Trevon Diggs Update, Good News!

Random comments:
- The healing time is supposed to be 4 to 6 months but many athletes say it takes more than a year to be back to 100%. Some never get there. Its really athlete dependent.
- Once you injure an ACL, your odds of doing it again are elevated versus the average. Its usually the OTHER knee. Some people simply have stronger ligaments. Women are more likely to get ACL injuries in sports like soccer than men and its due to that.
- We should see Trevon doing running in the spring. He should be good to go for camp next year. Hopefully at 100%. Time will tell.
- The functional healing is mostly just bone forming around the newly installed ligament. That actually doesn't take that long and when its done, you aren't going to pop it out. After that, its just strengthening and conditioning a joint you haven't used much in 4 months.
That's good news. However, I think we've learned that recovery and returning to form isn't exactly the same timeline. He may struggle a little in the first half of the season but he should eventually return to form.
Yes. Some players make that leap, but many struggle coming off a major injury, primarily from the psychological aspect of it. It makes sense. If you've never suffered a major injury and then you get hit by one, it's hard to trust that it won't happen again, especially to that "recently" repaired area.
That's good news. However, I think we've learned that recovery and returning to form isn't exactly the same timeline. He may struggle a little in the first half of the season but he should eventually return to form.
The thing that is often overlooked about injuries is that these athletes took DECADES for their muscles and tendons to arrive at the point where they are before the injury. Even after the injury is 100% healed it takes time for the body to return to full strength, explosion and full range of motion. For some guys it can be years before they get back that pre-injury level. And unfortunately some never get there..
That's good news. However, I think we've learned that recovery and returning to form isn't exactly the same timeline. He may struggle a little in the first half of the season but he should eventually return to form.
yep. be ready for next seasons threads on how dumb dallas was on extending a washed diggs. he will probably be back to himself til 2025.
The thing that is often overlooked about injuries is that these athletes took DECADES for their muscles and tendons to arrive at the point where they are before the injury. Even after the injury is 100% healed it takes time for the body to return to full strength, explosion and full range of motion. For some guys it can be years before they get back that pre-injury level. And unfortunately some never get there..
Ezekiel Elliott has entered the chat.'s bigger question for 24'. Will he be the same?
Whenever they say "his surgery was a success", I am left wondering what that means. He lived? He'll walk again? He'll be able to have children? He can play the violin? Speak French?

Have you ever heard the doctor say after the surgery it wasn't a success?

I thought they didn't really know how it went until after it heals and the player completes rehab. Kevin Smith tore his Achilles and his surgery was a success, except he was never the same football player again.
I must have missed something because I didn’t think there was any question Diggs would return in 2024.
Whenever they say "his surgery was a success", I am left wondering what that means. He lived? He'll walk again? He'll be able to have children? He can play the violin? Speak French?

Have you ever heard the doctor say after the surgery it wasn't a success?

I thought they didn't really know how it went until after it heals and the player completes rehab. Kevin Smith tore his Achilles and his surgery was a success, except he was never the same football player again.
Sad what happened with Kevin Smith.
That injury turned him into a pass interference penalty machine.
Whenever they say "his surgery was a success", I am left wondering what that means. He lived? He'll walk again? He'll be able to have children? He can play the violin? Speak French?

Have you ever heard the doctor say after the surgery it wasn't a success?

I thought they didn't really know how it went until after it heals and the player completes rehab. Kevin Smith tore his Achilles and his surgery was a success, except he was never the same football player again.
I remember when they feared they would have to cut Alex Smith's leg off after his surgery so.. yeah.. but that was about infection rather than the actual leg repair. But like I said.. the joint can be fully healed but that doesn't mean the surrounding muscle tissue is back to full strength or that they scar tissue from the surgery will permit you to regain full range of motion. We take it for granted with all the modern surgical techniques that guys will always come back to form but there simply is zero guarantee of it.

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