This so called "Timeout" Fad

Rack;1695610 said:
Then you haven't watched much basketball. I've seen it plenty of times.

I've watched plenty of basketball and I've never seen that happen. Do you have a youtube link or a URL of an article suggesting as much since you've seen it "plenty of times" Sorry but I'm calling bs on that one. I've seen waived free throws due to lane violations but I've never seen a free throw waived because the opposing coach called a last second timeout during the players' release unknownst to the entire crowd
In regards to the idea of timeouts being applied in basketball in a similar manner,

If an official, upon receiving a timeout request (regular or 20-second) from the defensive team, inadvertently signals for a timeout during: (1) a successful field goal or free throw attempt, the point(s) shall be scored; (2) an unsuccessful field goal attempt, play shall be resumed with a jump ball at the center circle between any two opponents; (3) an unsuccessful free throw attempt, the official shall rule disconcerting and award a substitute free throw.

This is not done in basketball
mr.jameswoods;1695661 said:
In regards to the idea of timeouts being applied in basketball in a similar manner,

If an official, upon receiving a timeout request (regular or 20-second) from the defensive team, inadvertently signals for a timeout during: (1) a successful field goal or free throw attempt, the point(s) shall be scored; (2) an unsuccessful field goal attempt, play shall be resumed with a jump ball at the center circle between any two opponents; (3) an unsuccessful free throw attempt, the official shall rule disconcerting and award a substitute free throw.

This is not done in basketball
during is the key word
nicodywill;1695671 said:
during is the key word

"During" is subjective, I've never seen an official allow a timeout when the player was in the process of releasing his shot to the point that shot was released, and completed while the shooter, his team and the observing fans were unaware that a timeout was called and the bucket was waived. I have seen officials blow the whistle and remove the ball from the players hands notifying him that a last minute timeout was called.
sorry bud but I'm with Rack on this one it does happen and I think you've interpreted the rule differently than intended.
nicodywill;1695679 said:
sorry bud but I'm with Rack on this one it does happen and I think you've interpreted the rule differently than intended.

You can say it happens but providing evidence is far different which none of you have offerred thus far.
mr.jameswoods;1695682 said:
You can say it happens but providing evidence is far different which none of you have offerred thus far.
I would but I'm at work and I can't really be searching around the interweb too much I'm already on here too much as it is, but since you brought evidence and I didn't you win. :bow:
nicodywill;1695690 said:
I would but I'm at work and I can't really be searching around the interweb too much I'm already on here too much as it is, but since you brought evidence and I didn't you win. :bow:

Take your time and post evidence tomorrow. You aren't going anywhere. Heck, I'll make it easy on you and just tell me a playoff incident or any other famous game incident in which a game was affected in a similar manner. After all, it's so common right
I still don't see why some of you are getting your panties in a bunch.

So the kicker gets one practice shot at it while a timeout is being called. Big deal. If the kicker has any intestinal fortitude it'll do him more GOOD then bad.

The only time ALL YEAR it's actually effected a kicker was when Denver did it to the Raiders. Is anyone surprised that Janikowski choked the second time? That dude has no business playing in the NFL anyway. HE's a drunk and a loser.

Against the Browns the kicker didn't miss, it was blocked. Blame the inept blockers for not being able to handle the easiest job in football.
A better example of this type of activity would be a basketball team intentionally fouling shooters at the end of the game in order to send them to the freethrow line. This is the exact same principle and it is done for the same reasons.
nicodywill;1695724 said:
A better example of this type of activity would be a basketball team intentionally fouling shooters at the end of the game in order to send them to the freethrow line. This is the exact same principle and it is done for the same reasons.


So from now on when teams foul Shaq it's "Bush League"?

Hostile;1695312 said:
So if we do it to Vinatieri next week and it works will you change your mind?

I won't even if it costs us a game. It's part of the chess match.

It won't change my mind one bit and its not part of the chess match.

Theres nothing the kicking team can do except for just bend over. Theres no strategy in it because its such a one-sided move.
Thehoofbite;1695731 said:
It won't change my mind one bit and its not part of the chess match.

Theres nothing the kicking team can do except for just bend over. Theres no strategy in it because its such a one-sided move.

They get a freaking practice shot:banghead:
nicodywill;1695738 said:
They get a freaking practice shot:banghead:

No kidding. And it's happening so often now kickers should EXPECT it to happen and just take the opportunity to treat it like a practice kick.

Any good coach would tell their kicker to expect a time out anyway, but to just go out there and kick it anyway. If anything it takes pressure OFF the kicker.

This method has only worked ONE TIME this season and it was against Janikowski (a freakin' headcase). The other time resulted in a block, NOT a missed kick.
nicodywill;1695724 said:
A better example of this type of activity would be a basketball team intentionally fouling shooters at the end of the game in order to send them to the freethrow line. This is the exact same principle and it is done for the same reasons.

No it's not. Intentionally fouling shooters at the end of the game stops the clock and gives you the opportunity to not give up a single point and get the ball back. Worst case you give up 2 points with barely any time off the clock.

Maybe I'm not real bright, but calling a timeout and then the play going through like it was a REAL play only to the ref surprise you at the end isn't even close.

I'd say a better connection would be if you could committ intentional penalties to stop the clock. Yeah, you might make it 2nd and 5 instead of 2nd and 10, but the clock would be stopped and you wouldn't have used a timeout. Good thing is you can't do that. ;)
Ozzu;1695740 said:
No it's not. Intentionally fouling shooters at the end of the game stops the clock and gives you the opportunity to not give up a single point and get the ball back. Worst case you give up 2 points with barely any time off the clock.

Maybe I'm not real bright, but calling a timeout and then the play going through like it was a REAL play only to the ref surprise you at the end isn't even close.

I'd say a better connection would be if you could committ intentional penalties to stop the clock. Yeah, you might make it 2nd and 5 instead of 2nd and 10, but the clock would be stopped and you wouldn't have used a timeout. Good thing is you can't do that. ;)

that is what him missing the field goal would have done correct? it's the same principle some would say fouling intentionally at the end of the game is "bush league" some not, it's completely preference as is this discussion I think it's fine and hope Wade wont do it, don't give the guy a practice attempt at it let him guess how the wind, or weather, or other factors of the game will affect it.
I have no problems with coaches calling timeouts prior to the snap on a field goal attempt. Good for them on timing it just right. It is not as if they know exactly when it is going to be snapped. I think the refs need to do a better job of signaling that a time out has been called.

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