Trent Green just got blasted

otero1 said:
Trent Green
1970 - 2006


DallasEast said:
It seems everyone on this thread agrees with you, Draegerman. :) But I don't agree. Green was clearly sliding before the hit. Even if Geathers was pushed into him, it was unnecessary contact.
Just trying to be objective, amigo. Trust me, if it had been Bledsoe instead of Green, I'd be screaming bloody murder right now. ;)
Draegerman said:
Just trying to be objective, amigo. Trust me, if it had been Bledsoe instead of Green, I'd be screaming bloody murder right now. ;)
Gotcha. :D
superpunk said:
Same here. Nice catch and run by him. I have him and Palmer. Cincy needs to quit running it, lol.

man i got palmer and LJ too, isnt looking good right now, looks like we should have took the other Johnson (Rudi)
HeavyHitta31 said:
Wow, he was still unconcious on the stretcher. Damn
I don't think he was out on the stretcher....if he were, they would have driven the ambulance up to him, plus, I saw him move his leg when one of the trainers moved the other one. He had his eyes closed, but that is probably because to open them everything would still be spinning and make him want to puke....which I bet he will do later.
It was arguably a no call from the standpoint of Green being late with his slide.

However, it's a no-brainer that the tackler led with his helmet and speared the other player as well as hitting the QB in the head. Either unnecessary roughness or a personal foul should have been called.

Personally, I would have thrown the guy out of the game. Right there on the spot.

Look for this play to be reviewed by the league and Geathers to get a big fine. JMO.
jobberone said:
It was arguably a no call from the standpoint of Green being late with his slide.

However, it's a no-brainer that the tackler led with his helmet and speared the other player as well as hitting the QB in the head. Either unnecessary roughness or a personal foul should have been called.

Look for this play to be reviewed by the league and Geathers to get a big fine. JMO.
You can't fine him for that hit....He doesn't play for the Cowboys. It's not like his name is Roy Williams or anything.
otero1 said:
Yeah I agree, nothin else to do before the game.

whats bad is when i seen the nit i got right on here to see what yall were saying about it lolm does that qualify me for hell too?
jobberone said:
It was arguably a no call from the standpoint of Green being late with his slide.

However, it's a no-brainer that the tackler led with his helmet and speared the other player as well as hitting the QB in the head. Either unnecessary roughness or a personal foul should have been called.

Look for this play to be reviewed by the league and Geathers to get a big fine. JMO.
Those are exactly my thoughts as well.
BlueStar22 said:
unnecessary? Yes. fair game? yes.
well, no one's going to argue it wasn't 'fair'..until a player's touched by a defender, he can always get up and start running again. Or he could trump the infamous Vinnie T as a Raven play and instead of throw a pick from his knees, throw one from on his back.

Of course, the Vegas odds on Green trying to make anything happne at that point play might have been 2 billion to one....

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