Video: Trailer: CeeDee Lamb Part 1


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My "Criticisim" is a cold stone fact. In the limited footage of practices I have seen mulitiple mis throws by Dak.

Same Dak

I am not a hater. I just disagree with elevating a QB with those deficiences

Its gonna be a fun season watching Mike deal with Dak's "Growing" Pains

LOL...……….I guess you don't watch other practices or films. How can you not know that QB's miss throws? So you think QB's are perfect beings? You must not watch games either because QB's miss throws in games too. They have a stat for that you know? Its called completion percentage. And although its not perfect, it gives you an indication of accuracy. They actually do that for all the quadrants on the field per QB.

What you are saying is not factual in the least. In fact...……..the FACTS show the opposite of what you say.

You suffer from what is called a bias. You have a bias against Dak from the beginning based on your affections for Romo and the way he was treated.

So you go around looking for things to nit pick or reasons to NOT like Dak. Typically completions or amazing plays are glossed over as "that's his job" type thinking and any little mistake is magnified to help fuel your hatred.

I can tell you personally that I loved both QB's and its a much better place to be in. I am unbiased on both. Stuck up for Romo EXACTLY as I do with Dak. Quincy Carter I hammered with no mercy. In fact, he is my #1 most hated Cowboy of all time.


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My "Criticisim" is a cold stone fact. In the limited footage of practices I have seen mulitiple mis throws by Dak.

Same Dak

I am not a hater. I just disagree with elevating a QB with those deficiences

Its gonna be a fun season watching Mike deal with Dak's "Growing" Pains

And yah...…….Im sure Mike is going to be REAL upset with 5000 yards and over 30 TD's with a high QB rating, dual threat rushing TD's and the #1 rated offense in football. He will probably be crying himself to sleep every night like you do. :muttley:


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And yah...…….Im sure Mike is going to be REAL upset with 5000 yards and over 30 TD's with a high QB rating, dual threat rushing TD's and the #1 rated offense in football. He will probably be crying himself to sleep every night like you do. :muttley:

Has anyone ever noticed that these things are not mutually exclusive. Romo and Dak could both be pretty good QBs, albeit with very different styles. It might have been better to sit Dak when Romo came back in ‘16, for the team’s sake and the sake of Dak’s development, yet Dak would still have been a franchise QB. Dak can be a stud QB yet also have weaknesses, and getting his WRs the ball in stride instead of slightly behind (especially on certain lateral routes) may still be one of those weaknesses. He may need to work on that to go up to the elite tier, while he may still be worth the money he’s asking for, because of supply, demand, and the inordinate effect a QB talent dearth has on the rest of the team. All of these things may be true... and I, for one, am a big fan of them both. There were things that Romo did better than Aikman, but that didn’t make me hate Aikman, and vice versa. I happen to disagree with the idea that Dak doesn’t read the field/process well, although he did have that issue his first couple seasons, but apart from that, I agree with all the points people have made about both QBs. Somehow I am able to hold the pluses and minuses of each in my head without exploding. Can we all just chill out?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I never bring Romo into it for what reason. Hes retired. All i ever said is we would have won the Super Bowl in 2016. Which I wholeheartedly believe. I am also on record saying Dak would have benefitted going back to the Bench

I do criticize Dak because I see a glaring weakness that he cannot compensate for. Late reads and late passes.

Just so happens this is a crucial trait for QB's in Crucial moments. He doesnt possess this trait and never will

Every year I am hopeful and every preseason no improvement. Same this year his passes are late.

Now if he would settle for 25 million I could possibly live with it but this guy wanted to break the bank and under his terms (4) years.

The Arrogance. This idiot Agent was the only one with a bigger Ego then Dak. Karma came into play and thats why France is my hero.

All I ask is you stop criticizing me for criticizing Dak

Stop the Romo Crap
It wasn't that 4 years would "break the bank". Other QBs signed for 4 years (Goff, Wilson, Wentz), and by most reports Dak's per year price was in the same ballpark as theirs. It was that it was harder on the salary cap than those guys because they were signed with time remaining on their previous contract and Dak wasn't. The team has to take as much blame for that as Dak does. My bet is if a year ago they had offered Dak something in the ballpark of what Wentz got, Dak would have signed, and the Cowboys would have had that extra year of cap flexibility.

If you don't believe in Dak, why would you even take him at $25/year? That's still an amount that would lock the team into him as the QB.

Ultimately, Dak is our QB this year, and no amount of complaining will change that. Let's give him a chance. If he does well, a deal probably gets done, and if he doesn't he has to move along.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Has anyone ever noticed that these things are not mutually exclusive. Romo and Dak could both be pretty good QBs, albeit with very different styles. It might have been better to sit Dak when Romo came back in ‘16, for the team’s sake and the sake of Dak’s development, yet Dak would still have been a franchise QB. Dak can be a stud QB yet also have weaknesses, and getting his WRs the ball in stride instead of slightly behind (especially on certain lateral routes) may still be one of those weaknesses. He may need to work on that to go up to the elite tier, while he may still be worth the money he’s asking for, because of supply, demand, and the inordinate effect a QB talent dearth has on the rest of the team. All of these things may be true... and I, for one, am a big fan of them both. There were things that Romo did better than Aikman, but that didn’t make me hate Aikman, and vice versa. I happen to disagree with the idea that Dak doesn’t read the field/process well, although he did have that issue his first couple seasons, but apart from that, I agree with all the points people have made about both QBs. Somehow I am able to hold the pluses and minuses of each in my head without exploding. Can we all just chill out?
I've made the same point in the past, but it doesn't seem many understand that.

It's like that with a lot of things in life these days. Too many people are only interested in being all right, and those they disagree with being all wrong.

Reality is with most things there are legitimate points on both sides, but today's propaganda soaked world doesn't acknowledge that.


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Has anyone ever noticed that these things are not mutually exclusive. Romo and Dak could both be pretty good QBs, albeit with very different styles. It might have been better to sit Dak when Romo came back in ‘16, for the team’s sake and the sake of Dak’s development, yet Dak would still have been a franchise QB. Dak can be a stud QB yet also have weaknesses, and getting his WRs the ball in stride instead of slightly behind (especially on certain lateral routes) may still be one of those weaknesses. He may need to work on that to go up to the elite tier, while he may still be worth the money he’s asking for, because of supply, demand, and the inordinate effect a QB talent dearth has on the rest of the team. All of these things may be true... and I, for one, am a big fan of them both. There were things that Romo did better than Aikman, but that didn’t make me hate Aikman, and vice versa. I happen to disagree with the idea that Dak doesn’t read the field/process well, although he did have that issue his first couple seasons, but apart from that, I agree with all the points people have made about both QBs. Somehow I am able to hold the pluses and minuses of each in my head without exploding. Can we all just chill out?

Odd that you think sitting Dak would be better for his development rather than getting the experience of playing on the field and in the playoffs.

I like both guys. You are complaining to the wrong guy.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
And yah...…….Im sure Mike is going to be REAL upset with 5000 yards and over 30 TD's with a high QB rating, dual threat rushing TD's and the #1 rated offense in football. He will probably be crying himself to sleep every night like you do. :muttley:
It would be nice to have those same stats and not pay 31 million for a QB to do it.


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Odd that you think sitting Dak would be better for his development rather than getting the experience of playing on the field and in the playoffs.

I like both guys. You are complaining to the wrong guy.
Sorry I didn’t mean to complain to your comment... clicked the wrong button. Whoops. You may or may not be right about starting early. I think there are (gasp) points on both sides of that debate. My point was really just that you could believe that and not hate Dak or Romo.

Personally, I do think most QBs benefit from a little time out of the spotlight, but this is no longer very feasible due to salary cap constraints and other factors. I feel like this is one reason why QB play is so bad nowadays. There are plenty of examples of QBs who seemed to be ruined by going in too early: David Carr is a classic example. In fact, Dak had a case of the David Carr yips for almost a season after the Chaz Green game, but Dak was able to get past this with the help of his coach. And most of the great QBs started playing at the very end of rookie season or later. That being said, a strong team with a good line, good coach, good run game, and strong defense can get a QB through those early years without reinforcing bad habits or leading to chronic injury or otherwise ruining them... that’s what happened with Roethlisberger, and it appears that we are getting there with Dak (despite some hiccups in the coaching and defense departments).


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I never bring Romo into it for what reason. Hes retired. All i ever said is we would have won the Super Bowl in 2016. Which I wholeheartedly believe. I am also on record saying Dak would have benefitted going back to the Bench

I do criticize Dak because I see a glaring weakness that he cannot compensate for. Late reads and late passes.

Just so happens this is a crucial trait for QB's in Crucial moments. He doesnt possess this trait and never will

Every year I am hopeful and every preseason no improvement. Same this year his passes are late.

Now if he would settle for 25 million I could possibly live with it but this guy wanted to break the bank and under his terms (4) years.

The Arrogance. This idiot Agent was the only one with a bigger Ego then Dak. Karma came into play and thats why France is my hero.

All I ask is you stop criticizing me for criticizing Dak

Stop the Romo Crap
Nah bro,I'm good with you being delusional. No worries.


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Any way how about Lamb?

That story of him staying up late to play madden was telling.

Converting 1st downs is sacred to him. He realizes the importance of each and every play. Al Pacinos locker room speech from Any Given Sunday comes to mind.

I love that about him. He wants to win. Its in his DNA.

Hes a very Genuine and Humble Man.


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Can’t wait til he starts making ODB like plays just to hear the iggles fans rue....