This statement from Spagnola is offensive...


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Mickey's problem is necessarily what he says but how he says it. He's so condescending it's ridiculous.


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Bach;2336319 said:
Mickey's problem is necessarily what he says but how he says it. He's so condescending it's ridiculous.

Honestly, I have no idea what he's trying to say. That we wish we won the games we lost? Duh. Methinks he's being a smart*** at the fans' expense.


Federal Agent
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bbgun;2336349 said:
Honestly, I have no idea what he's trying to say. That we wish we won the games we lost? Duh. Methinks he's being a smart*** at the fans' expense.


Us wishing we won the games we lost goes w/o saying.

It still wouldn't mean the team has played well this year. They've played like crap (by their own standards, and especially by fans' standards) whether they're 4-2 or if they were 6-0.

Mickey is a freakin' ******.


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Rack;2336363 said:

Us wishing we won the games we lost goes w/o saying.

It still wouldn't mean the team has played well this year. They've played like crap (by their own standards, and especially by fans' standards) whether they're 4-2 or if they were 6-0.

Mickey is a freakin' ******.

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


That Guy
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jamesdojr;2335925 said:
Because he says it like we were blindly complaining about nothing. It's almost like he's saying we should have shut up and not been so critical. But what we were complaining about had real meat to it. What we were afraid of is exactly what's happening now. Team meltdown. Even the players are saying, yes, there have been problems. Prior to that it was nothing but denial.

Mickey needs to acknowledge the fans were right for not being happy with the wins. There was a lot wrong with this team. The team was denying it and the two ringleaders of denial have been Phillips and Romo.
Team meltdown?? Good god some of you people are such drama queens. 4-2 is a team meltdown??

Look, I'm not suggesting that there aren't flaws in this team. Only an idiot would say that, and I don't know of anyone who has.

But there's a difference between complaining as you put it, and beating your brains in like Mickey is talking about.

There's no doubt that the melodramatic ones were not pleased even with the victories. They turn their nose up to them. "Yeah we won, but I can sense a team meltdown..." Ridiculous. Do yourself a favor and go look up how many teams have better records than we do. I'll save you the time, there's 4.

Now you really do have something to worry about... Our QB is out for 4 weeks. We all knew that we would be in trouble if Johnson was forced into action for the whole season. We thought we might be okay with him for a short stretch. Well, here it is. I would be happy at this point with a 5-4 or 6-4 record when Romo gets back. That means I'll take a couple more ugly wins the next couple weeks and you know that you will too.

And as for those wins where we squeaked by. Those are probably going to turn out to be pretty important wins at the end of the year now, cause it looks like we're gonna be fighting our butts off for a playoff spot. This is the National Freakin Football League. A win is a win, and each one counts the same. I don't care if we looked pretty in all of our wins. At the end of the year when we're 9-6 you won't remember how you thought we should have lost to the Bengals. You'll be stoked that we're 9-6 as opposed to 8-7.

So yeah, I think Mickey nailed it. And the word "offensive" has a different connotation to it... to where it's something that probably shouldn't have been said typically for political correctness reasons. Labeling this "complaint" of Mickey's as "offensive" is completely "melodramatic."



Well-Known Member
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Mickey is right - winning ugly is better than losing and is worth celebrating.


I'm Complicated
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Not to mention that the CZ posters aren't the only fans in his reader base. It's a little presumptive to think he's speaking directly to any of you in this thread or in this forum period.

It didn't say "Hey, CZ, I'm talking to you!"

Little self-important, are we?


Federal Agent
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nake;2336487 said:
Mickey is right - winning ugly is better than losing and is worth celebrating.

The winning wasn't the issue. Mickey tried to change the facts.

We have been complaining about their lackluster play, not their win/loss record.

Mickey's comments are completely irrelevant.


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Billy Bullocks;2335957 said:
Alot of the concerns were very warranted.

The defense gave up lots of big plays against Philly. They couldn't stop Washington's run game. We let Cinci hang around. We couldn't stop Arizona when we really had to (3rd and 17..)

Offensively we've been careless with the football. We haven't been able to ge the runing game going early. No one has stepped up as a legit #2 WR this year.

Win or lose, those things were still realities.

When were sitting at 3-0, it was easy to say, "we still pulled out the win".

Going 1-2 the last few weeks highlited some of the concerns that were had early in the season.

This is what irks me about Wade Phillips. As last year the mantra for concerning player performance despite winning, or losing was hey we are 13-3. This year up until yesterday it was hey we are 4-1. Fans may overreact but they know how a solid playoff team should perform on both sides of the ball.

We have been sputtering offensively and defensively most of this season which now is a third over.


Pixel Pusher
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Mickey is an idiot. He's as much an idiot as anyone that got on here and said "I told you so!". To use this as an opportunity to crow over fellow fans is beyond moronic.


Junior College Transfer
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He's a flack. Paid for.

I see 10 guys here in one hour who have more football knowledge than Spahgetti.
We just gotta learn to be discerning and not blindly take what Spahgetti says is gospel. Take him with a grain of salt and stuff.


Mick Green 58
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Rack;2336606 said:
The winning wasn't the issue. Mickey tried to change the facts.

We have been complaining about their lackluster play, not their win/loss record.

Mickey's comments are completely irrelevant.


Boyzmamacita;2335869 said:
We have a lot of panic on this board after both wins and losses, but after yesterday you can't help but wonder if all the *****ing and moaning was warranted. The sad thing is when we were healthy, we let two games get away from us. Now we're not healthy. I hope the Cowboys surprise us over this next month (in a good way).


I think Mickey was trying to make a point but he ended up making the point of the people he was attempting to ostracize.


Well-Known Member
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Most people on this board find it difficult or impossible to critically assess the Cowboys. Therefore, when people do, they are accused of being Debbie Downers and that the sky is falling blah blah blah.

You can see it coming with this team.

We saw the same thing at the end of last year, and we saw the same thing this year starting with the Commanders. Why people are so blind to see it I do not know.


Junior College Transfer
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New Member
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Since when is covering kickoffs considerd winning pretty? Since when does not napping on an onside kick winning pretty? Since when is not turning the ballover winning pretty? Since when is 8 penalties a game winning pretty? Some of U guys taste what u r shoveling and can't admit u bought the hype!


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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Sometimes I feel better about us after a loss, rather than a win. After this season so far, I am waiting on a new coach and next season.