This statement from Spagnola is offensive...


Rising Star
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Boyzmamacita;2335869 said:
We have a lot of panic on this board after both wins and losses, but after yesterday you can't help but wonder if all the *****ing and moaning was warranted. The sad thing is when we were healthy, we let two games get away from us. Now we're not healthy. I hope the Cowboys surprise us over this next month (in a good way).

I could live with letting games get away from you that happens. What I am fed up with is sloppy play and poor execution. We look lost out there on both offense and defense at times.


Well-Known Member
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You're still all about records. 4 wins, 2 losses, blah blah blah. Have you watched the games? Or do you just wait to see what happens in the Win Loss columns?

Point one last time is.... I think there are some very very perceptive Cowboy fans on this board. Many of them saw this coming a mile away. When I say meltdown, I am referring not only to the level of play but the things Crayton said yesterday, the things Greg Ellis was saying today, Lack of leadership, blaming, denying, shall I go on???

The prblems we were talking about 3 weeks ago were legitimate. And Mickey talks like they were not. He talks about them, like we were full of ourselves.

"Now you really do have something to worry about"
The perceptive ones on this board really were worried 3 weeks ago and should have been.


peplaw06;2336412 said:
Team meltdown?? Good god some of you people are such drama queens. 4-2 is a team meltdown??

Look, I'm not suggesting that there aren't flaws in this team. Only an idiot would say that, and I don't know of anyone who has.

But there's a difference between complaining as you put it, and beating your brains in like Mickey is talking about.

There's no doubt that the melodramatic ones were not pleased even with the victories. They turn their nose up to them. "Yeah we won, but I can sense a team meltdown..." Ridiculous. Do yourself a favor and go look up how many teams have better records than we do. I'll save you the time, there's 4.

Now you really do have something to worry about... Our QB is out for 4 weeks. We all knew that we would be in trouble if Johnson was forced into action for the whole season. We thought we might be okay with him for a short stretch. Well, here it is. I would be happy at this point with a 5-4 or 6-4 record when Romo gets back. That means I'll take a couple more ugly wins the next couple weeks and you know that you will too.

And as for those wins where we squeaked by. Those are probably going to turn out to be pretty important wins at the end of the year now, cause it looks like we're gonna be fighting our butts off for a playoff spot. This is the National Freakin Football League. A win is a win, and each one counts the same. I don't care if we looked pretty in all of our wins. At the end of the year when we're 9-6 you won't remember how you thought we should have lost to the Bengals. You'll be stoked that we're 9-6 as opposed to 8-7.

So yeah, I think Mickey nailed it. And the word "offensive" has a different connotation to it... to where it's something that probably shouldn't have been said typically for political correctness reasons. Labeling this "complaint" of Mickey's as "offensive" is completely "melodramatic."



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utrunner07;2335889 said:
lol...does anyone really think these sports reporters are any more than glorified paid fans? I don't value there opinion any higher or lower than posters on here.

Yep, very true...


Well-Known Member
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Well said but I'm not sure some understand this...

Oh_Canada;2336266 said:
For the last time, no is complaining that they WIN...they are complaining about how sloppy and unprepared the team looks.

It is precisely these two reasons the Cowboys lost to the Giants last January and it will be the reason they flop again in the playoffs unless they begin to turn things around. I would rather this team go into the playoffs 10-6 playing sharp in December, than 13-3 and winning in spite of themselves.


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NextGenBoys;2336715 said:
Most people on this board find it difficult or impossible to critically assess the Cowboys. Therefore, when people do, they are accused of being Debbie Downers and that the sky is falling blah blah blah.

You can see it coming with this team.

We saw the same thing at the end of last year, and we saw the same thing this year starting with the Commanders. Why people are so blind to see it I do not know.


Lightning Rod
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Except Oh, all that complaining has NO effect on the outcome

i swear some believe that if they rant and rave, predict gloom, call for heads, it actually makes a difference

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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jamesdojr;2335852 said:
"You wanted something to worry about, go beat your brains out. You wanted to turn your nose up on victories, bet you wish now more than ever at least one of those two narrow losses could have been butt-ugly wins." - Spagnola

...Mickey talks like we were blindly complaining about nothing for the last four weeks. What has really happened is that what we were complaining about had some real meat to it. Even the players are manning up in the locker room and saying, in not so many words, "yeah we pretty much have not been playing with heart." Up until yesterday, it was complete denial.

The truth is most of the fans saw what was coming. It wasn't that the Cowboys were winning or losing, it was how they were winning or losing. Mickey, believe it or not, fans know as much about football as you do. Many fans could do your job as well, if not better than you.

Most fans saw a melt down on the horizon if the Cowboys did not man up and play football with an exclamation point. Talent and Xs and Os only gets you so far. Passion, heart, and intensity take you to a whole other level. Not having passion and heart is a problem but when players are denying problems, letting the coach take the blame, and never acknowledging the obvious, you have a whole new level of failure.

Man up and say it Mickey... Man up like some of the players have and just say we were right. Write an article about that.
I think the Cowboys are more interested in PR damage control than becoming a legit contender this year, it's the Jerry Jones way and he pays "The Mick".

Bob Sacamano

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CanadianCowboysFan;2337177 said:
Except Oh, all that complaining has NO effect on the outcome

i swear some believe that if they rant and rave, predict gloom, call for heads, it actually makes a difference

I swear I'm going to take some friends to Lake Ontario, and we're gonna throw a bunch of crates of maple syrup in the water

but seriously, people are expressing frustration, and if you don't think it's legitimate some isn't, like Romo sucks etc. you are in some serious self-deception about this team

do you honestly believe that there shouldn't be complaints about this team, or are you just trying to keep a positive outlook by criticising people who are finding legitimate fault w/ this team? I didn't see anything extreme about the OP's point, like predicting gloom and calling for heads


Lightning Rod
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Bob Sacamano;2337188 said:
I swear I'm going to take some friends to Lake Ontario, and we're gonna throw a bunch of crates of maple syrup in the water

but seriously, people are expressing frustration, and if you don't think it's legitimate some isn't, like Romo sucks etc. you are in some serious self-deception about this team

do honestly believe that there shouldn't be complaints about this team, or are you just trying to keep a positive outlook by criticising people who are finding legitimate fault w/ this team?

your first sentence was pretty random and makes no sense

people can complain if it floats their boat but again no matter what they say, what I say, what anyone here writes or says, it will have no effect on the outcome.

Bob Sacamano

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CanadianCowboysFan;2337191 said:
your first sentence was pretty random and makes no sense

just think of the Boston Tea Party, except for we do it in Canada and destroy Canadian goods instead of British ones

CanadianCowboysFan said:
people can complain if it floats their boat but again no matter what they say, what I say, what anyone here writes or says, it will have no effect on the outcome.

what is the purpose of a Internet forum again? I don't think anyone believes that what they say on here is affecting anything

yes or no, do people have a right to be frustrated?


Lightning Rod
Reaction score
Bob Sacamano;2337196 said:
just think of the Boston Tea Party, except for we do it in Canada and destroy Canadian goods instead of British ones

what is the purpose of a Internet forum again? I don't think anyone believes that what they say on here is affecting anything

yes or no, do people have a right to be frustrated?

oh I got the Boston Tea Party reference, problem is the reference is ******** in this context as you are not trying to overthrow an imperialist government

Bob Sacamano

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CanadianCowboysFan;2337201 said:
oh I got the Boston Tea Party reference, problem is the reference is ******** in this context as you are not trying to overthrow an imperialist government

I'm just poking fun of you being Canady

can I get an answer to my question?

Da Hammer

The Natural
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jamesdojr;2335852 said:
"You wanted something to worry about, go beat your brains out. You wanted to turn your nose up on victories, bet you wish now more than ever at least one of those two narrow losses could have been butt-ugly wins." - Spagnola

...Mickey talks like we were blindly complaining about nothing for the last four weeks. What has really happened is that what we were complaining about had some real meat to it. Even the players are manning up in the locker room and saying, in not so many words, "yeah we pretty much have not been playing with heart." Up until yesterday, it was complete denial.

The truth is most of the fans saw what was coming. It wasn't that the Cowboys were winning or losing, it was how they were winning or losing. Mickey, believe it or not, fans know as much about football as you do. Many fans could do your job as well, if not better than you.

Most fans saw a melt down on the horizon if the Cowboys did not man up and play football with an exclamation point. Talent and Xs and Os only gets you so far. Passion, heart, and intensity take you to a whole other level. Not having passion and heart is a problem but when players are denying problems, letting the coach take the blame, and never acknowledging the obvious, you have a whole new level of failure.

Man up and say it Mickey... Man up like some of the players have and just say we were right. Write an article about that.
well put dude! although i dont think what mickey said was all that offensive but i do agree he is wrong. i mean obviously to accomplish your goals u gotta win but i mean you can win all you want against inferior competetion and have some good wins against good teams too but if ur not playing at a high consistent level then once the postseason starts more often than not ur gotta get beat right away. look obviously every team has their bumps in the road its gonna be a pretty win everytime you go out there to play a game not just football but any sport. sometimes ur gonna win ugly and thats ok but when your putting a consistent strech of bad football resulting in ugly losses and ugly wins well that just shows that there is some way bigger problem with the team than just having an offday. its way too easy to overlook those mistakes when you are winning but the great teams n coaches are able to see them before they become an issue and its dissappointing that that our team wasnt able to do that. If it takes losing to see the mistakes and correct them then u know wat as tough as those losses were, well i would take those losses any day of the week than having won them n then just letting the mistakes fly to a point when they can hurt us much later in the season when its an important game like in the playoffs or before that!


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Hostile;2335860 said:
I think Mickey nailed it.

I have to disagree with you on this Hostile.

Of course we wish the team was 6-0 right now, that kinda goes without saying.

However, questioning the team (even after a win) does not make somebody a debbie downer or any less of a fan. The Special Teams didnt just start sucking against Arizona, they have been horrible all season.

So using Mickey's logic, fans cannot complain or question how the Special Teams are playing as long as the team is winning? That doesnt make any sense.

Our Defense has had problems all year as well, especially in the turnover stats. Complaining that the team has 0 interceptions after a month of playing is not legit if the team is winning?

We all knew the problems with the team and just because we won games despite the problems, does not mean that the problems were still not there. So fans that pointed out these problems have every right to, despite the team standings.

My .02


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Hostile;2335860 said:
I think Mickey nailed it.

+1, go look at the scores our 90's superbowl teams had. blowouts were few and far between. a win is a freakin win. ask the patriots if they regret winning ugly superbowls.


New Member
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Nexx;2337251 said:
+1, go look at the scores our 90's superbowl teams had. blowouts were few and far between. a win is a freakin win. ask the patriots if they regret winning ugly superbowls.
Ugly wins? Please! U r comparing teams that won Multiple Super Bowls to a team that has went 1 and done 2 years in a row... At least pick a proper example. Check those Super Bowl teams games v. Winless teams and get back to all of us.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I think the team isn't playing to it's potential. There appears to be sugar in the gas tank. Does that mean there is something to worry about? The answer to that is Yes, if winning a Superbowl matters to you. Chances to win a superbowl don't come by every year. For some teams, it never comes. You have to get while the getting is good.

..does your worrying help? No, but where fans. Thats what where supposed to do. Telling me not to worry is like telling me not to breath. The only person wasting their breath is the person who thinks there spreading wisdom. I worry because I want too. I worry because I am a fan.