Tony could never come anywhere near 11-2


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Sigh.....only in Dallas where the backup is always the savior! Fans are such traitors.

Romo has been my favorite player forever, but this is Daks team now folks. What happens if we put a 50 burger on Tampa?? Rejoice??
Damn straight rejoice. He's been crap for two games. I hope that's an anomaly. 2-24 on third down conversions last two games.

....and when have they even had a backup in the last 10 years?

Bleu Star

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With all due respect Bleu Star ... based on what?
Why would Romo have a 7-6 record put in same situations ?
I mean we could argue because DAK has his legs and scrambling ability

But could we not also argue Romo could've hit some of those wide open receivers that DAK missed ?

While I do feel some of Daks success had to do early on with unknown factors by defensive staff but they still evolved and schemed for him

Where I do think Tony might've faultered was health .. not sure he would've survived some of the hits DAK took and some Daks legs helped him to avoid .. but to say Tony would've been 7-6 is extremely naive and without basis
Health is a major issue my friend. He is battling father time and we all know who usually wins that battle. Unlike Brady, Tony's body has taken a beating over the years. I would be surprised if he lasted a full game to be quite honest. One big hit and it's grimace city.

Bleu Star

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With the current o-line and running back? You are talking out your azz and you know it. Romo was 4-0 two Decembers ago and the team averaged about 41 points per game in that stretch, with an avg winning margin of 21 points. If Romo's back held up I see no reason why he couldn't build on his league leading performance of 2 years ago, when he beat out Rodgers...throwing 34 TDs against 9 INTs (in 15 games) with 70% accuracy. Your assumption is not only asinine and tenuous but also ridiculous, because it's not based on anything but pure conjecture, not recent performance with the current o-line, receivers and a potent ground game.

Health is a major issue my friend. He is battling father time and we all know who usually wins that battle. Unlike Brady, Tony's body has taken a beating over the years. I would be surprised if he lasted a full game to be quite honest. One big hit and it's grimace city.
Take that as you will.


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..Oh no wait, he's 15-3 in his last 18 regular season games!!!

Seems a lot of us have forgotten.

Was his team anywhere near as good as this one? Did he have Lee in 2014 or Zeke?

I wish people would also stop with the, "I love Tony as much as anyone, but.." No. Shut up. You don't. Anyone with sense or true objectivity realizes that a 10 year elite vet is a much better option than a rookie no matter how amazing that rookie seems at times. Witten, Beasley, Dez, these are Romo's guys. The head coach. The OL. They've built chemistry over many years and deserve to be together for this run.
With the way this defense is playing (especially vs expectations) and the added dimension that Elliott adds to this dominant o-line, I think a bunch of QBs would be doing well with this team.

There's no reason Dallas couldn't be 13-1 or 14-0 right now with Romo...EXCEPT that he would have had to have played in 14 straight games.
They where 12-3 with him in 2014 (including the bad game one start vs SF before we decided to become more of run team) with what I would consider a slightly inferior overall team.
His regular season QB rating was a whopping 113 and his PLAYOFF rating was 125.
Yes, it's much easier playing QB nowadays for Dallas than it was 3-5 years ago. Way easier.
Both Tony and Dak have proven that.

But we haven't seen a healthy Romo play in a real game since the first two games of 2015. I know he tends to start the season a bit slow, but even though his QB rating was okay and the team went 2-0, he didn't quite seem like the Romo that was rolling in late 2014.
However, I hear he's lighter and has much more strength (arm and body) now than then, so who knows.

I'd like to see Dak get back on track this week though.
This whole QB thing has been weird.


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I always love the hypothetical post since it can't be proven one way or the other it is strictly left to each person to create their own fantasy of how things would have been. I have watched as both QB's have come under fire frankly for no good reasons. As with most topics here a line gets drawn and people take a side and then start up with far reaching attacks just to throw more fuel on the fire.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Not the case at all. He's been an important part, but there's no denying he has the best personnel of any quarterback in the NFL.
As will Tony. His best season was when he had a dependable running game.


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As will Tony. His best season was when he had a dependable running game.

Tony does things at the line of scrimmage to get out of bad plays that Dak won't for some time. Tony also will let the ball go down the field to get teams to back off the line of scrimmage. He'd eat these fronts alive. We just don't know if he can take a hit now.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Sigh.....only in Dallas where the backup is always the savior! Fans are such traitors.

Romo has been my favorite player forever, but this is Daks team now folks. What happens if we put a 50 burger on Tampa?? Rejoice??
Nope. We'll wait till the Detroit game and if we lose it will be back to the same old thing again.


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No one knows if Dak is going to become the next Tom Brady or the next Nick Foles. All we know, is that right now he's struggling as a rookie and has to perform better going forward this year. If he doesn't, you know what will happen like it or not.

I was just talking to someone today and brought up Foles' name. You're right. We don't know. What we do know is that he's done a good job and has earned the right to "lose" the job, as opposed to replacing him with a healthy Romo a couple of weeks back. I understood that decision. But the worst thing that can happen is to throw the season away if Dak continues to struggle. If he comes back against TB and has a good game and leads the team to victory, he keeps the job. Dak has done a great job but we often overlook the fact that he's a young 4th round rookie.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Tony does things at the line of scrimmage to get out of bad plays that Dak won't for some time. Tony also will let the ball go down the field to get teams to back off the line of scrimmage. He'd eat these fronts alive. We just don't know if he can take a hit now.
The old Tony could get out of situations and avoid sacks. Not too sure about the new Tony. He holds the ball too long and can't run or slide like he used to. And as for throwing down the field, that is true. Of course he'll likely throw untimely interceptions which he has done in the past. I also don't know how accurate he'll be after not playing in a year. Regardless if he comes back or not, this team has to get back to running the ball and keeping the ball for as long as possible or it will be one and done in the playoffs no matter who the QB is.


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You would just prefer ignore the obvious and painful truth and try to recreate the narrative that Romo is somehow elite. I get it.

And you can't ignore the obvious truth that it's not just that we lost against NY, it's how we lost. Dak looked like he couldn't hit the side of a barn from 5 yards out. He also felt pressure when it wasn't always there and stepped into sacks. He looked completely lost. I'm not putting it all on Dak but he didn't help his cause either.


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And you can't ignore the obvious truth that it's not just that we lost against NY, it's how we lost. Dak looked like he couldn't hit the side of a barn from 5 yards out. He also felt pressure when it wasn't always there and stepped into sacks. He looked completely lost. I'm not putting it all on Dak but he didn't help his cause either.

I haven't ignored any of that. I think Dak gets a chance to bounce back in TB. If he struggles again, I'd have no complaints sitting him to give Romo a shot at getting this ship back on course. It very well could be that Dak has peaked for this season. I don't think our odds are much improved with Romo because of his history, but as long as he is on the active roster and can get the ball in the end zone he disserves an opportunity should it arrise.


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I haven't ignored any of that. I think Dak gets a chance to bounce back in TB. If he struggles again, I'd have no complaints sitting him to give Romo a shot at getting this ship back on course. It very well could be that Dak has peaked for this season. I don't think our odds are much improved with Romo because of his history, but as long as he is on the active roster and can get the ball in the end zone he disserves an opportunity should it arrise.

Completely agree and a level headed answer. It's Dak's job to lose. He comes out against TB and plays a good game, he keeps the job. If he plays poorly and regresses even further, then some tough decisions need to be made.