Tom Brady suspension nullified


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Quote the WHOLE paragraph, including the VERY NEXT sentence.. Actually, how about I do it for you:

"But people miss the real issue. This whole investigation was predicated on the fact Bellichek didn't know. Nobody in fact challenged this and the Welld Report simply targeted Brady, a PLAYER."

Nobody bothered to even question the claim that Bellichek and the Patriots weren't in the know and simply accepted the claim it was Brady. The Wells report didn't provide any details on the lack of connection between Bellichek and the ball-boys. It was framed totally with Brady as the culprit. That is what I stated.

So you and the homers claim the Wells report was a witch-hunt specifically targeting Brady and Goodell had an axe to grind, but was totally fair with Bellichek and Kraft? Good logic...

Even John Mara, when asked to show up at the arbitration, defended Goodell's 'impartiality' despite the fact that he had ties to Kraft as his friend. Goodell was partying up with Kraft the night before the Colts game and even Sherman tweeted after that incident what do people expect in how the issue was handled considering their ties. Reports consistently document their close ties and friendship between Kraft and Goodell. In fact, they paint Kraft as the driving force in getting Goodell all that money.

So why would there be a witch-hunt for Brady, the main star for Kraft's team? The NFL had to make this go away while putting up a facade that they are interested in full justice. They released the results of the Wells Repprt right after the draft, when they already supposedly came to their conclusion of Brady's guilt. So they punished them by stripping them of a draft pick the next year, but not this year... They didn't even interview the organization's main players like Brady until after the SB. If anything, it shows favoritism for the Pats.[/quote]
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Apparently your the only one thinking it makes no sense. So preparing the ball includes PSI right? I mean Brady likes his balls deflated as part of that preparation right?
Have you even been following any of this? The entire issue at hand here is not that the balls were prepared improperly. Everyone agrees the balls were prepared properly, they passed pre-game inspection, and the Patriots balls were set at the lowest legal limit. The $64,000 is what (if anything) happened between the pregame inspection and the balls reaching the field of play.

I don't believe the Patriots cheated but if they did cheat by sneaking some air out of the balls after pregame inspection, then the rule change of 2006 would not have had any impact on that scheme whatsoever.

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?


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Have you even been following any of this? The entire issue at hand here is not that the balls were prepared improperly. Everyone agrees the balls were prepared properly, they passed pre-game inspection, and the Patriots balls were set at the lowest legal limit. The $64,000 is what (if anything) happened between the pregame inspection and the balls reaching the field of play.

I don't believe the Patriots cheated but if they did cheat by sneaking some air out of the balls after pregame inspection, then the rule change of 2006 would not have had any impact on that scheme whatsoever.

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?

Just keep waffling..

Apparently, per your logic ball boys can be punished because they should know the rules based on an information manual given to them at the beginning of the season per your own words, but somehow Brady can plead ignorance though he was a driving force behind the ball change rule after the 2006-2007 season.
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Just keep waffling..

Apparently, per your logic ball boys can be punished because they should know the rules based on an information manual given to them at the beginning of the season per your own words, but somehow Brady can plead ignorance though he was a driving force behind the ball change rule after the 2006-2007 season.
Like I said, the Brady/Manning rule change of 2006 has absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand.

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?


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I have added a bit to your summation with a few of the facts which I have found to be particularly egregious. Additions in line below:
What is frustrating about this is that the Wells Report relies very heavily on Anderson's best recollection for anything that paints the Patriots in a bad light, but then completely disregards his best recollection for one very pertinent fact which would have put the Patriots in a good light.
I find this particularly galling. Goodell spent all of February, March and April telling us all that this was an independent investigation. I wish I had a nickel for every time he said so. Then it comes out that it wasn't even remotely independent.
Ya, the NFL lied about just about everything from the arbitration hearing. My favorite was how they lied when they said Brady's lawyers opposed releasing the transcript of the arbitration hearing. Once that transcript was released, it turns out Kessler wanted it released, and it was the league who refused to allow it.

The NFL has been proven to have been lying over and over to everyone since this whole idiocy began. For some reason, certain people don't care.

To recap:
- the Wells report admits they don't even know if there was any tampering by anybody
- the Wells report refuses to accept Walt Anderson's recollection about which gauge he used because they couldn't prosecute Brady if they did
- the Wells report omits all 14 hours of testimony by the 2 balls boys because it didn't contain anything damaging to the Patriots
- the Wells report was co-authored by Pash, an NFL executive, while Goodell & Wells repeatedly claim that Wells is independent
- Goodell denies Brady's attorneys the ability to question Pash
- Goodell denies Brady's attorneys access to any of the interview notes that were the basis of the Wells report
- Goodell's arbitration summary is full of lies and distortions when compared to the actual testimony that eventually got released
- Goodell is disemboweled by a senior federal judge
- Goodell, confident in his position, appeals the case

Does that about sum it up?



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Like I said, the Brady/Manning rule change of 2006 has absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand.

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?

Scientists and other people that honestly reason gather the facts, then make conclusions. A few members make conclusions based on their likes/dislikes, then twist the facts so they can feel comfortable with it - reality distortion. In fact, they would miss the obvious humor/absurdity of this cartoon:


Those not laughing can't see they have lost their perspective, common sense or a sense of shame on this issue. These people are desperate to pin anything on anybody. They want the Patriots to be severely punished because they think they have cheated the past 15 years lots more and better than the other 31 teams - I get that. So investigate that and let the owner and coach get the brunt of the penalties. Instead, Brady and a couple of ball boys get smacked. They feel strongly the Patriots have broken the rules and don't want to follow the rules in punishing them - that's what the judge said this past week.

Mirroring the cartoon is the old Steve Martin joke of the Death Penalty for jaywalking - again the judge got that. That's if Brady was guilty as charged. Anyone without a blind eye notice Chris Mortensen is really defensive on backlash about his inaccurate reports on DeflateGate?

Earlier on this thread, a member was wishing Brady gets legally knocked out of a game with an gotta be kidding he gives a damn about cheating to say that!


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This will be impossible for some of you, but also imagine it's Tony Romo deep into the playoffs this season.

Brady finds out DeflateGate as it starts to go viral. If the commisioner is Paul Taglibue - take the fine and move on. It's already common knowledge Roger Goodell on several occasions has overkilled on penalties....why risk getting suspended in the playoffs? On turning over the phone: do you trust Goodell and the NFL? A comment Brady made about Peyton was leaked as it was...stuff not related that's entirely personal could feed TMZ, etc.


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Those not laughing can't see they have lost their perspective, common sense or a sense of shame on this issue. These people are desperate to pin anything on anybody. They want the Patriots to be severely punished because they think they have cheated the past 15 years lots more and better than the other 31 teams - I get that.
It is pretty funny how people are acting like a few tenths of a PSI is the end of the world. Meanwhile, everyone is just ignoring the worse violation committed by Atlanta: pumping in crowd noise, which is 100 times more egregious thant he laws of physics doing their thing on a cold, rainy night in Foxboro.


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It is pretty funny how people are acting like a few tenths of a PSI is the end of the world. Meanwhile, everyone is just ignoring the worse violation committed by Atlanta: pumping in crowd noise, which is 100 times more egregious thant he laws of physics doing their thing on a cold, rainy night in Foxboro.

No one is down playing it. They should get everything they deserve. Write a petition and I'll sign it.

It doesn't excuse your boy from scheming to cheat in the AFCCG.


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Like I said, the Brady/Manning rule change of 2006 has absolutely nothing to do with the matter at hand.

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?

Only in the eyes of a big homer it doesn't..


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Only in the eyes of a big homer it doesn't..
Even Stevie Wonder can see that the rule change of '06 has absolutely nothing to do with the alleged deflategate tampering. :D

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?


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It is pretty funny how people are acting like a few tenths of a PSI is the end of the world. Meanwhile, everyone is just ignoring the worse violation committed by Atlanta: pumping in crowd noise, which is 100 times more egregious thant he laws of Rogah doing their thing on a cold, rainy night in Foxboro.



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By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?

Kinda reminds me of an adult ignoring the repetitive foolishness of a 4 yr old . . . . :lmao2:


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Even Stevie Wonder can see that the rule change of '06 has absolutely nothing to do with the alleged deflategate tampering. :D

By the way, I notice you keep ignoring my question when I ask you which version of the rule makes the most sense. Why is that?

What part of YOU invoking ball boys knowing rules about tampering based on being handed out pamphlets before the season don't you understand in regards to Brady having to know about the rules because he's the one that forced the change?

What part of YOU making the claim that the proposed rule change in 2006-2007 led by Brady makes sense because tampering a football by an opposing team is a possibility, but you suddenl saying it's no big deal when Brady himself is accused of doing it?

It's clear who is avoiding what...


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What part of YOU invoking ball boys knowing rules about tampering based on being handed out pamphlets before the season don't you understand in regards to Brady having to know about the rules because he's the one that forced the change?

What part of YOU making the claim that the proposed rule change in 2006-2007 led by Brady makes sense because tampering a football by an opposing team is a possibility, but you suddenl saying it's no big deal when Brady himself is accused of doing it?

It's clear who is avoiding what...
I have politely answered every question you have asked me. It speaks volumes that you refuse to answer one simple one of mine.


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What part of YOU invoking ball boys knowing rules about tampering based on being handed out pamphlets before the season don't you understand in regards to Brady having to know about the rules because he's the one that forced the change?

What part of YOU making the claim that the proposed rule change in 2006-2007 led by Brady makes sense because tampering a football by an opposing team is a possibility, but you suddenl saying it's no big deal when Brady himself is accused of doing it?

It's clear who is avoiding what...

Goodell point blank said the NFL didn't fire the ballboys.

That is one of talking points repeated by the Brady fan boys.

Two innocent guys fired by the Pats. I guess cursing about St Tom will get you fired but deflating footballs or videotaping the other team is OK. I would love to see one of them spill the beans one day.


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Oh well if Goodell said it then it must be true..!!

You guys can't respond to one post with lying about the balls, the phones, the PSI or anything else.

Berman bought it for reasons unknown(partying with Kraft.....hmmmmmm) but no one else with a brain does.