TNA Major Breaking News (possible Spoiler)

BraveHeartFan;3966203 said:
Excellent post.

I agree with you there.

I have always thought that being a really good baby face is the toughest thing in all of wrestling. Because often they're corny. Now Austin, The Rock, HBK (For some of his career, but not all of it), HHH they all sort of got by easier, IMO, because they happened to get super popular during the attitude era which allowed faces to basically be heels and be cheered.

Thats much easier, IMO, than a traditional face has it on a normal basis.

Now while I saying that obviously that means I think it's easier to be heel. I absolutely do think it's easier to be heel. Much easier to play that role, to get that heat, and all that then it is to be face.

But the people who are great professionals, the ones who get 'it' in wrestling, are the ones that are so damn good at being a heel that you say exactly what you said up there. 'Damn it he makes me hate him so much. Can't help but respect that.'

Ric Flair, Macho Man, Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Kurt Angle, HHH, Punk, HBK, Jericho, Terry Funk...these are names that immediately come to mind when I think about people truely getting the art of being a heel.
Outstanding post.
Hostile;3966294 said:
I too liked JBL, but I liked him better as part of the APA who absolutely were one of the few tag teams I have ever liked.

APA was good stuff..loved it. JBL.. terrible.
RoyTheHammer;3966297 said:
Most entertaining is still a joke man.. if that crap entertains you i just feel sorry for you. His whole schtick is just awful. He's not a talker and he sounds like he never made it past the 3rd grade.

Morrison is on the shelf right now btw, and Riley to my knowledge isn't being pushed as a main eventer at all. He's just in a fued with Miz right now as something to get him away from the "assistant" role he was playing.

Looks to me like they are trying to use Miz to elevate him, which is idiotic in itself as Miz is far from established. They have 2 established guys that won't be hurt by losing, yet both have the world titles... Why?
Hostile;3966294 said:
I too liked JBL, but I liked him better as part of the APA who absolutely were one of the few tag teams I have ever liked.

definitely the APA were one of the better tag teams in recent memory...they worked so well together even in skit situations. They did some funny stuff with Stone Cold that I still remember. JBL was a terrific heel as well.
DallasGirl50;3966301 said:
definitely the APA were one of the better tag teams in recent memory...they worked so well together even in skit situations. They did some funny stuff with Stone Cold that I still remember. JBL was a terrific heel as well.
Yes, their skits killed me. Especially the poker stuff with the door they insisted people knock on. Cracked me up.

I am not really a fan of tag team wrestling, but the APA was fun.
Romo 2 Austin;3966291 said:
Exactly, TNA gets ripped on it, WWE rips it off and no one says a thing. Ridiculous how much TNA gets ridiculed but then when WWE rips them off on something stupid, no one says anything.

didn't realize we were under a time frame to respond to posts ...I don't see Roy's posts anymore so unless he's quoted I don't see them...and I ff over Khali. So yea if they are using that angle it's dumb & lazy writing.
Romo 2 Austin;3966300 said:
Looks to me like they are trying to use Miz to elevate him, which is idiotic in itself as Miz is far from established. They have 2 established guys that won't be hurt by losing, yet both have the world titles... Why?

Orton has it because he deserves it. The only other guy i'd want to have it on SD would be Sheamus.
Hostile;3966303 said:
I am not really a fan of tag team wrestling, but the APA was fun.


Tag wrestling was what probably hooked me in as a kid. The Rock N Roll Express, the Hart Foundation, Freebirds vs. Von Erichs, the Rockers, Midnight Express, Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Tully and Arn, Road Warriors, British Bulldogs, etc.

Tag teams should be very important to wrestling companies because they are the easiest way to make a match exciting and good while helping develop 2 wrestlers. It always frustrates me to see promotions, particularly the WWE, get away from the formula of having a young superstar be in a tag the belts, eventually break off and win the I-C belt (which doesn't exist IIRC) and then lose that and get moved up to the Heavyweight belt.

I remember watching guys like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart do that and when they won the I-C belt it was huge because to win the tags and then to move to singles and to win the I-C belt meant that there was a good possibility that they would make the leap to the Heavyweight belt. Something to be said for the joy as a fan of watching a guy from the beginning make the ascent from the bottom to the top.

Hostile;3966303 said:
Yes, their skits killed me. Especially the poker stuff with the door they insisted people knock on. Cracked me up.

I am not really a fan of tag team wrestling, but the APA was fun.

Great writing for those guys...Ron did some good stuff with Rock as well in that Nation of Domination gig..I think that was the name they used. I have read your posts about tag teams...funny over the years how tag wrestling had declined. Teams use to be legendary..
Yakuza Rich;3966309 said:

Tag wrestling was what probably hooked me in as a kid. The Rock N Roll Express, the Hart Foundation, Freebirds vs. Von Erichs, the Rockers, Midnight Express, Minnesota Wrecking Crew, Tully and Arn, Road Warriors, British Bulldogs, etc.

Tag teams should be very important to wrestling companies because they are the easiest way to make a match exciting and good while helping develop 2 wrestlers. It always frustrates me to see promotions, particularly the WWE, get away from the formula of having a young superstar be in a tag the belts, eventually break off and win the I-C belt (which doesn't exist IIRC) and then lose that and get moved up to the Heavyweight belt.

I remember watching guys like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart do that and when they won the I-C belt it was huge because to win the tags and then to move to singles and to win the I-C belt meant that there was a good possibility that they would make the leap to the Heavyweight belt. Something to be said for the joy as a fan of watching a guy from the beginning make the ascent from the bottom to the top.

Loved Freebirds vs. Von Erichs as much as any matches I have ever seen and I did love the Road Warriors for sure.

I think the thing that frustrates me about tag tam wrestling is that the wrestlers have to pretend to be dumb and that bothers me. For example, if the legal man gets thrown out of the ring, he re-enters the ring in the opponent's half of the ring, rather than right next to his tag partner.

Maybe that is an unwritten rule, but it just comes across as very dumb to me. Oh, and I really can't stand when the faces make a tag that the referee didn't see and the face explains the tag for the crowd support while the referee has his back to the heels choking the other face.

I understand what you are saying about ascension through the ranks, but I don't remember that happening for Hawk or Animal. I remember Hawk got some matches against Flair, but they remained a tag team. Even the great Michael Hayes stuck to the Birds.

I don't hate tag team wrestling but I am not a fan because most of them can't sell me on the gimmick the way a single wrestler can.
DallasGirl50;3966306 said:
didn't realize we were under a time frame to respond to posts ...I don't see Roy's posts anymore so unless he's quoted I don't see them...and I ff over Khali. So yea if they are using that angle it's dumb & lazy writing.

No, but I mean when TNA does something wrong people make threads, IE this one. WWE does whatever and its over looked.
Hostile;3966305 said:
Yeah, and 4 links below that is "Major Breaking News" about Benoit and his family being found dead.

All it tells me is that there isn't much "Major Breaking News" in TNA.

Well, there is more than in WWE imo. TNA brings in stars and has major changes all the time, WWE is pretty much the same bringing up useless people from FCW. No major breaking news there.
Romo 2 Austin;3966315 said:
Well, there is more than in WWE imo. TNA brings in stars and has major changes all the time, WWE is pretty much the same bringing up useless people from FCW. No major breaking news there.
Out of curiosity I Googled "WWE Major Breaking News" and Benoit's death isn't on page 1.

So that theory is shot to hell.
Hostile;3966338 said:
Out of curiosity I Googled "WWE Major Breaking News" and Benoit's death isn't on page 1.

So that theory is shot to hell.

It's called SEO, and all the websites on the front page are optimized for the term wwe major breaking news.

for example,

a lie is on the front page for that result, a lie posted 4 days ago on yahoo answers no less.
Romo 2 Austin;3966382 said:
It's called SEO, and all the websites on the front page are optimized for the term wwe major breaking news.

for example,

a lie is on the front page for that result, a lie posted 4 days ago on yahoo answers no less.
It's called exaggerating. You were doing it, it was obvious, and you got called on it.

I agree it was searching for the terms "WWE Major Breaking News" just like "TNA Major Breaking News."

I repeat, if this thread and Benoit's death are "Major Breaking News" then there isn't much.
Hostile;3966387 said:
It's called exaggerating. You were doing it, it was obvious, and you got called on it.

I agree it was searching for the terms "WWE Major Breaking News" just like "TNA Major Breaking News."

I repeat, if this thread and Benoit's death are "Major Breaking News" then there isn't much.

Well I just posted the fact saying it was neat, :lmao2: I thought you of all people would agree it was quite interesting.
Romo 2 Austin;3966397 said:
Well I just posted the fact saying it was neat, :lmao2: I thought you of all people would agree it was quite interesting.
What exactly is confusing about this for you?

It would be if there was major activity under those search features. Benoit's death was nearly 4 years ago and is still page 1 of your search parameters.

I take it all back, it is earth shattering.
Hostile;3966399 said:
What exactly is confusing about this for you?

It would be if there was major activity under those search features. Benoit's death was nearly 4 years ago and is still page 1 of your search parameters.

I take it all back, it is earth shattering.

I get what your saying, it's still interesting IMO that a thread on a football forum, with a term that isn't obscure about wrestling, is on the front page.

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