Timeline of Goodell's Contract and Holding Penalties


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I wanted to post a timeline of the lack of holding calls against Dallas opponents compared to the contract talks of Roger Goodell. Thanks to the research from @Pants we know the last holding call on an opposing OL was in the Cardinals game September 25th.

So lets look at the timeline:

Summer – Jerry Jones tells everyone who will listen that Zeke will not be suspended and he has been told so by the NFL.

August 12th: Zeke is suspended six games (this will keep him out of the opener against the Giants)

August 21st: News articles appear that Goodell’s massive contract extension will be approved by the NFL Competition Committee. Giants Owner John Mara is on the committee. He was also behind the BS Salary Cap penalties imposed on the Cowboys and Commanders.

September 8th: Restraining order issued allowing Zeke to play.

September 17th: Articles appear saying Jerry Jones is “impeding” the contract extension of Roger Goodell.

September 25th: Cowboys play the Cardinals and this is the last time a holding penalty is called.

@Pants said he will be posting a statistical analysis of the lack of holding penalties and how it compares to other teams.
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What's it going to be then, eh?
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I wanted to post a timeline of the lack of holding calls against Dallas opponents compared to the contract talks of Roger Goodell. Thanks to the research from @Pants we know the last holding call on an opposing OL was in the Cardinals game September 25th.

So lets look at the timeline:


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As I said before—-

I love the Cowboys, I love football but I absolutely hate the NFL as an organization.

With you 100%. The product has been deteriorating for a long time (roughly since Goodell took over and began the rule changes which have watered down the game), but the Zeke witch hunt and everything that has followed it has just made it exhausting to try and hold on as a fan. It's just too much and is a sour taste for the league that I don't believe I'll ever be able to wash away.


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You guys didn't believe us who pointed this mess out months ago. We were believe to be wearing tin hats :rolleyes:. To be honest I think this mess roots back longer. The no catch in GB that rob us of a possible SB appearance. All those crazy calls against GB in the playoffs the following year. Not to mention these lame calls this year. I don't know what is really going on behind close doors but this team has been screw for the longest. Put a tin hat on that.


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One thing is missing from the timeline: When was Hoculi, a lawyer himself, brought into the conspiracy? No Hoculi, no conspiracy.


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The way the NFL rulebook is, it’s set up so games can be “steered” to desired outcomes when desired. Add Rog’s HUGE ego, you can dang well believe the string of questionable calls are not just coincidence.


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Yea, its no coincidence that we started getting screwed by the refs when Jerry and Zeke were fighting Goddell.

Well Zeke is suspended and Jerry pretty much has shut up about blocking Goddell's contract extension so I wonder when he is going to call the dogs off?

Our season is over Roger, no need for the refs to keep screwing us.


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I am still not happy with the salary cap penalty. The Boys/Skins get penalized for being smarter and taken a risk than the other teams. Yup that is the America way said no body.


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September 17th: Articles appear saying Jerry Jones is “impeding” the contract extension of Roger Goodell.

September 25th: Cowboys play the Cardinals and this is the last time a holding penalty is called.
All penalties aren’t equal. Pass interference and delay of game are two of the many that are. One involves judgement and one doesn’t.
Here are all the penalties assessed against the Cowboys and their opponents this season:

Judgment Calls
Penalties for infractions involving official's judgment (off holding, DPI, def holding, unnecessary roughness, illegal block, OPI, illegal use of hands, roughing the passer, face mask, unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal contact, intentional grounding, taunting, horse collar tackle, ineligible downfield, blindside block, running into kicker, low block, leverage)

Penalties for infractions involving only space, time, and movement (false start, def offside, delay of game, neutral zone infraction, encroachment, illegal formation, offside on free kick, defense 12 on field, illegal shift, player out of bounds on punt, illegal motion, illegal touch kick)

Games 1-3
Cowboys: 22 total penalties
Judgment Calls 11 (3.67)
others 11 (3.67)

Cowboys' Opponents: 20 total penalties
Judgment Calls 11 (3.67)
others 9 (3.00)

Games 4-11 Cowboys: 43 total penalties
Judgment Calls 37 (4.63)
others 6 (0.75)

Cowboys' Opponents: 41 total penalties
Judgment Calls 19 (2.38)
others 22 (2.75)


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Here are all the penalties assessed against the Cowboys and their opponents this season:

Judgment Calls
Penalties for infractions involving official's judgment (off holding, DPI, def holding, unnecessary roughness, illegal block, OPI, illegal use of hands, roughing the passer, face mask, unsportsmanlike conduct, illegal contact, intentional grounding, taunting, horse collar tackle, ineligible downfield, blindside block, running into kicker, low block, leverage)

Penalties for infractions involving only space, time, and movement (false start, def offside, delay of game, neutral zone infraction, encroachment, illegal formation, offside on free kick, defense 12 on field, illegal shift, player out of bounds on punt, illegal motion, illegal touch kick)

Games 1-3
Cowboys: 22 total penalties
Judgment Calls 11 (3.67)
others 11 (3.67)

Cowboys' Opponents: 20 total penalties
Judgment Calls 11 (3.67)
others 9 (3.00)

Games 4-11 Cowboys: 43 total penalties
Judgment Calls 37 (4.63)
others 6 (0.75)

Cowboys' Opponents: 41 total penalties
Judgment Calls 19 (2.38)
others 22 (2.75)
Wow. People haven't had active imaginations.


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Games 4-11 Cowboys: 43 total penalties
Judgment Calls 37 (4.63)
others 6 (0.75)

Awesome, thanks for posting that. So the calls that within the referee's discretion should be roughly equal, but turn out to be a six to one disadvantage.


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So the same office that destroyed the Spygate tapes is crooked and disingenuous? Instead of counting money and waiting until he was directly affected, Jerry should have made a big stink a decade ago.