Troop refuses to ship out

Yeagermeister;3086197 said:
I have no problem with that and I'm sure the military has a program to help her.
I think so, too.

More than likely, they'll investigate where the father is in this situation and look for other viable options for the child.
TheCount;3086206 said:
I'd never say having a child is a bad life decision, especially since it seemed she was primed to go until her mom returned the kid.

I guess this where we differ.
Doomsday101;3086124 said:
True then again why join the military? If she can't take on the obligations to the military then she should be granted a discharge from the military.

Why not? It's job security these days. They can find something for her to do state side. She's not gonna be taking down terrorists after just having a baby anyways. This sounds to me like a computer glich or an angry superior trying to be the man...
CowboyFan74;3086294 said:
Why not? It's job security these days. They can find something for her to do state side. She's not gonna be taking down terrorists after just having a baby anyways. This sounds to me like a computer glich or an angry superior trying to be the man...

Yes they could find someone else how about other troops who have important things going on as well should they get an excuse as well? If you can't do the job asked of you in the military then you have no business being in the military. It is not some 8 to 5 job you are a member of the US military and when called to go you go period. I am a big believer in equal rights but equal mean the same for everyone, women wanted the right to serve they deserved that right but with it comes the same responsibility as it would for anyone else man or woman. You can't have it both ways.
Doomsday101;3086308 said:
Yes they could find someone else how about other troops who have important things going on as well should they get an excuse as well? If you can't do the job asked of you in the military then you have no business being in the military. It is not some 8 to 5 job you are a member of the US military and when called to go you go period. I am a big believer in equal rights but equal mean the same for everyone, women wanted the right to serve they deserved that right but with it comes the same responsibility as it would for anyone else man or woman. You can't have it both ways.

And as soon as men can accidentally get pregnant, it will be equal.
Doomsday101;3086308 said:
Yes they could find someone else how about other troops who have important things going on as well should they get an excuse as well? If you can't do the job asked of you in the military then you have no business being in the military. It is not some 8 to 5 job you are a member of the US military and when called to go you go period. I am a big believer in equal rights but equal mean the same for everyone, women wanted the right to serve they deserved that right but with it comes the same responsibility as it would for anyone else man or woman. You can't have it both ways.

Someone else as in another woman who just had a baby? Let's be practical here. This is America, we are not in need of a troop (Singular) to win the war on terrorism. We allow women in our military but when they have a baby we are not so desperate or animalistic that we demand they abandon their child for the state to raise. This is America, not China where they drown their 1st born if it's not a boy. (Do they still do that?) Based on your thought process it sounds like you resent women in the military or maybe I'm reading to much into it. For you to say a woman can't have it both ways (In America) also tells me how little you know about women...:laugh2:
CowboyFan74;3086327 said:
Someone else as in another woman who just had a baby? Let's be practical here. This is America, we are not in need of a troop (Singular) to win the war on terrorism. We allow women in our military but when they have a baby we are not so desperate or animalistic that we demand they abandon their child for the state to raise. This is America, not China where they drown their 1st born if it's not a boy. (Do they still do that?) Based on your thought process it sounds like you resent women in the military or maybe I'm reading to much into it. For you to say a woman can't have it both ways (In America) also tells me how little you know about women...:laugh2:

You do the job or not period. This is not a manadory military you join by your own choice knowing that when you do you have made an obligation to the US military and will carry out the orders you have been given. I'm not trying to sound heartless but if she can't handle the obligations she has signed up for then she needs to be discharged from the military. As I said I believe in Equal rights but it must be equal. I know plenty about women and I know that many are as capable of doing the job as well as their male counter parts
Faerluna;3086321 said:
And as soon as men can accidentally get pregnant, it will be equal.

I'm not saying she should be shot but if you join the military a choice you make not one forced on you then you have obligations to fulfill if you can't then you have no business in the military period
Doomsday101;3086353 said:
You do the job or not period. This is not a manadory military you join by your own choice knowing that when you do you have made an obligation to the US military and will carry out the orders you have been given. I'm not trying to sound heartless but if she can't handle the obligations she has signed up for then she needs to be discharged from the military. As I said I believe in Equal rights but it must be equal. I know plenty about women and I know that many are as capable of doing the job as well as their male counter parts

Still sounds like you resent women in the military but whatever you say kaptain...
Doomsday101;3086362 said:
I'm not saying she should be shot but if you join the military a choice you make not one forced on you then you have obligations to fulfill if you can't then you have no business in the military period
Reading the article, it seems she did attempt to fulfill her obligations until the last minute.

Looks like she got some bad info, but it will be resolved
Faerluna;3086321 said:
And as soon as men can accidentally get pregnant, it will be equal.

lol @ "accidentally"

You "accidentally" slip and fall or "accidentally" bump your head on something... you "purposely" (and "idiotically" might I add) have sex with someone without using birth control, unless you (for some ungodly reason) actually WANT kids.

Either use birth control or don't even bother. Yes, it's as simple as that.
Faerluna;3086321 said:
And as soon as men can accidentally get pregnant, it will be equal.

Are you sure? Because it sure seems to me women want to be treated as equals, yet it would also seem to me that this built in fail-safe you're citing kind of trumps that idea. You can't have it both ways. Equality means even treatment, not special instances based on how nature forms a person.

All things being equal, maybe we're not really fit to be doing the same things, given natures indifference to equality in forming our bodies.
There's a lot of missing info in the original article.

Forget the fact that she got pregnant while in the military. This is not about equal rights for women. This is simply about a single parent trying to do the right thing for her child.

If a young man's girlfriend got pregnant while he was in the military and was forced into a similar decision because something happened to the young mother and he received bad info. It happens, like in the case of our very own OL Robert Brewster.

Do people really think military personnel should be deployed if they don't have adequate child care? Because that's what this is about.

Ultimately, this young lady received bad info and made a bad decision as a result.
vta;3086389 said:
Are you sure? Because it sure seems to me women want to be treated as equals, yet it would also seem to me that this built in fail-safe you're citing kind of trumps that idea. You can't have it both ways. Equality means even treatment, not special instances based on how nature forms a person.

All things being equal, maybe we're not really fit to be doing the same things, given natures indifference to equality in forming our bodies.

All things being equal, **** happens. Just like to this woman.
xWraithx;3086382 said:
lol @ "accidentally"

You "accidentally" slip and fall or "accidentally" bump your head on something... you "purposely" (and "idiotically" might I add) have sex with someone without using birth control, unless you (for some ungodly reason) actually WANT kids.

Either use birth control or don't even bother. Yes, it's as simple as that.

I have known more than one woman that has gotten pregnant while on the pill. Even when taken correctly, it's not 100% effective.

Don't bother telling me about multiple birth control methods simultaneously. That happens probably less than 1% of the time.

The only fail safe birth control is abstinence. Get real. This isn't the Jonas Brothers.

So yes, its possible and somewhat probable, that it was accidental.
Faerluna;3086429 said:
All things being equal, **** happens. Just like to this woman.

I guess, if you really want to characterize getting pregnant as '**** happening'.
vta;3086457 said:
I guess, if you really want to characterize getting pregnant as '**** happening'.

I was referencing birth control failure.
The problem this young lady has is that she went awol by not showing up.

That is why she was arrested.

If this story is accurate then it will get settled with what is best for the child in mind.

If the girl has a history of things like this then she will be reprimanded.
Faerluna;3086517 said:
I was referencing birth control failure.

The chick doesn't belong in the military.

She "chick"-ened-out. She didn't want to go.

Many chicks are either trying to get pregnant to get out of going or trying to get pregnant while in theatre to get a ticket back.

Take advantage of the rules.

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