Translating Stephen Jones

You are the kind of fan that Jerry would consider perfect.

Being a Cowboys fan for "25 or more" years implies that you have been a fan only as long as Jerry has been running football operations. You have no frame of reference. You don't know what success looks like.

Being a fan of a team doesn't mean that you love everything they do 100% of the time. When someone has had a happy marriage for 50 years it doesn't mean that they were happy every hour of every day of every year for those 50 years. there were days, weeks and even months when they couldn't stand each other.

If every team had the same number of fans in the NFL then only about 3% would be happy with their team at the end of the season.

Being a fan of a particular team means that you suffer more than you celebrate. If that wasn't true, then fans wouldn't celebrate a championship with a parade.

Are fans crazy? Of course they are! Otherwise, they wouldn't be called fans, short for fanatic. It is a fan's right to criticize, analyze, prophesize and realize that their team typically falls short of the goal set by every team at the beginning of the year.

It's only natural for a fan to discuss the team's shortcomings among each other and express opinions about what is missing or what needs to be done.

Most Cowboys fans are too sophisticated to reduce their fanship to being nothing more than mechanical, empty-headed, pom-pom waving robots.
I didn't realize you were I didn't realize you get to say whatever you want and you don't get any rebuttal you're damn right I'm coming in with rebuttal these things get whole 24 hours a day it's just nothing but complaints it's time to move on art Tom Landry is dead the old regime by the way in the same amount of time that the ownership is Jerry only got you 2 titles I thought regular season wins and almost getting there was not the proper way to judge A-Team it's championships and Jerry's winning I don't even like Jerry I don't care who owns this team that's the point you guys care too much you talk about the ownership in the GM like something's gonna change it's not gonna change I'm not your therapist but if you need some help I'm willing to give it to I'm gonna splash reality on you every time you all wanna bring up this nonsense 'cause it's the same regurgitated restated and overused nonsense that I ever see on a daily basis..
Dallas has not appeared in an NFC Championship game since Jan 1996. Which of these facts would you like to debate?
When Stephen Jones speaks, which is far too often, it is makes a little more sense than his Daddy’s unintelligible word salad mixed with a record number of “uh” statements thrown in. Although it’s a little less goofy, SJ’s comments are just as full of baloney as what his old man spews.

SJ has a series of often used standard words and phrases he likes to throw out to the press and fans. Remarkably, he says almost the same thing in a series of words and phrases in every single interview. He would make a great politician because he uses a ton of non-committal phrases that essentially mean either “We won’t be doing that”, “I am lying to you”, or “I’m am trying to make you think we know what we’re doing.” He is a double-speak aficionado.

So let’s look at what SJ commonly says in almost every interview and how that can be translated into what it actually means. Here are Stephen Jones’ favorite words and phrases that are said almost like clockwork in every statement or interview:
  • “Certainly”…(THE most used word in SJ’s limited vocabulary. And he knows hundreds more words than his dad, lol)
  • “At the end of the day.” (Translation: SJ’s “go to” phrase for “It will all work out”….except it doesn’t)
  • “We certainly believe we have found the Secret sauce” (Translation: I’m so arrogant, I can say stupid stuff like this and still keep my job)
  • “If the right situation arises.” (Translation: It won’t.)
  • On contract negotiations -“We won’t be setting the market.” (Translation: We are about to set the market)
  • ”We certainly see _____ being a big part of our future.'' (Translation: Means nothing. Or it could also be the kiss of death)
  • “We will certainly look at that.” (Translation: We won’t be looking at that)
  • “It’s certainly a possibility.” (Translation: it’s not possible)
  • “Because of the cap limitations, we can’t afford to pay most free agents.” (Translation: We don’t know how to manage the cap, so we will lie to our fan base hoping they will believe the lie)
  • “Our guys are certainly still playing hard right now.” (Translation: He’s somehow impressed that professional athletes play hard on a bad team)
  • “We have great respect for Coach _____”. (Translation: We actually don’t respect any head coach who works here and the fact I’m talking to the press right now proves it)
  • ”Jerry certainly believes in keeping options open.” (Translation: We’ve already decided what we’re doing)
This list could “certainly” ;) go on and on. What else does Stephen Jones say that I missed and what does it mean?

This should be posted as is to the Editorial Section of the Dallas Morning News. It's like Mary Poppins. Practically perfect in every possible way.
Dallas has not appeared in an NFC Championship game since Jan 1996. Which of these facts would you like to debate?

Try this instead of the 24-7 whinefest therapy sessions you all do in here,..say it out loud, might help.. I know alcoholism might not be your thing, but this can fit anything and apparently the insidious Dallas Cowboys ownership is like an addiction for you guys to complain about that you can't help yourself that you have to daily come in and say the same things over and over as if something's going to change and it can't change because you have no control except for to leave the team let the Dallas cowboys go and move on...

"Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. "

I as a fan since 1980 have accepted that this is just the way Jerry and Steven run this team and I'm not going to complain about it because I know it's not going to change, the Jones family will own this team and run it how they see fit,

when they don't need to have 24/7 media blowback on everything they say or do because we already are aware of it, it doesn't need to be said here again, because it's redundant... we've already seen it on the news, we've already seen it on our Facebook feeds, we already seen it on our Twitter feeds , and get this real time push notifications , we already seen those ridiculous comments that follow then we have to come in here where we want to talk about football and all you want to talk about is the ownership which is not going to change... accept it no need to talk about it...

That's the issue there is no need for a debate, I mean why do we need to talk about something we're all aware of??​
I mean are you some kind of special messenger that you going to make sure you remind Us Weekly that it's been 28 years or 30 years whatever that ridiculous narrative is????!​
that's the point,​
we don't need to be reminded,​
if you don't like it move on get another team where of this small drought we're in we get it it'll come back it always circles back around...​
I already put enough information in all those posts the Dallas Cowboys have 3 championships since 1989, only two other teams have three or more and at same time frame that would be the chiefs and the patriots who are also a dynasty and again the chiefs 56 years between Super Bowl wins there are 12 teams with zero Super Bowl wins and about five of them have never been to a Super Bowl there are teams that never win their division more like Cleveland who hasn't even won a division since 1989..hmm​
I mean literally all this is not necessary we don't need to talk about it nothing's going to change until it does you complaining 24/7 about this drought about this narrative that you're not going to get changed by complaining that's the point the 24 hours a day complaining in a place where all Cowboys fans were aware of everything that you talked about!!!​
the redundancy here is so bad that yes it's ridiculous to talk about anymore we're fully aware of it nobody's listening nobody cares I mean maybe you're trying to get buddies in here to get on your little paint train that's the point if you need therapy that bad this isn't the place for it we talk about football here we don't need to know about things that we're fully aware of...​

And that goes for every single interview by the time he gets here we've all heard it already there's no need to discuss that Jerry and Steven say things most of them are untrue we don't need to be told not to believe what they're saying we don't need to be told and reminded of this stuff we're already aware of do you know this is captain obvious stuff we don't want that ship we want to talk about football and football related items is not taking every quote and then having the same 10 people come in and say how dumb Steven and Jerry are in their own way and every single quote that's what happens every single offseason every single free aces. Every single trade. Over and over every year you all say the same thing.

And yet nothing has changed so you can keep saying things over and over and all it's going to look like is like you're having toddler tantrums you can fix all this by moving on to a different team and then tell me how that works out....

That's right I said it I used the term if you don't like it move on to another team I love it I love that somebody had a special thread about it that we shouldn't say things like the fans let them be the way they are no I don't need to let you be how you want to be because we know about all this stuff it's not new news it's very old news.

Try this instead of the 24-7 whinefest therapy sessions you all do in here,..say it out loud, might help.. I know alcoholism might not be your thing, but this can fit anything and apparently the insidious Dallas Cowboys ownership is like an addiction for you guys to complain about that you can't help yourself that you have to daily come in and say the same things over and over as if something's going to change and it can't change because you have no control except for to leave the team let the Dallas cowboys go and move on...

"Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. "

I as a fan since 1980 have accepted that this is just the way Jerry and Steven run this team and I'm not going to complain about it because I know it's not going to change, the Jones family will own this team and run it how they see fit,

when they don't need to have 24/7 media blowback on everything they say or do because we already are aware of it, it doesn't need to be said here again, because it's redundant... we've already seen it on the news, we've already seen it on our Facebook feeds, we already seen it on our Twitter feeds , and get this real time push notifications , we already seen those ridiculous comments that follow then we have to come in here where we want to talk about football and all you want to talk about is the ownership which is not going to change... accept it no need to talk about it...

That's the issue there is no need for a debate, I mean why do we need to talk about something we're all aware of??​
I mean are you some kind of special messenger that you going to make sure you remind Us Weekly that it's been 28 years or 30 years whatever that ridiculous narrative is????!​
that's the point,​
we don't need to be reminded,​
if you don't like it move on get another team where of this small drought we're in we get it it'll come back it always circles back around...​
I already put enough information in all those posts the Dallas Cowboys have 3 championships since 1989, only two other teams have three or more and at same time frame that would be the chiefs and the patriots who are also a dynasty and again the chiefs 56 years between Super Bowl wins there are 12 teams with zero Super Bowl wins and about five of them have never been to a Super Bowl there are teams that never win their division more like Cleveland who hasn't even won a division since 1989..hmm​
I mean literally all this is not necessary we don't need to talk about it nothing's going to change until it does you complaining 24/7 about this drought about this narrative that you're not going to get changed by complaining that's the point the 24 hours a day complaining in a place where all Cowboys fans were aware of everything that you talked about!!!​
the redundancy here is so bad that yes it's ridiculous to talk about anymore we're fully aware of it nobody's listening nobody cares I mean maybe you're trying to get buddies in here to get on your little paint train that's the point if you need therapy that bad this isn't the place for it we talk about football here we don't need to know about things that we're fully aware of...​

And that goes for every single interview by the time he gets here we've all heard it already there's no need to discuss that Jerry and Steven say things most of them are untrue we don't need to be told not to believe what they're saying we don't need to be told and reminded of this stuff we're already aware of do you know this is captain obvious stuff we don't want that ship we want to talk about football and football related items is not taking every quote and then having the same 10 people come in and say how dumb Steven and Jerry are in their own way and every single quote that's what happens every single offseason every single free aces. Every single trade. Over and over every year you all say the same thing.

And yet nothing has changed so you can keep saying things over and over and all it's going to look like is like you're having toddler tantrums you can fix all this by moving on to a different team and then tell me how that works out....

That's right I said it I used the term if you don't like it move on to another team I love it I love that somebody had a special thread about it that we shouldn't say things like the fans let them be the way they are no I don't need to let you be how you want to be because we know about all this stuff it's not new news it's very old news.

Maybe take your own advice Blue…maybe you should accept the things you cannot change. Like how Cowboys fans choose to express their fandom. Your opinions are welcome but when you word whip everyone for what you think is “acceptable“ fan behavior, it just seems strange and feels like an attack rather than a differing opinion.

Disagree all you want. But there‘s difference between disagreement and attacks.
Maybe take your own advice Blue…maybe you should accept the things you cannot change. Like how Cowboys fans choose to express their fandom. Your opinions are welcome but when you word whip everyone for what you think is “acceptable“ fan behavior, it just seems strange and feels like an attack rather than a differing opinion.

Disagree all you want. But there‘s difference between disagreement and attacks.
vicious circle continues..

Try this instead of the 24-7 whinefest therapy sessions you all do in here,..say it out loud, might help.. I know alcoholism might not be your thing, but this can fit anything and apparently the insidious Dallas Cowboys ownership is like an addiction for you guys to complain about that you can't help yourself that you have to daily come in and say the same things over and over as if something's going to change and it can't change because you have no control except for to leave the team let the Dallas cowboys go and move on...

"Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. "

I as a fan since 1980 have accepted that this is just the way Jerry and Steven run this team and I'm not going to complain about it because I know it's not going to change, the Jones family will own this team and run it how they see fit,

when they don't need to have 24/7 media blowback on everything they say or do because we already are aware of it, it doesn't need to be said here again, because it's redundant... we've already seen it on the news, we've already seen it on our Facebook feeds, we already seen it on our Twitter feeds , and get this real time push notifications , we already seen those ridiculous comments that follow then we have to come in here where we want to talk about football and all you want to talk about is the ownership which is not going to change... accept it no need to talk about it...

That's the issue there is no need for a debate, I mean why do we need to talk about something we're all aware of??​
I mean are you some kind of special messenger that you going to make sure you remind Us Weekly that it's been 28 years or 30 years whatever that ridiculous narrative is????!​
that's the point,​
we don't need to be reminded,​
if you don't like it move on get another team where of this small drought we're in we get it it'll come back it always circles back around...​
I already put enough information in all those posts the Dallas Cowboys have 3 championships since 1989, only two other teams have three or more and at same time frame that would be the chiefs and the patriots who are also a dynasty and again the chiefs 56 years between Super Bowl wins there are 12 teams with zero Super Bowl wins and about five of them have never been to a Super Bowl there are teams that never win their division more like Cleveland who hasn't even won a division since 1989..hmm​
I mean literally all this is not necessary we don't need to talk about it nothing's going to change until it does you complaining 24/7 about this drought about this narrative that you're not going to get changed by complaining that's the point the 24 hours a day complaining in a place where all Cowboys fans were aware of everything that you talked about!!!​
the redundancy here is so bad that yes it's ridiculous to talk about anymore we're fully aware of it nobody's listening nobody cares I mean maybe you're trying to get buddies in here to get on your little paint train that's the point if you need therapy that bad this isn't the place for it we talk about football here we don't need to know about things that we're fully aware of...​

And that goes for every single interview by the time he gets here we've all heard it already there's no need to discuss that Jerry and Steven say things most of them are untrue we don't need to be told not to believe what they're saying we don't need to be told and reminded of this stuff we're already aware of do you know this is captain obvious stuff we don't want that ship we want to talk about football and football related items is not taking every quote and then having the same 10 people come in and say how dumb Steven and Jerry are in their own way and every single quote that's what happens every single offseason every single free aces. Every single trade. Over and over every year you all say the same thing.

And yet nothing has changed so you can keep saying things over and over and all it's going to look like is like you're having toddler tantrums you can fix all this by moving on to a different team and then tell me how that works out....

That's right I said it I used the term if you don't like it move on to another team I love it I love that somebody had a special thread about it that we shouldn't say things like the fans let them be the way they are no I don't need to let you be how you want to be because we know about all this stuff it's not new news it's very old news.

You’re too kind.
When Stephen Jones speaks, which is far too often, it is makes a little more sense than his Daddy’s unintelligible word salad mixed with a record number of “uh” statements thrown in. Although it’s a little less goofy, SJ’s comments are just as full of baloney as what his old man spews.

SJ has a series of often used standard words and phrases he likes to throw out to the press and fans. Remarkably, he says almost the same thing in a series of words and phrases in every single interview. He would make a great politician because he uses a ton of non-committal phrases that essentially mean either “We won’t be doing that”, “I am lying to you”, or “I’m am trying to make you think we know what we’re doing.” He is a double-speak aficionado.

So let’s look at what SJ commonly says in almost every interview and how that can be translated into what it actually means. Here are Stephen Jones’ favorite words and phrases that are said almost like clockwork in every statement or interview:
  • “Certainly”…(THE most used word in SJ’s limited vocabulary. And he knows hundreds more words than his dad, lol)
  • “At the end of the day.” (Translation: SJ’s “go to” phrase for “It will all work out”….except it doesn’t)
  • “We certainly believe we have found the Secret sauce” (Translation: I’m so arrogant, I can say stupid stuff like this and still keep my job)
  • “If the right situation arises.” (Translation: It won’t.)
  • On contract negotiations -“We won’t be setting the market.” (Translation: We are about to set the market)
  • ”We certainly see _____ being a big part of our future.'' (Translation: Means nothing. Or it could also be the kiss of death)
  • “We will certainly look at that.” (Translation: We won’t be looking at that)
  • “It’s certainly a possibility.” (Translation: it’s not possible)
  • “Because of the cap limitations, we can’t afford to pay most free agents.” (Translation: We don’t know how to manage the cap, so we will lie to our fan base hoping they will believe the lie)
  • “Our guys are certainly still playing hard right now.” (Translation: He’s somehow impressed that professional athletes play hard on a bad team)
  • “We have great respect for Coach _____”. (Translation: We actually don’t respect any head coach who works here and the fact I’m talking to the press right now proves it)
  • ”Jerry certainly believes in keeping options open.” (Translation: We’ve already decided what we’re doing)
This list could “certainly” ;) go on and on. What else does Stephen Jones say that I missed and what does it mean?
I'll save you some words and time......."I'm lying like my Daddy."
I know this the fan base who seems angry won't let it go and post 25 * a week about how much they hate the team and how it's run everything about it I don't really understand why they're still fans that is a absolute choice we hear every quote we read every Twitter social media ESPN and anything that's released about the Dallas Cowboys most of us here already read it we already heard it and we make our own decisions on how we did choose to follow the team and support the star and the players who are wearing it because that's the only thing we can do...

Do we need to have year round complaints like the complaint department is 24/7 and it's the same 15 or 20 subjects reworded into 75 different posts and it never stops I mean this is like a terrible newspaper this is all negativity we already know this going into next year if it's the same it's the same I'm still pulling for the team and I'm just gonna have to deal with the rest of it because unless the Dallas Cowboys somehow change ownerships overnight then this is what we're dealing with I mean unless you guys want them to up and move I mean who do you want to come in and be the new expansion team in Dallas because short of that nothing's gonna change you over the next 10 to 20 years so complaining about it all the time gonna make it look all professional trying to type it out like it's word like it's something's gonna change in the front office at the start they're not reading this they don't care what we think but I know I do care about having a football team here and i'm gonna support them whether won't do much more this off season..

It's not hate for the team. At least not for me. It's anger because I know this team could be better. It's a desire to see this team succeed. It's knowing that if the FO did their due diligence, this team could be significantly better than it is. It's inexcusable and a disgrace for the FO to have not gotten the Cowboys into an NFCC in 29 years when even the LIONS and JAGUARS have managed to get to a conference championship in that time. That's where the frustration is coming from for a lot of us.
Well, since we can't talk about success unless we are talking about ancient history, then what else are we talking about? It is what it is.

My VCR broke the other day. Now I can't watch Cowboys Super Bowl games...

Obvious joke for those that have no sense of humor. I'm going to be 32 at the end of the month. I have no VCR.
Here’s my serious suggestion…post about things you like to talk about. Start a thread about a topic you want to discuss. This forum is all about Cowboys fans posting their opinions about the team in whatever way they choose. You have that same choice.

Write a thread about what is important to you as a Cowboys fan, what you like or dislike about the team, etc. You have that same power of choice we all do around here.

Regarding “complaining”: That will always be in the eye of the beholder. You see this as a “complaining” thread and that this forum is overrun with negativity. Ok. What “positive” thing would you like to add? Go for it. If you think something is negative, write something you think is positive. Be what you say you want around here.

Questioning someone’s fandom is dangerous ground. I can only speak for me obviously. But for me, being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys means you point out the good and the bad of a team’s performance. Talking about what needs to improve about this team is all about getting my favorite team back to competing for a championship. Which we haven’t done in a long time. That’s what drives a lot of what I choose to talk about. How can we get better?

I have been a fan of the Dallas Cowboys for over 5 decades. If I wasn’t a fan, trust me, I wouldn’t spend the amount of time I spend here. I hate losing. I don’t hate people. Just because I believe and point out that Jerry Jones is the biggest reason we have won 4 wild card games in three decades doesnt mean I “hate” him. It means as a fan I believe he is why we are in this mess.

You are clearly a Cowboys fan and I sincerely appreciate that. Let all Cowboys fans be a fan the way they choose.

Thank you!!!!!
I know this the fan base who seems angry won't let it go and post 25 * a week about how much they hate the team and how it's run everything about it I don't really understand why they're still fans that is a absolute choice we hear every quote we read every Twitter social media ESPN and anything that's released about the Dallas Cowboys most of us here already read it we already heard it and we make our own decisions on how we did choose to follow the team and support the star and the players who are wearing it because that's the only thing we can do...

Do we need to have year round complaints like the complaint department is 24/7 and it's the same 15 or 20 subjects reworded into 75 different posts and it never stops I mean this is like a terrible newspaper this is all negativity we already know this going into next year if it's the same it's the same I'm still pulling for the team and I'm just gonna have to deal with the rest of it because unless the Dallas Cowboys somehow change ownerships overnight then this is what we're dealing with I mean unless you guys want them to up and move I mean who do you want to come in and be the new expansion team in Dallas because short of that nothing's gonna change you over the next 10 to 20 years so complaining about it all the time gonna make it look all professional trying to type it out like it's word like it's something's gonna change in the front office at the start they're not reading this they don't care what we think but I know I do care about having a football team here and i'm gonna support them whether won't do much more this off season..
The "hate" never stops because nothing ever changes and there is not any hope for real change without new ownership. The reason why they couldn't win in 1997 is the same reason they can't win in 2024 and unless there's an unikely sale of the team it'll be why they don't win in 2045 too. So the fan feedback, or "hate" for the overly sensitive, will be the same.

The only real hate I have isn't for the team but the Jones family. I hate them with the burning intensity of 7 suns. It's to the point now that even if they somehow someway found lightning in a bottle and won it all one year, in the midst of celebrating my team's championship there would be a part of me that would hate that that family got to enjoy it too. I hate them. They have destroyed my favorite sports team and made it their own personal play thing.

I wish them all nothing but a chronic case of anal warts.

Oh and I hate Prescott too. Real hate. Bleep that guy. Other than that it's just frustration that a egomaniacal lunatic bought the team to destroy it and I'm just left with bad football and whining fan babies crying about hate.
It's not hate for the team. At least not for me. It's anger because I know this team could be better. It's a desire to see this team succeed. It's knowing that if the FO did their due diligence, this team could be significantly better than it is. It's inexcusable and a disgrace for the FO to have not gotten the Cowboys into an NFCC in 29 years when even the LIONS and JAGUARS have managed to get to a conference championship in that time. That's where the frustration is coming from for a lot of us.
and again the redundancy from the post the same post every month every week every year it's the same stuff we've heard it already we get you're frustrated we don't need every year the same exact post about how you're frustrated it is what it is it will always probably be this way until it's not therefore again there is not a need to constantly post about the same redundant nonsense we all know we are all aware disinfecting but we've already heard it we've heard this same nonsense circle every year all year but it started this offseason earlier and hasn't stopped it's insidious it's negativity that's not going to change a damn thing..

We've already heard the frustrating people who wanna be frustrated and vent constantly that is my point this should not be allowed in the main area this is about football not about 28 years ago this is about now this is about this year this is about this season about the players about actual games coaches coaching staff that's fine if you wanna be negative about what's going on on a weekly basis with the team but the crying about the narratives about 28 years 29 years 30 years it's insidious it's literally not necessary anymore we get it it's not new news if you wanna constantly vent there should be 1 section and you guys wanna post every day in that section about how angry you are that's great but in the main area we're supposed to be talking about football not about every quote from the Jones family and every little thing like over and over it's like Prescott's contract people are crying about it now they're saying Trayvon diggs is lost should have never been signed you know what he is saying there's not a *** **** thing we can do about it..

So the constant crying whining negativity about the team you're supposed to root for you're supposed to light your follow we don't need this in the main area we get it !!!!

we actually get it the horse has already been beat to death, cut up and eaten, pooped out and eaten again.... FYI they're not listening the front office doesn't read these things we do and many of us get frustrated have to come in here everyday and read the same redundant post from the same people who apparently have a area where they save all their complaints and they copy and paste it on almost every single thread it's annoying it's ridiculous and it's unnecessary because again nobody's listening the front office is not gonna hear you.... And even if they did they don't care at this point they think they're doing the best job and that's all that matters is we cannot change anything except watch the damn games and talk about the actual roster and the team....

No amount of whining in here is changing the damn thing so why whine about the same things everyday every week every month year round....

The Dallas Cowboys football team football players the star in their helmets that's what we're supposed to be talking about contracts who signed who's not signed the GM the ownership and all the narratives about the drought I've been heard we hear you we know about it we don't need to talk about it 24 hours a day it is not going to change a single thing...
and again the redundancy from the post the same post every month every week every year it's the same stuff we've heard it already we get you're frustrated we don't need every year the same exact post about how you're frustrated it is what it is it will always probably be this way until it's not therefore again there is not a need to constantly post about the same redundant nonsense we all know we are all aware disinfecting but we've already heard it we've heard this same nonsense circle every year all year but it started this offseason earlier and hasn't stopped it's insidious it's negativity that's not going to change a damn thing..

We've already heard the frustrating people who wanna be frustrated and vent constantly that is my point this should not be allowed in the main area this is about football not about 28 years ago this is about now this is about this year this is about this season about the players about actual games coaches coaching staff that's fine if you wanna be negative about what's going on on a weekly basis with the team but the crying about the narratives about 28 years 29 years 30 years it's insidious it's literally not necessary anymore we get it it's not new news if you wanna constantly vent there should be 1 section and you guys wanna post every day in that section about how angry you are that's great but in the main area we're supposed to be talking about football not about every quote from the Jones family and every little thing like over and over it's like Prescott's contract people are crying about it now they're saying Trayvon diggs is lost should have never been signed you know what he is saying there's not a *** **** thing we can do about it..

So the constant crying whining negativity about the team you're supposed to root for you're supposed to light your follow we don't need this in the main area we get it !!!!

we actually get it the horse has already been beat to death, cut up and eaten, pooped out and eaten again.... FYI they're not listening the front office doesn't read these things we do and many of us get frustrated have to come in here everyday and read the same redundant post from the same people who apparently have a area where they save all their complaints and they copy and paste it on almost every single thread it's annoying it's ridiculous and it's unnecessary because again nobody's listening the front office is not gonna hear you.... And even if they did they don't care at this point they think they're doing the best job and that's all that matters is we cannot change anything except watch the damn games and talk about the actual roster and the team....

No amount of whining in here is changing the damn thing so why whine about the same things everyday every week every month year round....

The Dallas Cowboys football team football players the star in their helmets that's what we're supposed to be talking about contracts who signed who's not signed the GM the ownership and all the narratives about the drought I've been heard we hear you we know about it we don't need to talk about it 24 hours a day it is not going to change a single thing...

This is actually the first season where I've expressed my frustrations about this team to this degree, for one thing. For another thing, yeah, we can't fix what's going on, but I think it's valid on a sports forum to share our frustrations especially with how badly this season is going. Thirdly, who made you the fan in charge? Was I at a convention while the fan swearing in ceremony took place? You're not the boss of me or this forum.

If I want to vent frustration on this forum, then I have that right. I have tried to be positive about this season. I'm hopeful that this offseason will be better than last year's. That said, I don't like how this last offseason was handled, and I am allowed to express that sentiment.
This is actually the first season where I've expressed my frustrations about this team to this degree, for one thing. For another thing, yeah, we can't fix what's going on, but I think it's valid on a sports forum to share our frustrations especially with how badly this season is going. Thirdly, who made you the fan in charge? Was I at a convention while the fan swearing in ceremony took place? You're not the boss of me or this forum.

If I want to vent frustration on this forum, then I have that right. I have tried to be positive about this season. I'm hopeful that this offseason will be better than last year's. That said, I don't like how this last offseason was handled, and I am allowed to express that sentiment.
I'm simply talking about the overall temperature the overall emotional responses in here that's the feeling you get as soon as you open up the front page it's the same 25 complaints written 75 different ways on a daily basis that's all I'm saying it's literally the negativity it's the it's insidious it's like a cancer growing and instead of having something done about it it's just a slow death..
and again the redundancy from the post the same post every month every week every year it's the same stuff we've heard it already we get you're frustrated we don't need every year the same exact post about how you're frustrated it is what it is it will always probably be this way until it's not therefore again there is not a need to constantly post about the same redundant nonsense we all know we are all aware disinfecting but we've already heard it we've heard this same nonsense circle every year all year but it started this offseason earlier and hasn't stopped it's insidious it's negativity that's not going to change a damn thing..

We've already heard the frustrating people who wanna be frustrated and vent constantly that is my point this should not be allowed in the main area this is about football not about 28 years ago this is about now this is about this year this is about this season about the players about actual games coaches coaching staff that's fine if you wanna be negative about what's going on on a weekly basis with the team but the crying about the narratives about 28 years 29 years 30 years it's insidious it's literally not necessary anymore we get it it's not new news if you wanna constantly vent there should be 1 section and you guys wanna post every day in that section about how angry you are that's great but in the main area we're supposed to be talking about football not about every quote from the Jones family and every little thing like over and over it's like Prescott's contract people are crying about it now they're saying Trayvon diggs is lost should have never been signed you know what he is saying there's not a *** **** thing we can do about it..

So the constant crying whining negativity about the team you're supposed to root for you're supposed to light your follow we don't need this in the main area we get it !!!!

we actually get it the horse has already been beat to death, cut up and eaten, pooped out and eaten again.... FYI they're not listening the front office doesn't read these things we do and many of us get frustrated have to come in here everyday and read the same redundant post from the same people who apparently have a area where they save all their complaints and they copy and paste it on almost every single thread it's annoying it's ridiculous and it's unnecessary because again nobody's listening the front office is not gonna hear you.... And even if they did they don't care at this point they think they're doing the best job and that's all that matters is we cannot change anything except watch the damn games and talk about the actual roster and the team....

No amount of whining in here is changing the damn thing so why whine about the same things everyday every week every month year round....

The Dallas Cowboys football team football players the star in their helmets that's what we're supposed to be talking about contracts who signed who's not signed the GM the ownership and all the narratives about the drought I've been heard we hear you we know about it we don't need to talk about it 24 hours a day it is not going to change a single thing...
Prime example of what you hear from enablers
I'm simply talking about the overall temperature the overall emotional responses in here that's the feeling you get as soon as you open up the front page it's the same 25 complaints written 75 different ways on a daily basis that's all I'm saying it's literally the negativity it's the it's insidious it's like a cancer growing and instead of having something done about it it's just a slow death..

And why's it on the fans? Don't get me wrong, I don't like constant negativity either. I'd like to see us reach levels I've yet to see as a fan. But, isn't it Jerry's job to make us feel better about the team? Isn't it Jerry's job to put a team together consistently that can compete?

Like I said leading in and during the season, if Jerry gave effort and it didn't work, I wouldn't be upset. I'd appreciate that he's at least trying, and I can run with it from there. What I don't like is the constant excuses from the Joneses about why certain things can't be done without even trying to see if they can be done.

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