illone said:
It's more comical when Cowboys fans try to act all high and mighty on the internet.
Hey everyone!
He called us "cowboy fans"...!
How cute....! Lots of kiddys still refer to the Dallas Cowboys as "cowboy fans"...! Did ya learn that from Art? Is that what they call us Dallas Cowboy fans over on
Listen, if you think us "cowboy fans" are are right! So....if we are "cowboy fans"...which have been watching our team kick your team's butt for the past 7 or 8 years...what does that make you RedStink fans?
Want me to tell you?
Ok...I will then...
Us "cowboy fans" have been watching our team bit-- slap your team around for a long, long time...!
:dissskin: Nice dog, Gibbs (ya little "cowboy dog")...