Cool bro.
But does he wear it backwards at the office, or meeting with clients, or doing depositions, or at the court house? Im gonna really go way out on a limb here and guess it would be NO. And if it is NO, then you've kinda reinforced what Colin was saying and tended to refute what you've been yapping about. You see, you've allowed yourself to get all bent outta shape over something that you dont "agree" with and become irrational while missing the point. Rather than immediately dismiss everything because you get offended over something so trivial you should learn to listen, process the info, and try and learn something from it. If after doing that you still dont agree, you've still exercised a mature and open minded approach to what others have to say. Its nothing to get worked up about. When the "younger" generation says the older crowd just doesnt "understand" what they are really saying is that you dont want to hear what they have to say because you dont like it. They understand perfectly well, and its why they say the things they do.
Colin had a good take on it and what he said rings true for the most part. You might not like it, but that doesnt change the reality of it.