Travis Frederick has Guillain Barre Syndrome


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Wow..So a virus carried by a moskito!! Still sucks for the Cowboys...


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Unfortunately some other serious health conditions can be caused by vaccines.

Apparently there are documented cases of autism being caused by one of the vaccines that children receive. My understanding is that the age of the child when vaccinated drastically affects the risk factor. Two years old very bad but 4 years old generally OK.

You know people are going to believe what they want to believe. Doctors and modern medicine are a god send but people like to pretend they arent a business. Pharmaceutical lobbyists spend millions/billions of dollars for a reason. But most of us like to believe we arent being over prescribed. Kids are being diagnosed with Autism, Allergies and ADHD at alarming rates. Why? Sure there is more access but trust me if your kid had anaphylaxis 20 years ago youd damn well figure it out with out modern access. I cant say vaccines are the cause but I certainly do my research before taking anything prescribed to me or my family. I want the best option regardless of what is being pushed. Yeah yeah yeah science and all, well why is there a new law suit commercial for whatever random, once "perfectly safe" drug on my television every 15 minutes. Trust, but not to a fault.


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This is untrue.

There was a published study linking vaccines to autism.

Oh yeah, that study was found to have been fraudulently reported and retracted. But people keep talking about it like it was true.

This is even more untrue than the "Parnell us the best" threads
Yeah it was written by Dr Jenny McCarthy of MTV Univ and Playboy Med School


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
You don’t know what “cure” means in the sense it is being used.

Just like your body healed itself from the cold. The same can happen with GBS.

When they say no cure. They mean there isn’t any medical treatment to get rid of it.

From what I read about people having this they say the symptoms subside but can flare up again. That means they still have it which means no cure.


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Well, isn't this fantastic? What's next? Sean Lee has brain tumor? Prescott has fireworks accident? Man, i'm tired of these injuries! I hope Travis gets better soon


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Peer Review in the medical community has a long history of being way late to the party.

Not that long ago Doctor's thought it was a good idea to give people electro-shock or Lobotomys.

In 2003 the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist published new guidelines for Thyroid levels of OK being in the range of TSH at 0.3 to 3.0 mU/l; however, 10 years later and probably even today many Doctor's still use the old guidelines which said everything was A-OK up to 5.5 for TSH.

If other professions functioned like Doctors:

Let's just try out those beams for that bridge since they look strong enough. If that fails we'll just tell the construction crew to double the size. Eventually the bridge won't collapse anymore.

Airline Mechanic
Let's try the 3/4" hydraulic line on that repair. It "looks" big enough.

Nuclear Power Plant inspector.
The temperature "feels" about right. Let's check it again next month.

Air Traffic Controller
Try runway #4. If that's busy call back and we'll try another one.

I respect your contributions on football, but you're way out of your league on this topic.

Any lab normal for a measured entity is based on the normal population mean, plus 2 standard deviations, and also depends on the methodology of the lab's analysis. T-SHIRTS is not even the predominant way for measuring the regulation of thyroid therapy.

A foundational principle of science is peer review, so that objective research can be proven by duplication and stand up to critique from all industry experts. Engineering, aerospace, energy, and IT all adapt new technology through the scientific process.


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You know people are going to believe what they want to believe. Doctors and modern medicine are a god send but people like to pretend they arent a business. Pharmaceutical lobbyists spend millions/billions of dollars for a reason. But most of us like to believe we arent being over prescribed. Kids are being diagnosed with Autism, Allergies and ADHD at alarming rates. Why? Sure there is more access but trust me if your kid had anaphylaxis 20 years ago youd damn well figure it out with out modern access. I cant say vaccines are the cause but I certainly do my research before taking anything prescribed to me or my family. I want the best option regardless of what is being pushed. Yeah yeah yeah science and all, well why is there a new law suit commercial for whatever random, once "perfectly safe" drug on my television every 15 minutes. Trust, but not to a fault.

So to clarify you do or don't believe in vaccinating your kids?


The Cook
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I respect your contributions on football, but you're way out of your league on this topic.

Any lab normal for a measured entity is based on the normal population mean, plus 2 standard deviations, and also depends on the methodology of the lab's analysis. T-SHIRTS is not even the predominant way for measuring the regulation of thyroid therapy.

A foundational principle of science is peer review, so that objective research can be proven by duplication and stand up to critique from all industry experts. Engineering, aerospace, energy, and IT all adapt new technology through the scientific process.


Original Fan
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I respect your contributions on football, but you're way out of your league on this topic.

Any lab normal for a measured entity is based on the normal population mean, plus 2 standard deviations, and also depends on the methodology of the lab's analysis. T-SHIRTS is not even the predominant way for measuring the regulation of thyroid therapy.

A foundational principle of science is peer review, so that objective research can be proven by duplication and stand up to critique from all industry experts. Engineering, aerospace, energy, and IT all adapt new technology through the scientific process.

TSH (Auto-correct)


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From what I read about people having this they say the symptoms subside but can flare up again. That means they still have it which means no cure.

Again, you don’t understand what cure means. And they don’t flare up again for everyone, or even the majority of cases.


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So to clarify you do or don't believe in vaccinating your kids?

lol, my own personal belief is to vaccinate with caution in most cases. However certain vaccines that have shown to be ineffective imo arent worth it. Im not against modern medicine, Im simply against being lied to or mislead for profit. I dont like the fact many doctors would jump to meds for things like cholesterol or borderline hyptn rather than attempt to push a healthy diet and exercise. There is way too much faith in the fda and people need to be more aware drug studies are not always as thorough as wed like to think. Speaking of drug safety why is marijuana illegal but we can drink alcohol and smoke as much tobacco as we want? MONEY is why period. How the hell is marijuana a schedule 1 drug ? You see crap like that gives me a healthy distrust for the pharmaceutical industry/fda/dea.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Again, you don’t understand what cure means. And they don’t flare up again for everyone, or even the majority of cases.

Actually you are so far from the truth it's hilarious. This is not my opinion but the medical community says there is no cure. He will always have this condition but can be symptom free. Hence no cure.


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lol, my own personal belief is to vaccinate with caution in most cases. However certain vaccines that have shown to be ineffective imo arent worth it. Im not against modern medicine, Im simply against being lied to or mislead for profit. I dont like the fact many doctors would jump to meds for things like cholesterol or borderline hyptn rather than attempt to push a healthy diet and exercise. There is way too much faith in the fda and people need to be more aware drug studies are not always as thorough as wed like to think. Speaking of drug safety why is marijuana illegal but we can drink alcohol and smoke as much tobacco as we want? MONEY is why period. How the hell is marijuana a schedule 1 drug ? You see crap like that gives me a healthy distrust for the pharmaceutical industry/fda/dea.

The increasing restrictions placed on cannabis are the direct result of congress during the Nixon and Reagan administrations. It was considered among conservatives to be a gateway drug, and given the Schedule I designation, which means
"dangerous substance with no apparent medical purpose". Other Sched I drugs include heroin, LSD, and peyote.
Pharmaceutical companies are in favor of its deregulation so that research can be freely explored.


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lol, my own personal belief is to vaccinate with caution in most cases. However certain vaccines that have shown to be ineffective imo arent worth it. Im not against modern medicine, Im simply against being lied to or mislead for profit. I dont like the fact many doctors would jump to meds for things like cholesterol or borderline hyptn rather than attempt to push a healthy diet and exercise. There is way too much faith in the fda and people need to be more aware drug studies are not always as thorough as wed like to think. Speaking of drug safety why is marijuana illegal but we can drink alcohol and smoke as much tobacco as we want? MONEY is why period. How the hell is marijuana a schedule 1 drug ? You see crap like that gives me a healthy distrust for the pharmaceutical industry/fda/dea.

BTW, a universal influenza vaccine is on the way. The protein derivative that is currently being used to stimulate the antibody response is directed to the part of the organism that evolves (mutates) yearly. The key is to find a consistent never-changing site on this virus to create the immune response, and studies to that end have been very promising.

The influenza death rate in the US is from 5,000 to 40,000 yearly. Complications from vaccinations are exceedingly rare.
Getting vaccinated makes sense, just like obeying traffic laws and wearing seatbelts.


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Actually you are so far from the truth it's hilarious. This is not my opinion but the medical community says there is no cure. He will always have this condition but can be symptom free. Hence no cure.

No, he won’t always necessarily have the condition.

And again, no cure doesn’t mean that a condition or illness lasts forever.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I respect your contributions on football, but you're way out of your league on this topic.

Any lab normal for a measured entity is based on the normal population mean, plus 2 standard deviations, and also depends on the methodology of the lab's analysis. T-SHIRTS is not even the predominant way for measuring the regulation of thyroid therapy.

A foundational principle of science is peer review, so that objective research can be proven by duplication and stand up to critique from all industry experts. Engineering, aerospace, energy, and IT all adapt new technology through the scientific process.

Big changes in technology usually come from companies developing a new product/technology NOT from going through something similar to a peer review process.

Standards and standardization do evolve through something similar to peer review.

Example: The iPhone didn't go through "peer review".

If the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist recommended something and general practice Doctors/Labs are not following the recommendations then one of those groups is dangerously misguided.

TSH is the most common test. Some (not all) GPs also order T4 testing. T3 and T3RU are normally only tested if TSH and if tested T4 are out of range.

There are a huge number of health conditions that mainstream Doctors claim don't exist; however, Alternative Type Doctors often go to the other extreme.

Most GPs don't even have a real opinion on something as simple as whether patients should take a multivitamin.

Example: Alternative type Doctors diagnosed fibromyalgia long before there was any peer review information published.

Unless a GP is completely off the rails bad, they won't suffer ramifications from being wrong or not up to date. Insurance pays the same regardless of the Doctor's skill level. It's difficult to screen GPs because most patient reviews will focus on personality and wait time over diagnostic skill level.


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lol, my own personal belief is to vaccinate with caution in most cases. However certain vaccines that have shown to be ineffective imo arent worth it. Im not against modern medicine, Im simply against being lied to or mislead for profit. I dont like the fact many doctors would jump to meds for things like cholesterol or borderline hyptn rather than attempt to push a healthy diet and exercise. There is way too much faith in the fda and people need to be more aware drug studies are not always as thorough as wed like to think. Speaking of drug safety why is marijuana illegal but we can drink alcohol and smoke as much tobacco as we want? MONEY is why period. How the hell is marijuana a schedule 1 drug ? You see crap like that gives me a healthy distrust for the pharmaceutical industry/fda/dea.

Good deal and get ya now....I have a degree from johns Hopkins in public health so needless to say this is a subject very near and dear to me....breaks my heart to see kids with a completely preventable disease like polio simply bc their parents have a conspiracy kid should have to suffer bc of that type of stupidity....

Also totally agree with the problem of way too much over diagnosis and over prescribing of meds....7 year old boys are supposed to have a ton of energy and challenges fovusing....we don't need to get all of them adhd meds so they are robotic....and agree on the marijuana issue, it should be legal and will be within the next decade
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Big changes in technology usually come from companies developing a new product/technology NOT from going through something similar to a peer review process.

Standards and standardization do evolve through something similar to peer review.

Example: The iPhone didn't go through "peer review".

If the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist recommended something and general practice Doctors/Labs are not following the recommendations then one of those groups is dangerously misguided.

TSH is the most common test. Some (not all) GPs also order T4 testing. T3 and T3RU are normally only tested if TSH and if tested T4 are out of range.

There are a huge number of health conditions that mainstream Doctors claim don't exist; however, Alternative Type Doctors often go to the other extreme.

Most GPs don't even have a real opinion on something as simple as whether patients should take a multivitamin.

Example: Alternative type Doctors diagnosed fibromyalgia long before there was any peer review information published.

Unless a GP is completely off the rails bad, they won't suffer ramifications from being wrong or not up to date. Insurance pays the same regardless of the Doctor's skill level. It's difficult to screen GPs because most patient reviews will focus on personality and wait time over diagnostic skill level.

Wrong again.

Why would you argue this -- I do these tests and manage thyroid patients every day.

Proper thyroid mgt should include free T4, free T3, and TSH. Status of anti-thyroid antibodies also must be known. There is seldom any one test that totally dictates treatment, rather the patien's own symptom-free normal range, historical individual dosing based on absorption variables, and concomitant medications are all necessary considerations.

Essentially every complex product developed has had to be proven before being accepted and routinely used, by several scientists, techs, engineers, etc. We should only be comfortable with a product after such safety and efficacy has been objectively proven, and medicine does an excellent job of that.

An "alternative" doctor is one whose practice does not follow established scientific foundation.
Your example of fibromyalgia is no different than many other medical dilemmas that do not have a definitive cure or palliation. If that frustrates or even angers patients, then they may indeed feel that the system has failed them, and so they seek help elsewhere. In the example above, several categories of medication are capable of improving pain and debility, but they may not be as successful or as well-tolerated as desired.

In FredBeard's case of GBS, his minor early presentation and rapid access to treatment bodes well for a speedy complete recovery.
But there's no guarantee, and that's not what we want to hear. If he has any permanent nerve damage (rare), there will probably be folks who say his care was mismanaged.

Nothing in life is certain.