Leadership comes in all forms. In a professional team sport, leadership is not just a trait of the best players on a team or the head coach, etc. Leadership traits are observed, followed, adopted, resented, rejected, etc., from those with any authority. NFL front offices share in leading their franchise, whether onlookers do or do not think they do.
Dallas' front office has been atypical from a leadership perspective for nearly 30 years. It is not a passive form of leadership and never defects attention from itself. It is an extra ingredient constantly thrown into the team's stew that does not need it. Too many cooks in a kitchen is always too many cooks.
I really wish the greed tactic could be tested. I really do. Then the theory of Jones bending to the all-mighty dollar that he no longer needs could be finally proven true or false. Until that ever happens, I will defer to believing what definitively makes Jones tick is inside that Skeletor skull of his. Bashing and ridiculing his narcissism could be more successful in making him bend than simply hoping upon a star boycott of a man who is far richer outside of football than many people comprehend.