Ticket Prices Increased

Seen and heard more of you guys than ever before who are locals with season tickets admit that you are or will be moving on to spend that money differently.
People that have shelled out all that PSL money aren’t going to renew?

I would think you’re still on the hook for it unless you sell it yourself. So you are still paying for the rights to buy tickets that you don’t buy.

It may get interesting come 2039, if they were all 30 year terms. I really don’t know much about it. Maybe some others do.

They went down last year from the year before so yes.....No one is making anyone buy tickets so getting on here and complaining about it does nothing.. Jerry makes most of his money via TV contracts. It is an escape for me. I don't live my life for them like most on this site do. I have a family and a job and going to those games have been entertainment for me. None of you are better GM's than Will McClay and none of you have a clue about coaching so just keep some perspective
Thanks for info, the rest well OK. Just FYI you have no idea what knowledge or experience others have so your rant is your opinion. No different then what anyone else posts.
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
I stop buying season tickets 1996. Best cost savings I ever did.
I stop buying season tickets 1996. Best cost savings I ever did.
awesome. Guess what.... you can cancel your cell phone and have more amazing cost savings. Heck, never go out to dinner, even more cost savings. Car??? forget a car, take the buss.... AMAZING COST SAVINGS!

You show em.
They have the nerve to increase ticket prices after that **** against Green Bay?
Here is something to mull over while you're talking about ticket prices. I paid $25 per ticket to watch the Cowboys vs Eagles playoff game in '92.
Got to love what free agency has done to ticket prices.
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
Dam bro, you dropping over $7K on this team?

Not directed at you personally, but as long as fans are willing to pay this type of money for the current product on the field, nothing is going to ever change.
This should be Thread Of The Year.

You guys (that includes gals) are hilarious. My thumb hurts from all the likes given and I'm not close to being done.
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
As it does with almost every single team in the league there are people crying with the lions right now and some other teams there's like major hikes and prices don't go if you don't like it if it's too rich for your blood calling them greedy this is a business you know greedy everyone looks with these fortune 100 or even Fortune 500 corporations that own most of everything we buy like gas and food and alcohol and all that stuff if you seen the prices of those things lately have you noted the prices at McDonald's and some of these other basic burger fast food joints they've nearly doubled in price since 2020?

I'm not sure if you've noticed everything has gone way up you may call it inflation other people may argue we're not in a recession or inflation but every damn thing we touch has gone up in price..

But money people spend on entertainment and hobbies is not necessary so don't do it I mean if it if it hurts that much and you're gonna complain then don't do it Jerry doesn't beg you to go to his games...
People that have shelled out all that PSL money aren’t going to renew?

I would think you’re still on the hook for it unless you sell it yourself. So you are still paying for the rights to buy tickets that you don’t buy.

It may get interesting come 2039, if they were all 30 year terms. I really don’t know much about it. Maybe some others do.

Not sure what happens after the 30 year term is up.
I think the PSL owners still have the right to purchase the tickets to those seats over others if they choose to continue.
If you still owe on the PSL's during that 30 years, you are obligated to buy those seats, or I am sure you do. If not then the team has the right to sell them, and possibly take away the PSL's, but you would still owe them I believe.

There are 2 or 3 sites to sell your PSL's. One of which is sponsored by the team. They handle all the paperwork once someone agrees to buy them.
I got lucky and broke even on mine, a person from Seattle bought them. At least that was where I sent the tickets to. They bought the PSL's and also wanted all the tickets that I had not sold at that time. At face value though.
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
So you paid over $1000 per tickets??? No wonder Jones see no need to win a Superbowl