Translating Stephen Jones

When Stephen Jones speaks, which is far too often, it is makes a little more sense than his Daddy’s unintelligible word salad mixed with a record number of “uh” statements thrown in. Although it’s a little less goofy, SJ’s comments are just as full of baloney as what his old man spews.

SJ has a series of often used standard words and phrases he likes to throw out to the press and fans. Remarkably, he says almost the same thing in a series of words and phrases in every single interview. He would make a great politician because he uses a ton of non-committal phrases that essentially mean either “We won’t be doing that”, “I am lying to you”, or “I’m am trying to make you think we know what we’re doing.” He is a double-speak aficionado.

So let’s look at what SJ commonly says in almost every interview and how that can be translated into what it actually means. Here are Stephen Jones’ favorite words and phrases that are said almost like clockwork in every statement or interview:
  • “Certainly”…(THE most used word in SJ’s limited vocabulary. And he knows hundreds more words than his dad, lol)
  • “At the end of the day.” (Translation: SJ’s “go to” phrase for “It will all work out”….except it doesn’t)
  • “We certainly believe we have found the Secret sauce” (Translation: I’m so arrogant, I can say stupid stuff like this and still keep my job)
  • “If the right situation arises.” (Translation: It won’t.)
  • On contract negotiations -“We won’t be setting the market.” (Translation: We are about to set the market)
  • ”We certainly see _____ being a big part of our future.'' (Translation: Means nothing. Or it could also be the kiss of death)
  • “We will certainly look at that.” (Translation: We won’t be looking at that)
  • “It’s certainly a possibility.” (Translation: it’s not possible)
  • “Because of the cap limitations, we can’t afford to pay most free agents.” (Translation: We don’t know how to manage the cap, so we will lie to our fan base hoping they will believe the lie)
  • “Our guys are certainly still playing hard right now.” (Translation: He’s somehow impressed that professional athletes play hard on a bad team)
  • “We have great respect for Coach _____”. (Translation: We actually don’t respect any head coach who works here and the fact I’m talking to the press right now proves it)
  • ”Jerry certainly believes in keeping options open.” (Translation: We’ve already decided what we’re doing)
This list could “certainly” ;) go on and on. What else does Stephen Jones say that I missed and what does it mean?
Well done!!!

If, in fact, this coming off season is similar to the last, I am also not watching games next year. I am very much involved the day after games so I know what's going on but I can't stomach the pooooo that the Jones Boys have put on the field. I am already bored with the entire NFL as it is. This organization continues to waste the careers of amazing athletes. It's so sad.
Right 45 different ways to complain in 75 different posts about the GM in the front office before we even see the results if everyone knows the results why don't we just all be quiet and move on to other teams if it bothers everyone so much why do we need to write so much about the same thing over and over and over this is and all offseason all during the season now five months early for next offseason..

can we complaint departments shut down for the freaking holidays already!!!! Yes, captain obvious we get IT, we read the same things we can determine what he means in our own translations we don't need help people you all aren't helping by complaining so much this place is turning into the original Ghostbusters movie where Dallas is going to get overrun by negative and turn the whole place into hell on earth....

LOL jeez!!! Being a fan is a choice we already know the circumstances we don't need help figuring out but you know what I'm gonna be just as excited going into training camp and looking forward to another season as I was the last 25 or more I don't care about the circumstances because we cant control them..
1. Yes, being a fan is a choice. So don't tell others how to be a fan. You do you and let others be.
2. I find it ironic about you whining about the whiners who are whining. Think on that for a bit.
3. Passion and fandom exists on many different levels. Everyone is different.
I don’t really have a problem with Stephen. He’s just following thru with his fathers wishes.

And I respect what Jerry jr and Charlotte have done.

The kids aren’t part of the problem. They actually could be part of the solution someday.
Well done!!!

If, in fact, this coming off season is similar to the last, I am also not watching games next year. I am very much involved the day after games so I know what's going on but I can't stomach the pooooo that the Jones Boys have put on the field. I am already bored with the entire NFL as it is. This organization continues to waste the careers of amazing athletes. It's so sad.
There are two other great Dallas area sports teams that actually have GMs that are accountable for their own actions and have played in their respective conf championship games or better the past five years so I encourage you to spend your Cowboys dollars on the Mavs or the Stars. I stopped buying Jones products about 10 years ago once I figured out Jerry had no intentions of trying to win. At least the Mavs and Stars owners don't leverage the power of the sun intentionally blinding their own players.
The old move on to other teams nonsense.

Yall need to shut up with that, it's beyond ridiculous. You're all weak and lack any sense of loyalty if you believe that to be a choice.

Why do you need to come on here and mange anyone's fanhood? Don't like it, move it along in your own right.
That's right I owned up to it I said that's what I was doing but I'm gonna keep doing it you're damn right I'm doing it you guys can say whatever you wanna say so that's what I'm gonna say.... It gets old hearing our fan base trash our own team 24/7 365 and if they think they can playing in here like it's a complaint department or somehow where their therapist when nobody's listening the front office is not going to change the ownership anytime soon is not going to change if anything is going to get worse if you don't like Jerry Steven seems worse and yet you're gonna complain about it like something's gonna change no the only thing that can change is what you have control over and that would be changing teams that would fix all your issues everybody who has an issue with the front office the ownership free agency they don't like Prescott you can go another team it resolves all your issues I'm not knocking you at all I'm saying that is a fact that is the only thing that you can change is the team you root for and apparently most of you don't like anything about this team from the top down since Jimmy Johnson or maybe be even further back when Tom Landry left and yet you're still here complaining 24/7 and it gets old~!~!!

it's insidious it's like the Ghostbusters movie you guys are so negative you shouldn't be fans you need to leave... facts not hyperbole..
I know this the fan base who seems angry won't let it go and post 25 * a week about how much they hate the team and how it's run everything about it I don't really understand why they're still fans that is a absolute choice we hear every quote we read every Twitter social media ESPN and anything that's released about the Dallas Cowboys most of us here already read it we already heard it and we make our own decisions on how we did choose to follow the team and support the star and the players who are wearing it because that's the only thing we can do...

Do we need to have year round complaints like the complaint department is 24/7 and it's the same 15 or 20 subjects reworded into 75 different posts and it never stops I mean this is like a terrible newspaper this is all negativity we already know this going into next year if it's the same it's the same I'm still pulling for the team and I'm just gonna have to deal with the rest of it because unless the Dallas Cowboys somehow change ownerships overnight then this is what we're dealing with I mean unless you guys want them to up and move I mean who do you want to come in and be the new expansion team in Dallas because short of that nothing's gonna change you over the next 10 to 20 years so complaining about it all the time gonna make it look all professional trying to type it out like it's word like it's something's gonna change in the front office at the start they're not reading this they don't care what we think but I know I do care about having a football team here and i'm gonna support them whether won't do much more this off season..
Winning something meaningful makes most of the complaints go away, as for all the post you don’t like and keep complaining about, ironic isn’t it, yet here you are writing book after book of gibberish, did you miss the memo that the site is a fan forum for people to express their opinions. Just have to laugh
That's right I owned up to it I said that's what I was doing but I'm gonna keep doing it you're damn right I'm doing it you guys can say whatever you wanna say so that's what I'm gonna say.... It gets old hearing our fan base trash our own team 24/7 365 and if they think they can playing in here like it's a complaint department or somehow where their therapist when nobody's listening the front office is not going to change the ownership anytime soon is not going to change if anything is going to get worse if you don't like Jerry Steven seems worse and yet you're gonna complain about it like something's gonna change no the only thing that can change is what you have control over and that would be changing teams that would fix all your issues everybody who has an issue with the front office the ownership free agency they don't like Prescott you can go another team it resolves all your issues I'm not knocking you at all I'm saying that is a fact that is the only thing that you can change is the team you root for and apparently most of you don't like anything about this team from the top down since Jimmy Johnson or maybe be even further back when Tom Landry left and yet you're still here complaining 24/7 and it gets old~!~!!

it's insidious it's like the Ghostbusters movie you guys are so negative you shouldn't be fans you need to leave... facts not hyperbole..
Another book of nothing, rambling incoherent run on sentence
There are two other great Dallas area sports teams that actually have GMs that are accountable for their own actions and have played in their respective conf championship games or better the past five years so I encourage you to spend your Cowboys dollars on the Mavs or the Stars. I stopped buying Jones products about 10 years ago once I figured out Jerry had no intentions of trying to win. At least the Mavs and Stars owners don't leverage the power of the sun intentionally blinding their own players.
Wow way to give them a pass why don't you use how long have they all three been in the DFW market how long have they existed here let's count up the championships to each team that you're talking about that would be 1 + 1 + 1 equals 3 total for three teams in their entire existence and you somehow are making excuses that they're accountable how so?! Why don't you explain to me how it's OK for them to have longer droughts because Jerry Jones himself has three titles since 1989 that's as many as all three teams combined the Dallas Cowboys are waiting on number six why those other three teams are so accountable they're still not winning championships and I get it I'm a Madison I'm a Rangers fan I'm also pull for the stars and yes they have been to a few championship games they played in a few finals recently and somehow you try to equate that to this 28 year narrative drop in the Dallas Cowboys their droughts have been forever the Texas Rangers took 56 years to win one single title and now everyone gives them a pass for the very next year they fall off a Cliff they were terrible this year by the way that front office the some of the people that they picked up with hurt injured pictures that got hurt and re injured I mean should be really be discussing other teams GM's in this market with all three only have one title each each Jerry has three which makes him still in the NFL only one of three teams since 1989 have three or more titles with the Kansas City Chiefs and the New England Patriots you should not bring up those other three teams because the Rangers have been one of the worst teams on the planet..

When we're talking about championships you should not bring those three teams in it especially the Texas Rangers they got 2 new stadiums they're in their third stadium before they or I should say ballpark sorry before they won a championship and I bet their fan base didn't say they didn't earn it they were just doing it for marketing they built it without earning it blah blah blah blah blah but that pretty much goes for all of them they've been around for how long should we go back and figure out when the stars Mavericks and Rangers came into town I can only muster 1 championship each when Jerry came into town has three but that's all you can talk about is the drought/

workout the Kansas City Chiefs just took 56 years to get back to recreating their dynasty to winning another Super Bowl and somehow you all only can talk about Jerry's 28 years even though he has three to sit back on he has credit and maybe they will get back to one or not I don't know but I'm tired of hearing about it there are worse things in sports to be top 6IN regular season win percentage and going to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years and winning division titles you know like the Cleveland Browns have not even one of division titles since 1989 I mean can you beat more delusional or clueless when you comes to comparing the Dallas Cowboys to other teams because the only ones you compare them to you think they should compare them to the eagles who have won championship or the 49ers who been back many times but still haven't had one since 1994 we should go all in like these other teams who are not Super Bowls instead how about the Kansas City Chiefs 56 years but they are dynasty again and they are not all in they do not go out and they are not super aggressive in the offseason they are not gobbling up the big time free agents...
1. Yes, being a fan is a choice. So don't tell others how to be a fan. You do you and let others be.
2. I find it ironic about you whining about the whiners who are whining. Think on that for a bit.
3. Passion and fandom exists on many different levels. Everyone is different.
Oh I'll tell them and I'm telling you right now that you should go find another team if all you're gonna do is complain 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year about the all seasons and the droughts it's not gonna change this ownership is not gonna change the only person who can change would be the fans who don't like it can change teams so yes I'm gonna keep doing it go ahead keep the negativity and I'm gonna keep in here and I'm going to copy and pastethis all over this thread and others.. That's right keep being a fan you wanna be and I'll keep being a fan I'm gonna be and I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna complain about the constant complaining because it's not getting anywhere nobody's listening it's not gonna change you're the only one that change so move on go hit your wagon to the Kansas City Chiefs they used to be in Dallas you can go be a Texan fan they're in Texas go find a new team if you think everything about the Cowboys is bad and broken it's not gonna change..

it's insidious it's like the Ghostbusters movie you guys are so negative you shouldn't be fans you need to leave... facts not hyperbole..
I didnt realize you had been deputized as one of the forum’s content police. Have you received your cardboard debuty sheriff badge yet?
I didn't realize you were I didn't realize you get to say whatever you want and you don't get any rebuttal you're damn right I'm coming in with rebuttal these things get whole 24 hours a day it's just nothing but complaints it's time to move on art Tom Landry is dead the old regime by the way in the same amount of time that the ownership is Jerry only got you 2 titles I thought regular season wins and almost getting there was not the proper way to judge A-Team it's championships and Jerry's winning I don't even like Jerry I don't care who owns this team that's the point you guys care too much you talk about the ownership in the GM like something's gonna change it's not gonna change I'm not your therapist but if you need some help I'm willing to give it to I'm gonna splash reality on you every time you all wanna bring up this nonsense 'cause it's the same regurgitated restated and overused nonsense that I ever see on a daily basis..
You are the kind of fan that Jerry would consider perfect.

Being a Cowboys fan for "25 or more" years implies that you have been a fan only as long as Jerry has been running football operations. You have no frame of reference. You don't know what success looks like.

Being a fan of a team doesn't mean that you love everything they do 100% of the time. When someone has had a happy marriage for 50 years it doesn't mean that they were happy every hour of every day of every year for those 50 years. there were days, weeks and even months when they couldn't stand each other.

If every team had the same number of fans in the NFL then only about 3% would be happy with their team at the end of the season.

Being a fan of a particular team means that you suffer more than you celebrate. If that wasn't true, then fans wouldn't celebrate a championship with a parade.

Are fans crazy? Of course they are! Otherwise, they wouldn't be called fans, short for fanatic. It is a fan's right to criticize, analyze, prophesize and realize that their team typically falls short of the goal set by every team at the beginning of the year.

It's only natural for a fan to discuss the team's shortcomings among each other and express opinions about what is missing or what needs to be done.

Most Cowboys fans are too sophisticated to reduce their fanship to being nothing more than mechanical, empty-headed, pom-pom waving robots.
I'm not even reading that after the first line no it isn't I'm not defending Jerry , IM A Dallas Cowboys fan there's nothing more I can freaking say except for I support the star this is about football this isn't about the front office this isn't about fantasy football points this isn't about Madden...!!

this isn't about trying to exact change through a form of social media nobody's listening to those people up at the start don't care about you or me and yet you come in here acting like if you say something your protests are gonna be heard heard by who no it's else that has to read this dribble and negativity and it gets old and I'm not the fan filling up the stadium she noticed all the fans at the stadium you know the ones who roared so loud that some of the guys didn't even know the punt was blocked didn't even know whether it was a live player not 'cause they couldn't hear anything!!
yeah that you mean the sea of blue in a meaningless year, those fans are filling up stadiums, it's not just me we are Cowboys fans, we are football fans,

I don't care what goes on with the front office because nothing say or do will change anything.. Most of us are getting really tired of being your therapist you're venting all over the place and you know what you're gonna get it right back because I'm tired of coming in here and reading the same complaints those complaints are falling on deaf ears and other things have to read this dribble because we're trying to find real cowboy content about the about the players about the games going over those things it's OK to be negative I don't like the offensive coordinator I don't like the play calling we get to say those things that's OK but it's constant nonsense about Steven Jones and the GM and Jerry Jones they don't do enough well they don't do enough for you if they don't meet the mark go find another team...

If you're so delusional that you think coming into a forum that nobody from the star reads nobody that's important is ever gonna hear that nothing's ever gonna change yeah you think you can keep complaining to make yourself feel better but yet there are some things that don't like to read what you're writing then we're gonna come in and have bottle you don't like it stop posting negative crap 24 hours a day seven days a week no matter team you allegedly were a fan of..
Oh I'll tell them and I'm telling you right now that you should go find another team if all you're gonna do is complain 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year about the all seasons and the droughts it's not gonna change this ownership is not gonna change the only person who can change would be the fans who don't like it can change teams so yes I'm gonna keep doing it go ahead keep the negativity and I'm gonna keep in here and I'm going to copy and pastethis all over this thread and others.. That's right keep being a fan you wanna be and I'll keep being a fan I'm gonna be and I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna complain about the constant complaining because it's not getting anywhere nobody's listening it's not gonna change you're the only one that change so move on go hit your wagon to the Kansas City Chiefs they used to be in Dallas you can go be a Texan fan they're in Texas go find a new team if you think everything about the Cowboys is bad and broken it's not gonna change..

it's insidious it's like the Ghostbusters movie you guys are so negative you shouldn't be fans you need to leave... facts not hyperbole..
I started this thread as an attempt at injecting some humor in the forum. I realize humor is always in the eye of the beholder and you apparently see no humor in this. That’s fine.

But calling this place 24/7 negative is strange to me because it’s an opinion forum. This place is great (IMO) because we have a vast variety of opinions. Some of those opinions I disagree with and some I agree. That’s just the way a healthy opinion forum goes.

In my opinion, calling people’s opinions that you disagree with as “complaining” is very ironic. Because it’s a form of complaining too. It’s like saying “I’m really tired of hearing people say they are tired”. That just seems hugely ironic to complain about what you perceive is complaining. You certainly have the right to do that, but it seems strange to me.

Finally, if you find a thread where you hate the message, why make multiple posts on that thread, thus keeping it alive? Threads here only live on when people respond. If you hate it, the fastest way to see it disappear is not post there. It’s your choice, but that also seems counterintuitive to help keep a thread alive you hate.
I started this thread as an attempt at injecting some humor in the forum. I realize humor is always in the eye of the beholder and you apparently see no humor in this. That’s fine.

But calling this place 24/7 negative is strange to me because it’s an opinion forum. This place is great (IMO) because we have a vast variety of opinions. Some of those opinions I disagree with and some I agree. That’s just the way a healthy opinion forum goes.

In my opinion, calling people’s opinions that you disagree with as “complaining” is very ironic. Because it’s a form of complaining too. It’s like saying “I’m really tired of hearing people say they are tired”. That just seems hugely ironic to complain about what you perceive is complaining. You certainly have the right to do that, but it seems strange to me.

Finally, if you find a thread where you hate the message, why make multiple posts on that thread, thus keeping it alive? Threads here only live on when people respond. If you hate it, the fastest way to see it disappear is not post there. It’s your choice, but that also seems counterintuitive to help keep a thread alive you hate.
consider the source
When Stephen Jones speaks, which is far too often, it is makes a little more sense than his Daddy’s unintelligible word salad mixed with a record number of “uh” statements thrown in. Although it’s a little less goofy, SJ’s comments are just as full of baloney as what his old man spews.

SJ has a series of often used standard words and phrases he likes to throw out to the press and fans. Remarkably, he says almost the same thing in a series of words and phrases in every single interview. He would make a great politician because he uses a ton of non-committal phrases that essentially mean either “We won’t be doing that”, “I am lying to you”, or “I’m am trying to make you think we know what we’re doing.” He is a double-speak aficionado.

So let’s look at what SJ commonly says in almost every interview and how that can be translated into what it actually means. Here are Stephen Jones’ favorite words and phrases that are said almost like clockwork in every statement or interview:
  • “Certainly”…(THE most used word in SJ’s limited vocabulary. And he knows hundreds more words than his dad, lol)
  • “At the end of the day.” (Translation: SJ’s “go to” phrase for “It will all work out”….except it doesn’t)
  • “We certainly believe we have found the Secret sauce” (Translation: I’m so arrogant, I can say stupid stuff like this and still keep my job)
  • “If the right situation arises.” (Translation: It won’t.)
  • On contract negotiations -“We won’t be setting the market.” (Translation: We are about to set the market)
  • ”We certainly see _____ being a big part of our future.'' (Translation: Means nothing. Or it could also be the kiss of death)
  • “We will certainly look at that.” (Translation: We won’t be looking at that)
  • “It’s certainly a possibility.” (Translation: it’s not possible)
  • “Because of the cap limitations, we can’t afford to pay most free agents.” (Translation: We don’t know how to manage the cap, so we will lie to our fan base hoping they will believe the lie)
  • “Our guys are certainly still playing hard right now.” (Translation: He’s somehow impressed that professional athletes play hard on a bad team)
  • “We have great respect for Coach _____”. (Translation: We actually don’t respect any head coach who works here and the fact I’m talking to the press right now proves it)
  • ”Jerry certainly believes in keeping options open.” (Translation: We’ve already decided what we’re doing)
This list could “certainly” ;) go on and on. What else does Stephen Jones say that I missed and what does it mean?
I’m impressed! Your a great listener.
Oh I'll tell them and I'm telling you right now that you should go find another team if all you're gonna do is complain 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year about the all seasons and the droughts it's not gonna change this ownership is not gonna change the only person who can change would be the fans who don't like it can change teams so yes I'm gonna keep doing it go ahead keep the negativity and I'm gonna keep in here and I'm going to copy and pastethis all over this thread and others.. That's right keep being a fan you wanna be and I'll keep being a fan I'm gonna be and I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna complain about the constant complaining because it's not getting anywhere nobody's listening it's not gonna change you're the only one that change so move on go hit your wagon to the Kansas City Chiefs they used to be in Dallas you can go be a Texan fan they're in Texas go find a new team if you think everything about the Cowboys is bad and broken it's not gonna change..

it's insidious it's like the Ghostbusters movie you guys are so negative you shouldn't be fans you need to leave... facts not hyperbole..
Dude, the irony. It's comical and you don't even see it. That's the funny part. and trust me, my days are numbered. I won't go to another team. I am not built that way. I'd just leave the NFL completely. I am already there with being bored with the product and vision of Roger Goodell. However, while I am here, I am gonna be real and I am not gonna go, "Rah rah" with pom poms like you do. Like I said, you do you and I'll do me.

Oh and I've seen every Ghostbusters movie and have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe it's a little early for the Jerry Jones Johnny Walker Blue for ya...
I started this thread as an attempt at injecting some humor in the forum. I realize humor is always in the eye of the beholder and you apparently see no humor in this. That’s fine.

But calling this place 24/7 negative is strange to me because it’s an opinion forum. This place is great (IMO) because we have a vast variety of opinions. Some of those opinions I disagree with and some I agree. That’s just the way a healthy opinion forum goes.

In my opinion, calling people’s opinions that you disagree with as “complaining” is very ironic. Because it’s a form of complaining too. It’s like saying “I’m really tired of hearing people say they are tired”. That just seems hugely ironic to complain about what you perceive is complaining. You certainly have the right to do that, but it seems strange to me.

Finally, if you find a thread where you hate the message, why make multiple posts on that thread, thus keeping it alive? Threads here only live on when people respond. If you hate it, the fastest way to see it disappear is not post there. It’s your choice, but that also seems counterintuitive to help keep a thread alive you hate.
Actually it's not ironic because if it wasn't 75-25 to negative post to positive posts...

there wouldn't be a need to complain about the complaints but when it's overrun by complaints,

this is a fan forum don't sound like any fans are in here there's very few in here that understand that being a fan is is more about wins and losses but it's way less about what goes on with the front office.

we have no control over it but if we open up something that's supposed to be a fan forum ,which by the way, I think this area the fan zone should be more about football and less about the front office, less about other teams, and what they're doing and not doing every player who comes available who's attached to the Cowboys but it's all rumor, that should be on different places,

that way people can choose to go over there and read this stuff and have these discussions that are all -75% of this place the last year has been negative. And don't say don't open it if you don't wanna read it because it's all taking over the front page when 7 out of every 10 new threads are about complaints about complaining about the front office and the ownership in every little thing they say becomes a new most of us already read it most of us have our own opinion we don't need to come in here and see it again.. In news flash nothing that's being said in the replies are new it's all seems to be copy and pasted from the last five on the same subject we've been complaining about this front office since January the angry Green Bay lost fans have never let it go and now the seasons loss it's gotten worse but it's the same exact subject being regurgitated 1000 times we've already heard the complaints we know how you feel we know how most of you feel we don't need to keep talking about it...

SO, when it's overrun by negativity some of us are going to say something... I mean it needs some balance,​
so yeah you don't like the complaints about the complaints ,how about less complaining therefore the reactions won't be complaints over top of complaints,​
that's the problem,​
I think some of these and a lot of these should be moved we're just discussing a different discussion area the main area should be mostly about football about football moves football players the games the plays the coaches which I don't mind the complaints about the coaching staff or players not living up to their contracts or negative stuff about how the team is not performing well that is normal football top that would be what it should be going on in the main page the main area should be us discussing actual football all the rest of it about feelings about how you feel about things you can't change about the front office you're already complaining about moves that haven't been made yet because you feel like no moves are gonna be made but you're getting ahead 5 months but guess what you'll be saying the same exact things in March so ready set it and now it's gonna be set again in March and then again when the season starts when the front office doesn't do enough but you're already getting ahead of the complaints 5 months early and that's the problem because I know I'm sitting here reading the same crap now I'm gonna have to read the same crap five months from now it'll be the exact same people complaining about the exact same things five months from now at some point that needs to be moved to his own special place..​
if it's about the games about the wins and losses having discussions about that about the team about the reason we're here is the star on the helmet that is why we're here not to read stuff because it's starting to become like CNN or worse Fox News for football that's what it looks that's what it feels like it's just 24/7 negativity it's like anti Cowboys versus pro Cowboys when it becomes more anti than pro it don't feel like a fan forum at all..​
See I do like the other spots where people open it up and give players like Hoffman and bass and Rico their flowers guys he's back up playing really hard they're not giving up on Mike McCarthy I wanna talk about the games and yes about the plays that lost us the game that that's football that's what we're here for there's plenty of those stories right now and yes I wanna hear about how they feel like Trey Lance should be playing and he's not...​
This is why I come in here and open the front page up because I wanna talk about the games the football the season things that could have been maybe things that should've been not about oh we should've took TJ Watt over Taco now we don't need that story in here we don't need to hear about every week saquon Barkley and Derrick Henry could have been better on our team because first of all that's probably not the truth not on this team this year we didn't need to spend that money no but we could talk about Jerry was wrong for not bringing in at least one draft pick at running back from the draft we get it those things need to be talked about I don't need every week every time Barkley or Henry has a big game to hear again the same fans complaining about the same thing we've already understood that we didn't get those two players and that they're playing very well yet some people feel the need to start a new threat every single week on Berkeley and Henry this is just a waste of time it doesn't matter the ship itself they're not on this team and nor do I think they would have performed well on this team given how we started the first eight games of the season..​
So that's what's frustrating I mean it's just just unreal on the regurgitated nonsense that we heard about the first five weeks and now we're hearing it every week it's the same threads being talked about over and over...​
So yes there's gonna be some negative reactions and some complaining about the complaining and that's just the vicious circle we have here now.....​

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