TMZ Video of Ray Rice inside the elevator..Rice released by Ravens

I was always under the impression Goodell saw the tape and thats why he went easy on Rice. Did I imagine that?
I was always under the impression Goodell saw the tape and thats why he went easy on Rice. Did I imagine that?

What I find more disturbing, is his teammates, allowing him to be on the team, after this. If I was someone on that team of relevance, I would say, release him or I will sit out. But then again, this is the same team, that allowed a murderer to stay on the team.

I have a 0% tolerance level for men, who hit women.
I was always under the impression Goodell saw the tape and thats why he went easy on Rice. Did I imagine that?

There were a couple of reports at the time of the suspension that said the NFL had not viewed the video. Everyone knew the video existed, but few people had seen it until now.
LeCharles Bentley @LeCharlesBent65 · 4h
Ray Rice, at a loss for words. If anybody believes that's the FIRST time he's hit a woman, I got an ocean in AZ I'd like to sell you #Coward
His mind was made up he was going to hit her when they got on elevator. Couldn't be my daughter, suspension would be least of his concerns.
2 games?!?! His *** needs to be in jail. I don't smoke weed but I'd rather have a weed head on my team than a Ray Rice. #Coward
And there's nothing she could have said to deserve THAT. Not a damb thing... That was a planned attack. Spit on her too.. Bruh...

NFL players want to stand up for some ****, don't play against Ravens until Rice is suspended indefinitely. What if that was YOUR daughter?
Union talking about damb HGH when Ray Rice is playing football... Please. Get y'all priorities together...
He could've killed that girl. They need to sports science the force of that punch. NFL players are STRONG... Like very strong..
I'm done.... Going to MNF game... Glad my ticket is free... Ain't paying for nothing nfl related until RAT RICE retires...
I was always under the impression Goodell saw the tape and thats why he went easy on Rice. Did I imagine that?

I was, too.

Peter King basically hinted at is as such when the story first happened.

And we knew that there was extra tape that showed her hitting them.

That's why I came on here and talked about horrendous the penalty was compared to Josh Gordon (who appears to have just caught secondary pot smoke). People tried to defend Goodell and the penalty, but it was presented as Goodell having seen the entire tape. And I was told (can't remember from whom) that the tape of her being punched by Rice was just as bad as it actually looks. And I had idiots here claiming you don't know that Rice actually punched her. Yeah...she just happened to be knocked out and was violently dragged out of the elevator for no reason and the DA tried to prosecute him for no reason.

Good grief.

IIRC, law enforcement did want to press charges. But, she pleaded with them not to do so and ended up getting married to him. Tough to prosecute when that happens.


In this type of case, wouldn't it be out of her hands on whether or not charges would be pressed? I mean the guy viciously attacked her and they have it on camera.

Silly. I don't believe they watched the tape. But even if they did not, they ought to have. And even if they still didn't, it's not too late for somebody to step up and make something happen. I would love it if the Ravens did deactivate him for the rest of the year. This one isn't going to blow over.

What I can't understand is that--with all the significant work the NFL has done to attract female viewership the last ten years--how can they possibly have been this asleep at the switch re: what actually went on here? It's not possible. I can't imagine what they were thinking.

And I'm not suggesting they ought to have done the right thing for appearances. They ought to have just done the right thing here. I'm just saying, given how important these particular appearances are to their bank account, I can't see how they handled this so poorly.
In this type of case, wouldn't it be out of her hands on whether or not charges would be pressed? I mean the guy viciously attacked her and they have it on camera.

I think that is likely a gray area. A good friend of mine is a law professor, I would have to ask him.

In something like rape or murder...yeah, that's out of the victim's (or their family) hands. In Rice's case I tend to think that some prosecutors would put that out of the victim's pleas...but many others probably would not.

I think the problem would be that if they prosecuted, this would go to trial. And you would have the victim testifying for Rice and you would either lose or get little punishment. So the prosecution would rather spend their time prosecuting other cases. Perhaps if this happened in a small town with a low crime rate that would be a different story. But, in Atlantic City that's a whole different situation.

Again, just my guess.

As the Hawk would say: "He gone!"

Don't like to see a man lose his job. But I like to see a man strike a woman like that even less.

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