TNA Major Breaking News (possible Spoiler)

Romo 2 Austin;3966150 said:
If you think WWE wouldn't offer a ton for Styles your mistaking, they've tried to sign him 2 or 3 times. He has turned them down both/all the time. AJ has gotten better on the mic by the month, he is IMO good now, he's far from the person on the mic he used to be. He opened iMPACT and held his own against Bully Ray on the mic a month or so ago.

Ummm I have seen him recently. It's not been years or something. It's how I know he's improved and it's how I can tell, from knowing who AJ Styles was since before TNA, that he's never going to be more than average at it.

And yes I'm sure they'd offer him something. The point is that he'd either A) turn it down like he has before or B) he'd accept it and he'd be thrown into the middle of the pile to build up.

he wouldn't walk right out on RAW and be right in the title hunt. If he was I'd be shocked if it was for any reason other than to job him to death.

No. Kurt would be going to RAW. AJ would be showing back up in ROH. That's just how it would play out and that has to do a lot with their star power. WWE would do everything they could to get Kurt, if he still wanted to wrestle, where they'd want AJ. They'd make him a nice offer. But they wouldn't put the same effort into having him.

AJ in the ring, is not far from Angle's level, you can argue that but AJ isn't in his prime yet, when he gets there it'll be amazing to watch him. He'll get the reputation as another that can carry a broomstick to a good match..

AJ's in his mid thirties by now (i believe anyway) and he's not going to get tons better in the ring. He'll get technically sharper here and there but you're not going to see a lot different about AJ in the ring 5 years from now then where he's at today. Some small, and important don't get me wrong, differences but he's not far from topping out there.

But lets not confuse their level of actual wrestling. AJ is on his level in pro wrestling. When he can thrown in his crazy high spots and silly moves.

Kurt Angle is actually a wrestler. AJ isn't going to be good on the technical side of things as the Olympic Gold Medalist.


& Flair has been wrestling for ever, Angle has been wrestling 11, 12 years. 5 more years would be half the time Flair has put in so far, so that would be an insane accomplishment...

I'm not sure how the amount of time has anything to do with it. Flair stopped improving YEARS ago. In fact while Flair is still in it, and thats nice and all, Flair could have just as easily retired 10 years ago and still be remembered just as highly, probably even more highly.

Kurt caught him a long time ago.

Ask me for my top 3 total package wrestlers of all time and it goes as follows;

1. Michaels
--Huge Gap--
2. Flair
3. Angle.

Jericho could've made it on that list, but honestly he keeps wasting his prime as a wrestler by taking time off....

Hmmm...If we're talking about over all and the total package here as you say then I'd take Jericho over your 2 and 3 quite happily. I personally think Jericho is absolutely one of the best ever, in all aspects, and the fact that he's smart enough to use the money, and fame, he's gained to do other things in life he enjoys and wants to do doesn't take anything away from him, or his career, IMO.

To me Jericho is already, and has been for a long time now, above Angle and Flair. I'd put Jericho in that tier just below Michaels as probably the top guy in that next tier.

& Youtube comments, yes that is the common fans opinion. People on a wrestling forum are "smartened" up to the business, they care about in ring work, they care about everything the common fan doesn't. People on youtube comments argue if its real or not, and a ton say AJ Styles is the reason they watch TNA. I've seen that a ton, this is the general wrestling fanbase. The 15-25% that are "smartened" up are a small portion of the audience.

Is that right? Joining a wrestling forum means they're smartened up huh?

Well in that case I guess the majority of folks who join football forums are smartened up to football.

I think this particular forum has shown, many times over, that isn't necassarily the case and neither is that the case when it comes to wrestling forums or any other kind of forums.

For every quality poster like Hostile, Theogt, Dallas East, Woody's Girl (and these are the first few off my head. Sorry if I missed someone who thinks they should be on that list. :p) on a forum there are just as many Nors, McCordsville Cowboy, Rampages, Bobs and The Coach (or whoever the guy who liked yelling at werder was) that bring the quality of the community down.

I enjoy forums for what they are. Great places, most of the time anyway, to have some fun and some discussions on topics but I don't now, nor will I ever, base my opinion or thoughts on a subject in regards to what some folks, whom I don't know, have never met and most likely will never meet, think about said subject.
BraveHeartFan;3966169 said:
Is that right? Joining a wrestling forum means they're smartened up huh?

Well in that case I guess the majority of folks who join football forums are smartened up to football.

I think this particular forum has shown, many times over, that isn't necassarily the case and neither is that the case when it comes to wrestling forums or any other kind of forums.

For every quality poster like Hostile, Theogt, Dallas East, Woody's Girl (and these are the first few off my head. Sorry if I missed someone who thinks they should be on that list. :p) on a forum there are just as many Nors, McCordsville Cowboy, Rampages, Bobs and The Coach (or whoever the guy who liked yelling at werder was) that bring the quality of the community down.

I enjoy forums for what they are. Great places, most of the time anyway, to have some fun and some discussions on topics but I don't now, nor will I ever, base my opinion or thoughts on a subject in regards to what some folks, whom I don't know, have never met and most likely will never meet, think about said subject.

Wrestling is much different than football. Sure there are idiots on the forums that say it is real, but they are either ******** or trolls.. On Football forums people have unpopular opinions, i'm in that group no doubt, but it doesn't make them stupid.

An example (I know it is political, but it is unbiased and really is used as an example so im not sure if it is against the rules or not, if it is please remove this). : Some people like Obama, some people liked McCain. Doesn't make one side or the other stupid for their opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

In wrestling, your smartened up when you relize its fake & scripted, aswell as other factors, but that is the main fact. In football there is no fact that is indisputable like that. Wrestling forums are really fun though
It takes me maybe 2 minutes to post on here...I don't have time & frankly don't want to sit around for hours watching wrestling on YouTube. I think Kurt is not only one of the best wrestlers now but in the history of wrestling...AJ only qualification for judging is decades of watching the tv shows & decades of going to shows.
DallasGirl50;3966181 said:
It takes me maybe 2 minutes to post on here...I don't have time & frankly don't want to sit around for hours watching wrestling on YouTube. I think Kurt is not only one of the best wrestlers now but in the history of wrestling...AJ only qualification for judging is decades of watching the tv shows & decades of going to shows.

Angle is no doubt, AJ is in the top 50 or so(i'd say much higher, i'd say around 30, but if you go 50, that includes people like Jeff, Matt Hardy, Kane, Big Show, and if you don't think AJ is better than people of that elk, your blind lol, only one that is arguable is Jeff.) , and will keep climbing. Keep in mind he only turned 33 yesterday, wrestling prime is commonly considered around 38-42ish, as that is when you have enough experience to understand exactly what works, and you are still physically able to do what is required to be a great wrestler. Styles has another 10 years or so in him, and aslong as TNA is around, you'll see him.
I remember when Scherer was doing reports for Meltzer and was one of the 'Bleacher Bums' at the ECW Arena while driving a Pepsi truck for a living. Scherer has always been a fanboy and if you were around for the late 90's ECW and then the end days of WCW, it would be tough to take Scherer with a grain of salt. I've got other stories about Scherer that you'll laught at. But Meltzer is really the guy that started it all and influenced all of it. Without him there would be no Torch, no PWI and all this other stuff. Meltzer does have some 'street cred' with 'real journalists' as he's good with Frank DeFord from their days at The National. Put it this way, back when I used to read the WON a good friend of mine that's a pretty well known wrestler, but not in WWE or TNA had a blurb about his future in the WON. He told me that he never spoke to Meltzer, but he was amazed how accurate Meltzer got the story. We figured out who Meltzer talked to, but it was quite a few people so Meltzer put in some effort to make sure that a small blurb was accurate.

That's really the difference between Meltzer and Scherer. Meltzer is a journalist. Could quit all of wrestling tomorrow and find a good journalism job somewhere else. Scherer would be forced back to driving the Pepsi truck and he doesn't want to do that and will do what it takes to prevent that from happening. In some ways, can't say I blame him.

Anyway, I do think that good faces tend to be corny...or at least to me they are. I grew up watching wrestling since I was 5 years old. But outside of Sgt. Slaughter, Jimmy Snuka and Andre the Giant...I took to heels right away because most faces were pretty corny to me. Hogan, Sting, Dusty (who I just never got his appeal), Jerry Lawler, etc...all came off as corny to me...but they made money.

I think good heels usually have a small faction of fans, otherwise they are probably hated. I watch a sliver of WWE these days because guys like Michael Cole are on my TV screen trying to be heels. Instead of getting the 'I really hate this guy because he's a good heel' type of heat, he gets the 'I hate the fact that I've got to watch this crap' type of heat (X-Pac heat). Tough for me to watch a corny face (Cena) and a corny heel battle feud with each other.

I forgot the term, x PAC heat. Ty

Yakuza Rich;3966191 said:
I remember when Scherer was doing reports for Meltzer and was one of the 'Bleacher Bums' at the ECW Arena while driving a Pepsi truck for a living. Scherer has always been a fanboy and if you were around for the late 90's ECW and then the end days of WCW, it would be tough to take Scherer with a grain of salt. I've got other stories about Scherer that you'll laught at. But Meltzer is really the guy that started it all and influenced all of it. Without him there would be no Torch, no PWI and all this other stuff. Meltzer does have some 'street cred' with 'real journalists' as he's good with Frank DeFord from their days at The National. Put it this way, back when I used to read the WON a good friend of mine that's a pretty well known wrestler, but not in WWE or TNA had a blurb about his future in the WON. He told me that he never spoke to Meltzer, but he was amazed how accurate Meltzer got the story. We figured out who Meltzer talked to, but it was quite a few people so Meltzer put in some effort to make sure that a small blurb was accurate.

That's really the difference between Meltzer and Scherer. Meltzer is a journalist. Could quit all of wrestling tomorrow and find a good journalism job somewhere else. Scherer would be forced back to driving the Pepsi truck and he doesn't want to do that and will do what it takes to prevent that from happening. In some ways, can't say I blame him.

Anyway, I do think that good faces tend to be corny...or at least to me they are. I grew up watching wrestling since I was 5 years old. But outside of Sgt. Slaughter, Jimmy Snuka and Andre the Giant...I took to heels right away because most faces were pretty corny to me. Hogan, Sting, Dusty (who I just never got his appeal), Jerry Lawler, etc...all came off as corny to me...but they made money.

I think good heels usually have a small faction of fans, otherwise they are probably hated. I watch a sliver of WWE these days because guys like Michael Cole are on my TV screen trying to be heels. Instead of getting the 'I really hate this guy because he's a good heel' type of heat, he gets the 'I hate the fact that I've got to watch this crap' type of heat (X-Pac heat). Tough for me to watch a corny face (Cena) and a corny heel battle feud with each other.

Yakuza Rich;3966191 said:
I remember when Scherer was doing reports for Meltzer and was one of the 'Bleacher Bums' at the ECW Arena while driving a Pepsi truck for a living. Scherer has always been a fanboy and if you were around for the late 90's ECW and then the end days of WCW, it would be tough to take Scherer with a grain of salt. I've got other stories about Scherer that you'll laught at. But Meltzer is really the guy that started it all and influenced all of it. Without him there would be no Torch, no PWI and all this other stuff. Meltzer does have some 'street cred' with 'real journalists' as he's good with Frank DeFord from their days at The National. Put it this way, back when I used to read the WON a good friend of mine that's a pretty well known wrestler, but not in WWE or TNA had a blurb about his future in the WON. He told me that he never spoke to Meltzer, but he was amazed how accurate Meltzer got the story. We figured out who Meltzer talked to, but it was quite a few people so Meltzer put in some effort to make sure that a small blurb was accurate.

That's really the difference between Meltzer and Scherer. Meltzer is a journalist. Could quit all of wrestling tomorrow and find a good journalism job somewhere else. Scherer would be forced back to driving the Pepsi truck and he doesn't want to do that and will do what it takes to prevent that from happening. In some ways, can't say I blame him.

Anyway, I do think that good faces tend to be corny...or at least to me they are. I grew up watching wrestling since I was 5 years old. But outside of Sgt. Slaughter, Jimmy Snuka and Andre the Giant...I took to heels right away because most faces were pretty corny to me. Hogan, Sting, Dusty (who I just never got his appeal), Jerry Lawler, etc...all came off as corny to me...but they made money.

I think good heels usually have a small faction of fans, otherwise they are probably hated. I watch a sliver of WWE these days because guys like Michael Cole are on my TV screen trying to be heels. Instead of getting the 'I really hate this guy because he's a good heel' type of heat, he gets the 'I hate the fact that I've got to watch this crap' type of heat (X-Pac heat). Tough for me to watch a corny face (Cena) and a corny heel battle feud with each other.


Excellent post.

I agree with you there.

I have always thought that being a really good baby face is the toughest thing in all of wrestling. Because often they're corny. Now Austin, The Rock, HBK (For some of his career, but not all of it), HHH they all sort of got by easier, IMO, because they happened to get super popular during the attitude era which allowed faces to basically be heels and be cheered.

Thats much easier, IMO, than a traditional face has it on a normal basis.

Now while I saying that obviously that means I think it's easier to be heel. I absolutely do think it's easier to be heel. Much easier to play that role, to get that heat, and all that then it is to be face.

But the people who are great professionals, the ones who get 'it' in wrestling, are the ones that are so damn good at being a heel that you say exactly what you said up there. 'Damn it he makes me hate him so much. Can't help but respect that.'

Ric Flair, Macho Man, Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Kurt Angle, HHH, Punk, HBK, Jericho, Terry Funk...these are names that immediately come to mind when I think about people truely getting the art of being a heel.
Romo 2 Austin;3966183 said:
Angle is no doubt, AJ is in the top 50 or so(i'd say much higher, i'd say around 30, but if you go 50, that includes people like Jeff, Matt Hardy, Kane, Big Show, and if you don't think AJ is better than people of that elk, your blind lol, only one that is arguable is Jeff.) , and will keep climbing. Keep in mind he only turned 33 yesterday, wrestling prime is commonly considered around 38-42ish, as that is when you have enough experience to understand exactly what works, and you are still physically able to do what is required to be a great wrestler. Styles has another 10 years or so in him, and aslong as TNA is around, you'll see him.

I ff over 90 % of TNA...doesn't interest me as I have told you before...I will watch Sting because I have always loved him & I watch Kurt. I go right over AJ talking or wrestling. I've seen him enough to know what he does. I really have to say that anybody that has either Hardy as a top 50 all time needs to be drug tested. Maybe they got into Jeff's stash....Jeff use to be entertaining..he has ruined all he worked for. Matt is awful.
DallasGirl50;3966204 said:
I ff over 90 % of TNA...doesn't interest me as I have told you before...I will watch Sting because I have always loved him & I watch Kurt. I go right over AJ talking or wrestling. I've seen him enough to know what he does. I really have to say that anybody that has either Hardy as a top 50 all time needs to be drug tested. Maybe they got into Jeff's stash....Jeff use to be entertaining..he has ruined all he worked for. Matt is awful.

I thought he meant top 50 today...i wasn't aware he meant all time.

All time those guys can't even sniff the list. lol
Romo 2 Austin;3966089 said:
R-truth no doubt is the best in the industry right now, but he's not in TNA, neither is Punk . R-Truth was turned heel so stupidly it was ridiculous.

You think R Truth is the best heel in the industry right now?

Dude... come on, dude. Wow.
DallasGirl50;3966181 said:
It takes me maybe 2 minutes to post on here...I don't have time & frankly don't want to sit around for hours watching wrestling on YouTube. I think Kurt is not only one of the best wrestlers now but in the history of wrestling...AJ only qualification for judging is decades of watching the tv shows & decades of going to shows.

AJ is a great in ring guy.. doesn't matter what your "qualifications" are, his skill in the ring is widely known. Say what you will about him on the mic, but the guy can perform in the ring. I happen to think his mic skills arn't as bad as some either, but in the ring most agree he's truly "phenomenal".
BraveHeartFan;3966210 said:
Took it too far again didn't he? lol

Wayyyy too far :laugh2:

Just got done watching Smackdown.. gotta say enough already with Christian. He's a skinny little pest.. not championship contender material. Sheamus is better than him already, no need to keep the guy around. Captain Corny or Charisma or whatever needs to hit the bricks back to midtown where he's always been and always should be.
Oh.. and for those saying that the "trance" or "mind games" angle going on in TNA with Winter and Love is silly.. while i agree with you.. apparently the WWE doesn't think its so silly since they decided to duplicate the angle with Khali and the Ginger.. lol. Horrible creative teams strike again.
BraveHeartFan;3966210 said:
Took it too far again didn't he? lol

R Truth is far from the best anything on the show but he's doing ok...kind of surprised me. They're just waiting for Morrison to get back to put those 2 together. I don't think anybody can take a feud with Truth & Cena seriously. He's doing ok though.
RoyTheHammer;3966209 said:
You think R Truth is the best heel in the industry right now?

Dude... come on, dude. Wow.

Ok, maybe I worded it wrong... Most entertaining for sure, the lil Jimmy rants are the only thing I watch on RAW anymore. Everything else is filled with alberto del joke, matches with 5 spots each performer and then they go home, and Superman Cena, and alex riley becoming a main eventer which in my mind, = what the hell. Who the heck would push alex freakin' riley when you have people such as Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, Etc; etc; not going over them all again. Why, WHY, alex riley? Who thought that was a good idea /facepalm.
RoyTheHammer;3966212 said:
Wayyyy too far :laugh2:

Just got done watching Smackdown.. gotta say enough already with Christian. He's a skinny little pest.. not championship contender material. Sheamus is better than him already, no need to keep the guy around. Captain Corny or Charisma or whatever needs to hit the bricks back to midtown where he's always been and always should be.

Christian was great in TNA. Fantastic. They pushed him right, and he delivered. In WWE they push him as some underdog, like they do Rey Mysterio, and it looks and comes of stupid.
RoyTheHammer;3966216 said:
Oh.. and for those saying that the "trance" or "mind games" angle going on in TNA with Winter and Love is silly.. while i agree with you.. apparently the WWE doesn't think its so silly since they decided to duplicate the angle with Khali and the Ginger.. lol. Horrible creative teams strike again.

Exactly, TNA gets ripped on it, WWE rips it off and no one says a thing. Ridiculous how much TNA gets ridiculed but then when WWE rips them off on something stupid, no one says anything.
DallasGirl50;3966063 said:
I always liked JBL..hated the program he worked with Shawn though where he was his "slave"...I liked that JBL wrestled anyway but didn't have to. He's super wealthy so it wasn't for money. That is either commendable or goofy...I vote commendable.
I too liked JBL, but I liked him better as part of the APA who absolutely were one of the few tag teams I have ever liked.
Romo 2 Austin;3966286 said:
Ok, maybe I worded it wrong... Most entertaining for sure, the lil Jimmy rants are the only thing I watch on RAW anymore. Everything else is filled with alberto del joke, matches with 5 spots each performer and then they go home, and Superman Cena, and alex riley becoming a main eventer which in my mind, = what the hell. Who the heck would push alex freakin' riley when you have people such as Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, Etc; etc; not going over them all again. Why, WHY, alex riley? Who thought that was a good idea /facepalm.

Most entertaining is still a joke man.. if that crap entertains you i just feel sorry for you. His whole schtick is just awful. He's not a talker and he sounds like he never made it past the 3rd grade.

Morrison is on the shelf right now btw, and Riley to my knowledge isn't being pushed as a main eventer at all. He's just in a fued with Miz right now as something to get him away from the "assistant" role he was playing.

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