Todd Archer - Dan Quinn will be the first domino to fall

The Natural

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Talent accumulation on that side of the ball has been better with Quinn but its time for a philosophical change. We need to get nastier, more physical on defense. Leading the league in turnovers is great but I would gladly take a defense that may not generate as many turnovers but can get stops


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That philosophy was fine when you lost by 6 points…that philosophy isn’t as good when you get beat down by 30 at home in the wild card.
We lost to Tampa at home 2 years ago in a game we should have won.
We gave MM the benefit of the doubt, continued tweaking.
It's led to another homefield embarrassment.


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I think three things need to happen if this team is serious about winning a championship:

1. Trade Prescott. Let someone else pay him $50 mil.
2. Fire McCarthy and hire a young, offensive-minded HC (Ben Johnson)
3. Make Will McClay the team's official GM. He's the most important person in the organization.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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That seems like a negative title when in reality Archer says he’s getting a HC offer. Which also shows how respected he is in the league, that he has multiple interviews lined up, even though his HC track record in Atlanta was mediocre.

It’s comical to me the Dak fanboys are jumping on Dan Quinn now. They ignore the last two play-off games against SF and the domination of TB last year in the first round, because they need to grasp at anything for their agenda of scapegoating anybody but the Jason Garrett experiment at QB whose claim to fame is timely ruining year in and year out the SB windows that is really a result of an all-pro OL or TO machine defense…

How many deep passes did Dak throw against the heavy Tampa 2 zone defense of GB, including to Cook, who was added just for that?
Overall he did a good job with the Defense over his tenure.
Hey, we held the Niners to 19 and 23 points in 2 playoff games but our offense couldn't score the points.
They even held Mahomes to 19 points in his house and all we could muster is 3 FG.
GL Dan and Thanks for your contributions!


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Bye bye he is so overrated and can’t adjust to what offenses do. Bend but don’t break defenses are never good. Quinn is so overrated, Seattle can have him.


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What? It goes hand in hand he doesn't need to if someone signs him. Get real
Waiting until all the potential HC candidates are gone is stupid. You get real.


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Well if Quinn is the first domino to fall than that means McCarthy will be back most likely bc the head coaching search process will likely take 1-2 weeks for Quinn which means the cowboys plan on retaining MM and bringing in new coordinators. I don’t see them waiting 3 weeks then firing McCarthy


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For the past 5 years this franchise has thought it could tinker with the roster and make a difference to the end result.

That philosophy has proven embarrassing.
Tearing up doesn't build. There has been strong building for four years. Now make changes and then make them winners. Not getting a divorce and just another woman.


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Quinn has reached the big game as a HC. So it's stupid to say he's not HC material. It would have been nice to have some capable LBer depth this year. Key injuries were a dooming factor. I imagine Quinn will take some players with him. Team is S heavy.

The stars were aligned this year. Cowboys literally fell into the most favorable position, home playoff games, ideal matchup against a presumably lesser opponent, QB having his best season, blah blah same ol, same ol.


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I can't wait to hear you lads whining about the defense next season.
So what? You want to keep him so he can choke away the playoffs? It's OK to not accept getting boat raced when it matters most. There's a good chance the defense takes a step back, but maybe if they make the playoffs we won't be completely out coached.


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Overall he did a good job with the Defense over his tenure.
Hey, we held the Niners to 19 and 23 points in 2 playoff games but our offense couldn't score the points.
They even held Mahomes to 19 points in his house and all we could muster is 3 FG.
GL Dan and Thanks for your contributions!
Exactly.. how do you lead the league in TOs produced and moved Dallas from like top 5 to top ranked scoring offense and be a bad defensive coordinator? Now the Dak fanboys are taking away the points that count for “his” production and the “number 1 ranked offense”.
They even contributed to Dak’s stat padding totals.

hell, a case could be made that Aubrey is the MVP anyways as he allowed Dallas to much more aggressive in the opponents territory, particularly in third downs.


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So what? You want to keep him so he can choke away the playoffs? It's OK to not accept getting boat raced when it matters most. There's a good chance the defense takes a step back, but maybe if they make the playoffs we won't be completely out coached.
I mean you guys have been defending Dak year in and year out for choking away the playoffs…


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It’s comical to me the Dak fanboys are jumping on Dan Quinn now. They ignore the last two play-off games against SF and the domination of TB last year in the first round, because they need to grasp at anything for their agenda of scapegoating anybody but the Jason Garrett experiment at QB whose claim to fame is timely ruining year in and year out the SB windows that is really a result of an all-pro OL or TO machine defense…
It's comical but it's not surprising.

Who else besides McCarthy do they have at this point?
I've said it all year and will continue to say it.
Dak is a serial Cowboy career killer. Every season, his minions (both in the fanbase and in the FO) convince themselves that he was good enough, and that it was just all the dead weight in other parts of the organization holding him back. Player, coach, doesn't matter. They'll find a scapegoat, they'll laser in on him and they will not stop until that guy is gone. Period. End of story.

Dak is piling up a body count that Ted Bundy would be impressed by.

My guess, this year it will be Both McCarthy and Quinn. And maybe a player or two yet to be named. Coaches are the lowest hanging fruit right now so they're getting all the attention. But the blood letting has just begun. Dak must be propped up. That's all that matters.