Tom Coughlin annoyed over non-call on Romo-Hurd TD

Well, I've seen many BS calls destroy us in the last 10 years, so I'm not going to feel guilty if a few go our way for a change.
what the hell is coughlin talking about? just watched the hurd TD again.. he does not go in motion and certainly does not jump early.
Teague31;1638892 said:
what the hell is coughlin talking about? just watched the hurd TD again.. he does not go in motion and certainly does not jump early.

Watch again but watch the bottom of the screen, it's Crayton that goes in motion.
FCBarca;1638897 said:
Watch again but watch the bottom of the screen, it's Crayton that goes in motion.

Well, maybe Crayton thought this is the Arena League. The scoreboard seemed to indicate Arena League quality football.
Don Corleone;1638907 said:
Well, maybe Crayton thought this is the Arena League. The scoreboard seemed to indicate Arena League quality football.

One of the buddies I was watching the game with is Canadian, he didn't notice it either.:D
FCBarca;1638827 said:
If I'm a Cowboy fan and I confirm that a missed penalty call is a penalty call somehow that constitutes bias?...Ugghhh, yeah, sounds like great logic to me.

If the Cowboys got into 3rd and long, yeah, maybe they don't make that connection on the Hurd play...maybe they do...The point is, that penalty would've prevented the TD and given the Giant defense another shot at stopping Romo & Co...A scenario that AT LEAST was better than a TD that resulted...How is that supposition or anything but fact?...Come on, get with the program people...It is what it is.

I see things for what they are, regardless of who it benefits...I see a missed penalty and I think A) We got lucky that it wasn't called and B) Realize that NY were a bit hosed on that call...If it had been the reverse (Stay with me now), I'd still feel the same way about it...And I'm guessin the rest of you myopic 'fans' would as well...THAT, as they say demonstrates who maintains bias and who is actually seeing things for what they are.

No. What you're doing is making excuses. Ware was being held consistently. Why weren't they called? They're penalties.

Who's to say the Cowboys would even be in that position at the end of the game if those were called?

All you're talking about is possibilities. This game wasn't atrociously reffed. Every game will have missed calls, that will result in more or less opportunities for the other team. As long as there is no selective reffing - and such a situation can be judged - then it is what it is. The good teams fight through them. The losers make excuses. IMO, I've seen more excuses for the Giants from you that what I would deem objective analysis.
SultanOfSix;1638919 said:
No. What you're doing is making excuses. Ware was being held consistently. Why weren't they called? They're penalties.

Who's to say the Cowboys would even be in that position at the end of the game if those were called?

All you're talking about is possibilities. This game wasn't atrociously reffed. Every game will have missed calls, that will result in more or less opportunities for the other team. As long as there is no selective reffing - and such a situation can be judged - then it is what it is. The good teams fight through them. The losers make excuses. IMO, I've seen more excuses for the Giants from you that what I would deem objective analysis.

My advice, take a logics course at the local JC...Thread was about a particular penalty that was missed on a crucial play at a crucial juncture in the game and you bring up Ware and holds that were not called?...Yeah, not logical senor.

Blown calls on critical plays in games are far more scrutinized then are innocuous plays that figure far less prominently in the final result and that particular play was critical from both perspectives...A hold call in the 2nd quarter on Ware where nothing was gained or lost at the time hardly compares nevermind that it has NOTHING to do with the initial point.
FCBarca;1638818 said:
Henry 'Henke' Larsson during Championship season for the red and blue of FC Barcelona...I like it too
Do you obsess this much over soccer matches? I'll bet that Madrid championship must have really stung...
zeromaster;1638948 said:
Do you obsess this much over soccer matches? I'll bet that Madrid championship must have really stung...

Over futbol matches?...A bad call, sure...And, yes, RM winning stings...Less so considering very few, apart from Cules, truly believe them to be superior to the Blaugrana
FCBarca;1638927 said:
My advice, take a logics course at the local JC...Thread was about a particular penalty that was missed on a crucial play at a crucial juncture in the game and you bring up Ware and holds that were not called?...Yeah, not logical senor.

Blown calls on critical plays in games are far more scrutinized then are innocuous plays that figure far less prominently in the final result and that particular play was critical from both perspectives...A hold call in the 2nd quarter on Ware where nothing was gained or lost at the time hardly compares nevermind that it has NOTHING to do with the initial point.

You're original post:

"Coughlin has his point, there's no reason to consider it 'crying' when it was a pretty clear penalty...The Cowboys dodged one there and he's also right that with a 3rd and long it could've been a very different outcome from there.

Giants played well, they can't be faulted for that...Particularly, with several of their key players out...They had no problem moving the ball on us but true, with J-Load at the helm they faced a tougher prospect of marching down the field...Then again, you never know.

So was it a key play that was missed?...My own unbiased opinion is that it was a key play...And let's face it, the Cowboys dodged several bullets in the game and there's nothing to gloat over in the win...It was ugly, especially on D."

Yeah, it was a key play because we scored. So what?

Notice the use of positive suppositions with respect to the Giants, whereas it's seemingly the Cowboys somehow "dodging" stuff.

You sound like a Giants fan making excuses for them.

And that's my "unbiased" opinion.

Edit: BTW, I didn't say you were a Giants fan. I just said you sound like one.
SultanOfSix;1638964 said:
You're original post:

"Coughlin has his point, there's no reason to consider it 'crying' when it was a pretty clear penalty...The Cowboys dodged one there and he's also right that with a 3rd and long it could've been a very different outcome from there.

Giants played well, they can't be faulted for that...Particularly, with several of their key players out...They had no problem moving the ball on us but true, with J-Load at the helm they faced a tougher prospect of marching down the field...Then again, you never know.

So was it a key play that was missed?...My own unbiased opinion is that it was a key play...And let's face it, the Cowboys dodged several bullets in the game and there's nothing to gloat over in the win...It was ugly, especially on D."

Yeah, it was a key play because we scored. So what?

Notice the use of positive suppositions with respect to the Giants, whereas it's seemingly the Cowboys somehow "dodging" stuff.

You sound like a Giants fan making excuses for them.

And that's my "unbiased" opinion.

Had the penalty been called and Dallas not scored the TD to go up 10 late in the 4th, they would've faced 3rd and 12...Giants also would've been aware of the possibility of a quick strike as it had just been called...So, even with our better than 50% 3rd down completion is this not now a higher pressure scenario having just had the TD called back?...No completion, pts off the board and NY with the ball back...That's just a reality...Maybe we score again or maybe we get the 1st down but that doesn't change how the missed call was a key issue that Coughlin raised...It had been my contention all along that it was a key noncall, it doesn't equate to losing the ball game but it would've made the game tighter...That's simply a fact, not opinion.

When J-Load took over eventually, after the TD, the Giants faced 2 scores to get back into the game...Had the TD not been successful, it would've been a drastically different scenario for all the Giants involved to need just a FG...That too is a fact.

It isn't supposition when dodging is exactly what happened with the noncall...It's not a point of contention about the missed penalty, it was a missed penalty...It would've created a different scenario had it been correctly called...Yes, it happens in football but that doesn't change the fact (Not supposition) that it was not called.

To then go on and state that it wouldn't have mattered anyway because we 'likely' would've converted on 3rd and long was clearly biased...It would've presented a difficult situation in a difficult point in the game....To say that scenario is a likely scenario for any team in that situation would be overly biased...It's a difficult scenario to say the least.

There are no certainties to which way it would've gone had the penalty been called but it clearly afforded the Giants a better shot at tying or winning...That too is merely a fact, regardless of how you look at it.

And, again, the irony is that if this situation were reversed the same poorly constructed logicians on here would be complaining about how Dallas got screwed by the refs...Yet, somehow that would make YOU a Cowboy fan...Genius logic.
FCBarca;1638982 said:
Had the penalty been called and Dallas not scored the TD to go up 10 late in the 4th, they would've faced 3rd and 12...Giants also would've been aware of the possibility of a quick strike as it had just been called...So, even with our better than 50% 3rd down completion is this not now a higher pressure scenario having just had the TD called back?...No completion, pts off the board and NY with the ball back...That's just a reality...Maybe we score again or maybe we get the 1st down but that doesn't change how the missed call was a key issue that Coughlin raised...It had been my contention all along that it was a key noncall, it doesn't equate to losing the ball game but it would've made the game tighter...That's simply a fact, not opinion.

When J-Load took over eventually, after the TD, the Giants faced 2 scores to get back into the game...Had the TD not been successful, it would've been a drastically different scenario for all the Giants involved to need just a FG...That too is a fact.

It isn't supposition when dodging is exactly what happened with the noncall...It's not a point of contention about the missed penalty, it was a missed penalty...It would've created a different scenario had it been correctly called...Yes, it happens in football but that doesn't change the fact (Not supposition) that it was not called.

To then go on and state that it wouldn't have mattered anyway because we 'likely' would've converted on 3rd and long was clearly biased...It would've presented a difficult situation in a difficult point in the game....To say that scenario is a likely scenario for any team in that situation would be overly biased...It's a difficult scenario to say the least.

There are no certainties to which way it would've gone had the penalty been called but it clearly afforded the Giants a better shot at tying or winning...That too is merely a fact, regardless of how you look at it.

And, again, the irony is that if this situation were reversed the same poorly constructed logicians on here would be complaining about how Dallas got screwed by the refs...Yet, somehow that would make YOU a Cowboy fan...Genius logic.

I never claimed that you were a Giants fan. I said you sound like one.

You still don't get it. You're arguing over possibilities that only promote scenarios that make it a positive outcome for the Giants. It makes you sound like a Giants fan. Yeah, a penalty that happened wasn't called. So what? Sometimes penalties are missed, and like you said critical ones that have an impact on the game are scrutinized more. However, did this non-call really have an impact on the game?

Would the missed penalty have had an impact on the play as it played out, like a pass interference or a holding that prevented a sack? No. It seems like you're an absolutist when it comes to defending your point. It's ok to take away the play. But it's not ok consider the fact that it had no impact on the play except for the fact that it negates the play because it's a penalty.

You use this same type of reasoning throughout your posts when your defending the idea that the Giants would have had a better chance to win.

Of course they would. Any dummy can see that. It would have taken seven points off the board. And if they stopped us on 3rd and 12 then they would have gotten the ball. And if they drove down the field, they would have only to have had to kick a field goal. Or maybe fat boy QB could have thrown a TD bomb to Plaxico and they would have won.

Ifs are useless.
FCBarca;1638838 said:
When you can't even point out a lucky break for 'our' team and not be considered a 'traitor' then yeah, there's closed mindedness on the forum...When others attempt to pile...

Actually, it's called disagreement, not "piling on." When you post on a forum such as this, you must expect that people will eventually disagree with you.

Believe it or not, a person can suggest you sound like a Giant fan (even in a heated manner) without meaning "you're either with me or against me." That you regard team affiliation as some great metaphorical dividing line drawn in the sand speaks volumes about you.

Also, a few people on a message board are not necessarily microcosmic of the entire country.

Bush is certainly guilty of more than one logical fallacy and numerous mistakes, but Lefty has definite problems of his own, such as his complete inability to take criticism or to engage in a constructive exchange of opposing ideas without indulging his own unwarranted sense of elitism.

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