I don't see more than a handful of posters advocating we ditch Romo. It's just ridiculous that some are trying to assert that he's even with or ahead of many HOFers at this point in his career. Most of the guys he was compared to were already carrying teams on their backs at age 29, and had several playoff wins under their belts.
Doesn't mean Romo will never get it, but three consecutive less than stellar Decembers isn't just a coincidence. The onus is not on people who doubt Tony Romo; it's on Tony Romo. I don't believe anyone can honestly argue otherwise. But since there's really no defense for Romo's disappointing end to the previous 3 seasons, his over-the-top supporters issue a blanket "THEY WANT TO GET RID OF ROMO EVEN THOUGH HE'S STATISTICALLY BETTER THAN MANNING!!???!!" argument or other such nonsense.