Travis Frederick has Guillain Barre Syndrome


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My grandpa had that. He was diagnosed with it when he was 85 years old. Unfortunately, due to his age it helped bring about his death. He was in constant pain the last few months

Some historians believe that it was this disease that afflicted FDR... not polio.

Fortunately, Frederick is young.

I had not heard that in reference to FDR.


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I had an older relative who had polio and now polio has been eradicated because of vaccines

Unfortunately some other serious health conditions can be caused by vaccines.

Apparently there are documented cases of autism being caused by one of the vaccines that children receive. My understanding is that the age of the child when vaccinated drastically affects the risk factor. Two years old very bad but 4 years old generally OK.
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Unfortunately some other serious health conditions can be caused by vaccines.

Apparently there are documented cases of autism being caused by one of the vaccines that children receive. My understanding is that the age of the child when vaccinated drastically affects the risk factor. Two years old very bad but 4 years old generally OK.

I don't vast majority of doctors claim that is not the truth. I do know that things like measles, small pox and many other deadly virus have been held in check because of them.


The Excellence of Execution
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Why do you think our immune systems struggled with smallpox, polio, measles, diphtheria, etc. for all of our existence and suddenly in the last half century have either been eradicated or are exceedingly rare in the western world? Why did our immune systems just happen to wise up in the last 50 years?
How about malnutrition? Poor lifestyle choices? Poor hygiene? There have been so many changes within the past 100 years that it would be ridiculous to isolate the decrease of certain diseases SOLELY due to vaccines; there are too many variables. Do you believe the answer is to inject a dead or live virus into one's immune system and expect everyone to respond the same? It's irresponsible, negligent, and wrong. It's a matter of philosophy; I take care of myself. I eat right, I exercise, I get proper sleep and manage my stress levels. I truly believe your thought processes would be different if you had an autoimmune condition; WE DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSES THEM, and that's what's scary. You fear the unknown. I can't prove vaccines caused my two autoimmune diseases, but you can't prove that they didn't. At least I don't have the measles though, but oh, I have a life-threatening autoimmune disease. Cheers to that.


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My grandpa had that. He was diagnosed with it when he was 85 years old. Unfortunately, due to his age it helped bring about his death. He was in constant pain the last few months

Some historians believe that it was this disease that afflicted FDR... not polio.

Fortunately, Frederick is young.

Also, my Dog has an Autoimmune issue that went into remission after the vet stopped giving him shots ever year.

He was on $150 per month meds for a few years but the does was able to be reduced gradually over time based on blood test results and finally the meds were stopped altogether.

He can't go anywhere or go to boarding because he does not get the shoots but it did work.


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I don't vast majority of doctors claim that is not the truth. I do know that things like measles, small pox and many other deadly virus have been held in check because of them.

There was a documentary about the issue. They was very little room for doubt based on facts of multiple cases.

As I said, age of the child was a huge issue.

Apparently they generally give them at the "safe" age and have for many years EXCEPT in regards to immigrants.

They would give them to kids from families that came here from other countries regardless of the age of the kids.


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Your understanding of how the body works is inaccurate. The Flu does not weaken the immune system, if anything, it strengthens it. The treatment, i.e. antibiotics weakens it because it kills indiscriminately and destroys your gut ecology.

Your health and immune system radiates from your gut health. Hence why we have an epidemic of gut and mental disorders in this country. But please, carry on with your western medicine approach to health and let me know where that gets you.

I’m an MD who specializes and is board certified in infectious diseases and who majored in biochemistry with a minor in microbiology in undergrad. You are attempting to preach nonsense to an expert in this field.

The fact that you think we give antibiotics for the flu (a viral infection) tells this board all they need to know about your understanding or lack there of on this topic.

The fact remains we DONT give antibiotics for the flu, we give Tamiflu (an anti-viral with no bacterial activity) and only when detected in close proximity to the onset of symptoms. Dissecting your gut biome nonsense would take more time than I’m willing to devote to this and the information would be so far above your comprehension it would be meaningless anyway.
Hey, I respect your knowledge and what you have accomplished. It is a ton of hard work but unfortunately, I don't care what you think you understand, it is a faulty premise for disease and disease prevention. I say that truly with the utmost respect. ALL of Western medicine has it wrong when it comes to disease prevention and treatment.

I DO understand that Tamiflu is supposedly a treatment for the flu virus. I really do. I also understand that it is overly prescribed and in the clinical trials only reduced the length of the flu by about a half a day, which is nebulous at best. There is no way to measure a half a day's improvement as that would be completely dependent on the strength of the individuals immune system. Not to mention the litany of side effects that have caused it to be BANNED in a number of countries. Somehow, Big Pharma has managed to keep it approved and overly prescribed here in america.

My point with the Anti-biotic argument is, every time someone gets the flu, they are prescribed them for the other issues also present, usually Ear infections, Throat, and sinus. So it is actually a double dose of toxic crap that does more harm than good. I would never put either in my body and never have. Also have successfully treated full blown H1N1 with "alternative" medicine...go figure.

We will have to agree to disagree because I obviously will never change your mind as you would have to do some serious soul searching to allow that to be a reality for you. I obviously am rooted in my beliefs so we should just drop it and focus on the Cowboys.

Just to reiterate, i really do respect what you do, you are obviously VERY smart. I just have a much different take on health.


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Unfortunately some other serious health conditions can be caused by vaccines.

Apparently there are documented cases of autism being caused by one of the vaccines that children receive. My understanding is that the age of the child when vaccinated drastically affects the risk factor. Two years old very bad but 4 years old generally OK.

There's not a single shred of actual scientific evidence that supports this


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
How about malnutrition? Poor lifestyle choices? Poor hygiene? There have been so many changes within the past 100 years that it would be ridiculous to isolate the decrease of certain diseases SOLELY due to vaccines; there are too many variables. Do you believe the answer is to inject a dead or live virus into one's immune system and expect everyone to respond the same? It's irresponsible, negligent, and wrong. It's a matter of philosophy; I take care of myself. I eat right, I exercise, I get proper sleep and manage my stress levels. I truly believe your thought processes would be different if you had an autoimmune condition; WE DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSES THEM, and that's what's scary. You fear the unknown. I can't prove vaccines caused my two autoimmune diseases, but you can't prove that they didn't. At least I don't have the measles though, but oh, I have a life-threatening autoimmune disease. Cheers to that.


Actually there are many health issues now that were rare or didn't exist several decades ago.

Many indigenous people in recent decades have significantly worse health issues and shorter lifespans now that they integrated into modern cultures. Much of it appears to be based a dietary changes.

Their ancestors generally ate high fat diets. A high percentage of their food was meat.

As these people transitioned to diets with a high percentage of grains, their health as a group started to decline. Once they started getting more modernized and started consuming more sugar, their health really plummeted.

Even in America people's health (as a group) started to decline when the "experts" started pushing the low fat food concept.

There was a research Doctor named Ancel Keys that started the US on a path towards an obsession on low fat foods.

This resulted in many products that were much worse for people's health than the foods they were replacing. Margarine is a horrible substance for the human diet but in the seventies every other commercial was about the greatness of Margarine.

Add the fat substitues to excess sugar intake and health issues went haywire.

The solution...saccharin and then aspartame, each one worse than sugar.


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Hey, I respect your knowledge and what you have accomplished. It is a ton of hard work but unfortunately, I don't care what you think you understand, it is a faulty premise for disease and disease prevention. I say that truly with the utmost respect. ALL of Western medicine has it wrong when it comes to disease prevention and treatment.

I DO understand that Tamiflu is supposedly a treatment for the flu virus. I really do. I also understand that it is overly prescribed and in the clinical trials only reduced the length of the flu by about a half a day, which is nebulous at best. There is no way to measure a half a day's improvement as that would be completely dependent on the strength of the individuals immune system. Not to mention the litany of side effects that have caused it to be BANNED in a number of countries. Somehow, Big Pharma has managed to keep it approved and overly prescribed here in america.

My point with the Anti-biotic argument is, every time someone gets the flu, they are prescribed them for the other issues also present, usually Ear infections, Throat, and sinus. So it is actually a double dose of toxic crap that does more harm than good. I would never put either in my body and never have. Also have successfully treated full blown H1N1 with "alternative" medicine...go figure.

We will have to agree to disagree because I obviously will never change your mind as you would have to do some serious soul searching to allow that to be a reality for you. I obviously am rooted in my beliefs so we should just drop it and focus on the Cowboys.

Just to reiterate, i really do respect what you do, you are obviously VERY smart. I just have a much different take on health.

Every time someone gets the flu they are not prescribed antibiotics for other ailments.

What are you talking about?


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Unfortunately some other serious health conditions can be caused by vaccines.

Apparently there are documented cases of autism being caused by one of the vaccines that children receive. My understanding is that the age of the child when vaccinated drastically affects the risk factor. Two years old very bad but 4 years old generally OK.
That kind of misinformation is dangerous

Vaccines DO NOT cause medical link has ever been found

Vaccines did eradicate terrible diseases that killed millions like Measles, Mumps, Polio, the Plague


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Just because there’s no cure, doesn’t mean something lasts forever.

There is no cure for the common cold, but it doesn’t last forever.
Hot tea, scoop of honey and a shot of Jack Daniels

that and a bowl of chicken soup


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Just because there’s no cure, doesn’t mean something lasts forever.

There is no cure for the common cold, but it doesn’t last forever.

I've had a cold but no longer do I have a cold or the virus now I'm cured.


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I've had a cold but no longer do I have a cold or the virus now I'm cured.

You don’t know what “cure” means in the sense it is being used.

Just like your body healed itself from the cold. The same can happen with GBS.

When they say no cure. They mean there isn’t any medical treatment to get rid of it.
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Actually there are many health issues now that were rare or didn't exist several decades ago.

Many indigenous people in recent decades have significantly worse health issues and shorter lifespans now that they integrated into modern cultures. Much of it appears to be based a dietary changes.

Their ancestors generally ate high fat diets. A high percentage of their food was meat.

As these people transitioned to diets with a high percentage of grains, their health as a group started to decline. Once they started getting more modernized and started consuming more sugar, their health really plummeted.

Even in America people's health (as a group) started to decline when the "experts" started pushing the low fat food concept.

There was a research Doctor named Ancel Keys that started the US on a path towards an obsession on low fat foods.

This resulted in many products that were much worse for people's health than the foods they were replacing. Margarine is a horrible substance for the human diet but in the seventies every other commercial was about the greatness of Margarine.

Add the fat substitues to excess sugar intake and health issues went haywire.

The solution...saccharin and then aspartame, each one worse than sugar.

I agree with this 100%. I’m way healthier now on a low-carb paleo diet. But maybe we are a bit off topic?


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He should be fine. The NFL is a union shop. And he just signed a deal a year or so ago that made him a multi-millionaire. We should all be so fortunate.