our Cowboys to remain competitive and we want our guys to sign, the only direction fingers should be pointing is at Jerry and his big face son. All this talk about "go out there and earn it, show up in the playoffs and you'll get your money..." that's not how it works. They work through training camp, meetings, practices, the regular season and hopefully the playoffs. They've earned their money and they WILL be paid their money. Supply and demand, just like any other industry. Now if you decide you no longer want to make a run at the super bowl and you're content scrapping the whole thing and starting over, you have that option. I think it's a loser's mentality but it's certainly an option. Either way though, it's not the players fault you can't get your financial affairs in order. The player has created their own value and deserves to be paid for it.
The "Players careers are extremely short" argument is mostly based on the huge number of players that barely make it and only last 1-3 years in the league.
Good players generally have decent lengths to their careers, the main exception possibly being RB.

But, it's pretty hard to suggest at 3-4 years making 30+ million is some kind of hinderance to these guys. That will out earn 99.9% of the population who works for 40-50 years and probably by 100 times or more for at least 50%.


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Fans are just angry cause Cap limits the amount of stars teams can retain.

That’s on the owners not the players. It wasn’t their idea to have a salary cap
Do you think there would be any competitive balance if there was no cap. The large market teams(New York, Boston, LA, Miami, Dallas) would always win because they would buy up all the best players.


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The NFL can always return to the pre salary cap era. This would solve all of these issues


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Whatever Dak is paid has absolutely nothing to do with Jerry Jones's profit margin. Jerry does not lose money by paying more for Dak. He has to either use the entire salary cap or move any remaining balance to another year,

In any case, the value of the franchise is somewhere near 10 billion dollars. If Dak was to sign a 240 million 4 year contract, then it's total would be worth 3% of the present value of the franchise, which is increasing almost exponentially.

The real problem its the salary cap which is like a large pie. There is only so much pie and the larger the slice to one player, the smaller the slice for others.

Players are not greedy but best believe their agents are. Yes, the agents are going to maximize because they can't see the big picture. They can't see that their demands limit their client's opportunity to obtain the other important aspect of their career besides wealth and that is winning.

The more Dak is paid, the less the Cowboys can afford to place talented pieces around him. That means he will have less tools to work with in order to win.

They also fail to realize that championships are money in the bank for that players future. On average, we know, instinctively, that champions earn more money post-career. They get more offers in the entertainment industry and in advertising. They get better opportunities.

What company wouldn't want to inspire their staff with the addition of a qualified former NFL Super Bowl champion, even if he was only on special teams for a few seasons?

Another aspect is the reaction of their teammates. They all say the things they are supposed to, they are happy for him, etc, However, some other player or players will now get offered less on their next contract or possibly cut to make cap room for the increase in his teammates new contract. How can there not be even the smallest sense of resentment and how does that affect their relationship on the field?

So, these players are not greedy, they are simply shortsighted. I really wouldn't want a player on my team that is willing to reduce his team's chance at success to make the maximum he can get. Then again, i remember when players used to share apartments and had part-time summer jobs.

Players are being paid too much, owners are making far, far too much, and fans shouldn't be paying anywhere near this much for a sports team that their taxes help support.


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Do you think there would be any competitive balance if there was no cap. The large market teams(New York, Boston, LA, Miami, Dallas) would always win because they would buy up all the best players.
Yes, there was before because in the NFL we have Equal TV revenue and Ticket sales sharing.

It’s how teams in the smallest markets like Green Bay and Pittsburgh were some of the most successful teams .


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Whatever Dak is paid has absolutely nothing to do with Jerry Jones's profit margin. Jerry does not lose money by paying more for Dak. He has to either use the entire salary cap or move any remaining balance to another year,

In any case, the value of the franchise is somewhere near 10 billion dollars. If Dak was to sign a 240 million 4 year contract, then it's total would be worth 3% of the present value of the franchise, which is increasing almost exponentially.

The real problem its the salary cap which is like a large pie. There is only so much pie and the larger the slice to one player, the smaller the slice for others.

Players are not greedy but best believe their agents are. Yes, the agents are going to maximize because they can't see the big picture. They can't see that their demands limit their client's opportunity to obtain the other important aspect of their career besides wealth and that is winning.

The more Dak is paid, the less the Cowboys can afford to place talented pieces around him. That means he will have less tools to work with in order to win.

They also fail to realize that championships are money in the bank for that players future. On average, we know, instinctively, that champions earn more money post-career. They get more offers in the entertainment industry and in advertising. They get better opportunities.

What company wouldn't want to inspire their staff with the addition of a qualified former NFL Super Bowl champion, even if he was only on special teams for a few seasons?

Another aspect is the reaction of their teammates. They all say the things they are supposed to, they are happy for him, etc, However, some other player or players will now get offered less on their next contract or possibly cut to make cap room for the increase in his teammates new contract. How can there not be even the smallest sense of resentment and how does that affect their relationship on the field?

So, these players are not greedy, they are simply shortsighted. I really wouldn't want a player on my team that is willing to reduce his team's chance at success to make the maximum he can get. Then again, i remember when players used to share apartments and had part-time summer jobs.

Players are being paid too much, owners are making far, far too much, and fans shouldn't be paying anywhere near this much for a sports team that their taxes help support.
and this would be spot on except when has Jerry used the extra money to add pieces during this run...I'm not saying he is pocketing it...but can anyone show me where it went to better pieces on the team?


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Whatever Dak is paid has absolutely nothing to do with Jerry Jones's profit margin. Jerry does not lose money by paying more for Dak. He has to either use the entire salary cap or move any remaining balance to another year,

In any case, the value of the franchise is somewhere near 10 billion dollars. If Dak was to sign a 240 million 4 year contract, then it's total would be worth 3% of the present value of the franchise, which is increasing almost exponentially.

The real problem its the salary cap which is like a large pie. There is only so much pie and the larger the slice to one player, the smaller the slice for others.

Players are not greedy but best believe their agents are. Yes, the agents are going to maximize because they can't see the big picture. They can't see that their demands limit their client's opportunity to obtain the other important aspect of their career besides wealth and that is winning.

The more Dak is paid, the less the Cowboys can afford to place talented pieces around him. That means he will have less tools to work with in order to win.

They also fail to realize that championships are money in the bank for that players future. On average, we know, instinctively, that champions earn more money post-career. They get more offers in the entertainment industry and in advertising. They get better opportunities.

What company wouldn't want to inspire their staff with the addition of a qualified former NFL Super Bowl champion, even if he was only on special teams for a few seasons?

Another aspect is the reaction of their teammates. They all say the things they are supposed to, they are happy for him, etc, However, some other player or players will now get offered less on their next contract or possibly cut to make cap room for the increase in his teammates new contract. How can there not be even the smallest sense of resentment and how does that affect their relationship on the field?

So, these players are not greedy, they are simply shortsighted. I really wouldn't want a player on my team that is willing to reduce his team's chance at success to make the maximum he can get. Then again, i remember when players used to share apartments and had part-time summer jobs.

Players are being paid too much, owners are making far, far too much, and fans shouldn't be paying anywhere near this much for a sports team that their taxes help support.
We could always go back to 50 or 60 years ago. Don’t televise all of our games. Only 2 games broadcast on Sunday.

That’s where the bulk of revenue is coming from - TV and Streaming deals .

Do we really need billionaires in the NFL? In 1959 it only cost Clint Murchison Jr $50,000 to buy rights to start Cowboys franchise.