Thoughts about last night's Philly/KC Game!


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The Chiefs got away with a lot of holding as well last night plus they were the beneficiaries of several bogus calls in the 4th quarter. Officials got a lot wrong for both teams from what I watched.
My take is, I agree with you. But yeah, refs were Feces for both teams but it sure seems like the Eagles always get fewer calls no matter the opponent. Its a bit nefarious. Chiefs did some bad things, Eagles did some bad things, but in the end, the Chiefs made it easy for Philly late. Miscues, poor execution, drops. Chiefs had the game won late but the receiver dropped a dime td pass. He needs cut. He stinks. I felt bad for the Chiefs. Philly didn't take the win,it was gifted to them. Philly can be had and showed me many flaws. Bills, Niners and Seattle will give them heck and match them. I see 2 losses fro them. That doesnt include us playing them. We shall see what happens. The Dallas game has HUGE ramifications if things shake out the way I think. That means we must TCB starting Thursday and run the table. SOMEONE must shut up that smug Siriani. He thinks hes a great coach. He isnt. He is decent but he gets 2 cute. Eagles might finish 14- 3 or 13-4. Not sure we can do that. Its a tall task.


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That missed holding call on the eagles 1st td was bad. There was also a bad missed holding call on the chiefs first td. We see what we want to see.
I didn't see the Chiefs first TD, I got distracted.

But there were TWO players holding on the right side of the Eagles OL on the TD run. The WR and Lane Johnson were both holding. I get not calling holding if it is not material to the play, but when two guys on the left side of the line are held allowing the RB to run free to that side for a TD you have to call that.


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Officiating is getting worse which I really did not think was possible.


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The only lesson from the Eagles "winning" that game is that investing in WR has to be a priority for every team in the NFL that wants to take itself seriously.

Devonta makes a tough catch on an OK ball and MVS drops a gimme. Ballgame.
True, and although Philly doesn't have a great defense, they seem to manage to find the guys that can hang in there and make plays. Seems like they have enough key players in positions on both sides of the ball to contribute.

Reality is Dallas seems to be finally getting there as well with some guys stepping up on both sides of the ball and I think their record shows it.

The only difference between the two teams is if I were a betting man, down by 7 or more going into the fourth quarter, sad to say my money would be on Philly. The cowboys just have shown a propensity for stupidity if it's a close game going down to wire the last couple of years. That said, the one loss by the Eagles this year was on stupidty as well.