Sonny#9 said:
It's amazing what a little dose of their own medicine does to Cowboys fans. I have had to listen to their drivel for eons now. Guess what? It's time for some payback...and no the Skins didn't get it done in the past - but they sure did last year! And for all their "glory" the Cowboys, America's Team, still have not won a playoff game in 10 years. Ouch that's gotta hurt...
That's it? That's all you got, last year?
That makes you pee-pee your pants? Is your life all good now? :laugh1: Your team beat THE BIG BAD COWBOYS? And now, your over here after what, again? Seven or eight years? Where ya been big boy? How come you have not come over here trolling in the past? Answer that question? Where have you been? We Cowboy fans missed you RedStinks!
You won a playoff game last year? OMG! I need to run and hide in the closet like you cowards did for the last 7 or 8 years...
The Dallas Cowboys...have five (5) Shining SuperBowl Trophys on the ever seen them?
You know what your team has? One shiney Trophy, and two very tarnished trophys that the janitor is still trying to get the rust off! That is pathetic and embarissing, to brag about that...
You know what probably hurts more then not winning a playoff game in 10 years? Let me fill you in, OK?
Not just the Cowboys...but the Eagles and the Giants have been kicking your teams butt for the same amount of years! Yet, you win two games, one by pure luck, (or the Cowboys choking...
) and you are over here this year, crowing like the BIG rooster on the roof! You RedStinks have your little chests poking way your RedStinks pajamas on...because FINALLY! FINALLY you got sweep the Boyz...and that's all you got...and that's sad...
Enjoy it why you can...however, I expect you to stick around during this whole season! Will you? I doubt and the rest of the RedStink fans will be back in the closet...where you have been for the last several years...while the rest of the NFCE was stomping on your team like stomping on ants!
So, be happy, live in happy land...but, be may regret trolling around here...
:dissskin: Good dog, Gibbs...(my dog loves taking a leak on a RedStink helmet...because even though he's a dog...he smells RedStink s--- like the rest of the Cowboy nation does)...