
I'll take your kind invitation into consideration after we play you in the first regular season game. Better yet, how about this Mr RW-dirty one ...

If the C'boy win the first time they play the Eagles In regular open season; I'll take you up on your gracious Invitation for my departure (I wouldn't want to hurt your precious feelings anymore) :(

If the Eagles win the first time they play the Eagles In regular open season;I'll
stay, and you will Not be able to quote me on any of my posts or comments Until the Eagles play the C'boys again!

A gentlemen's wager between rival fans (hey has this ever been done before?). What about it; where's your sllab? Let's do it!

Quoted in ...
Doc Holiday to Ringo, in Tombstone!
How about you just leave?
BTW, are there any good eagles boards we can abbandon these guys at?
Portland Fanatic said:
Welcome aboard "Troll"... :p

I take it your Iggles board is a little boring right now. By the way what is your Iggles website...never been. No need really.

How is this board any more yours than it is his? Are you Reality?
I sure do hate that troll, he should be banned....
Cowpokes miss the playoffs
JJ gets close to 800 yards and places sixth for ROY
Defense ranks in bottom half of league.

Since I don't hide the fact that I think the Girls are an over rated bunch of riff raff, does that mean I'm a Toll or just a normal thinking person. :D
I just can't decide. May be some of the Riff Raff can help me out? :(
Overalls said:
Cowpokes miss the playoffs
JJ gets close to 800 yards and places sixth for ROY
Defense ranks in bottom half of league.

Since I don't hide the fact that I think the Girls are an over rated bunch of riff raff, does that mean I'm a Toll or just a normal thinking person. :D
I just can't decide. May be some of the Riff Raff can help me out? :(
Have fun being in the basement of the south, fan of "the other texas team"
Overalls said:
Cowpokes miss the playoffs
JJ gets close to 800 yards and places sixth for ROY
Defense ranks in bottom half of league.

Since I don't hide the fact that I think the Girls are an over rated bunch of riff raff, does that mean I'm a Toll or just a normal thinking person. :D
I just can't decide. May be some of the Riff Raff can help me out? :(

You are mighty concerned about the Cowboys. I've even seen you on another Cowboys board. For a fan of the Texans why in the world would you hang out at COWBOYS boards unless you were a troll? You are positively anal about them.
I don't "hang out" here. I just come through for a few minutes to harass the the Girls. It might take Cowboys fans all day to read this, but I got past 3rd grade and can read and comprehend quickly. Thank you for your concern about my anus, but like I have said before I am not a Cowboys fan so may be you should hook up with other fans like yourself and be friends with their anus's. :confused:
Overalls said:
I don't "hang out" here. I just come through for a few minutes to harass the the Girls. It might take Cowboys fans all day to read this, but I got past 3rd grade and can read and comprehend quickly. Thank you for your concern about my anus, but like I have said before I am not a Cowboys fan so may be you should hook up with other fans like yourself and be friends with their anus's. :confused:
Ahh, internet smack, so funny, so pathetic...
Ok I get it Overalls.

You're not a troll but you go to Cowboys boards to bother fans. OK!

Actually the posts at the other board were you complaining and moaning because you didn't get to talk smack over there and also a few really intelligent remarks about the Cowboys moving to L.A. OK!

You may have gotten past 3rd grade physically but emotionally you're still there pal.
Thanks for the fun guys. I may be a TROLL, I don't care. I'm just having a little fun. I'm not a stats guy so I like to mix it up with a little written sparing. I'll lay low if you want, but isn't this good to break the bordom of the same ol' "who should start Eddie or Julius" stuff. This board is a lot better than the OFFICIAL fan2fan one for the Cowboys.

Tim :)
Overalls said:
I'll lay low if you want, but isn't this good to break the bordom of the same ol' "who should start Eddie or Julius" stuff.Tim


I'm no troll either, but, like you, I too have an Opposing point of view than the C'boys. BTW, the T'Xans are rapidly gaining respect!

Most, not all C'boy fansd don't listen. You've made an outstanding point -- it wouold be seriously boring around here if opposing fans didn't keep them In check. The Board is great, but some of the C'boys don't seem to appreciate different perspectives, and cannot understand how different fans don't join their point of view. Some are trolls in denial! :eek:

BTW I'm having fun too! :rolleyes:

I'm no troll either, but, like you, I too have an Opposing point of view than the C'boys. BTW, the T'Xans are rapidly gaining respect!

Most, not all C'boy fansd don't listen. You've made an outstanding point -- it wouold be seriously boring around here if opposing fans didn't keep them In check. The Board is great, but some of the C'boys don't seem to appreciate different perspectives, and cannot understand how different fans don't join their point of view. Some are trolls in denial! !:eek:

BTW I'm having fun too! :rolleyes:
It might be boring for you, not for me and most other cowboy fans.
While I'll never understand why anybody would want to take time out of their lives to post at a message board of a team they don't care for it's certainly not illegal and who cares what I think anyway?

I apologize to you Overalls for inappropriate comments I've made on here. You don't know me, I don't know you and after reading some of the things I've posted on here I let myself get carried away and made the comments personal and that is not right.
Somebody asked the question ...why would anybody want to spend time at another team's message board ...?

I don't have the answer to that question, but, I know for a fact that there are C'boy fans that spend a lot of time on other team MBs, to include the Eagles. I can also speak for myself; as much as I'm dreaded, I actually enjoy some of the personalities this board. Whether you like or not, we really all do have one thing In common -- we love football, and we are all dedicated toward Our respective teams.

If Football became an Olympic sport (and it could years from now), we'd all want Team USA to win. Could you imagine the starting players ... :D
TobiasEagle77 said:
I wouldn't go that far, but I would like to point out that there are alot more Eagles in the west. Here in Alaska, we have alot of Eagles and alot of "cowboys". There is also a high concentration of Texans.

I live here in Alaska. We shoot Eagle fans. Its a city ordinance. Where do you live? Nome? :D

Rest easy Cowboys fans. Eagle fans are hated here in Alaska just as much as they are in Texas.

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