TV ratings continuing to fall

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The NFL players are hurting their pocketbooks.

CBA negotiations, when it comes to money, are very closely tied to ratings and revenue. Ratings bring premium rates for advertising, thus revenue for TV contracts and all that implies.

Last night's kickoff opener was down 12% from the ratings of a year ago. Ratings were already down last year.

I suggest the players get off their butt and stand for the anthem, and stop trying to be social justice warriors. That is, if they don't want to see their checks shrink next CBA.

People are developing a cold shoulder toward athletes. If they want that golden egg, they'd better stop punching the goose.

On a personal note, I can feel my interest waning. I NEVER thought I'd say that about the NFL. Stop preaching to me, and play football.
*** I applaud them for having guts to stand for what they believe in.


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I was at my son's football practice and didn't even remember there was a game on until I got home at 8. Even at that I couldn't have told you who was playing until I turned it on. I absolutely love the Cowboys, but I just have very little interest in the NFL anymore. I won't watch NFL Network anymore. Haven't watched espn in years.
I'll watch the Cowboys play because they are important to me and always have been, but I won't watch a non Cowboys game anymore including the playoffs or Superbowl.


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*** I applaud them for having guts to stand for what they believe in.
I agree. But you have fans that are selfish and only think of themselves. They just want to be entertained. Never mind these guys are rising their lives every game for should just play football and don't stand for what they believe in...


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"Victimhood status"? Can you please explain to me why the "Social Justice Warrior" refused to stand for the Narional Anthem?
That could be a thesis and goes back to my original response to the poster who brought up injustice and social justice as a justified excuse for certain behavior. The NFL has troubles that go way beyond this issue, but I was simply trying to set him straight or get him to see another view - and that was a stupid idea on an internet message board....much less a Cowboy's board.


Kellen Moore baby
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Nice strawman.

Life is not equally hard for everyone. That is the issue. No one is saying be lazy although your narrative speaks to a disgusting stereotype pointed at minorities. It's not because of race it is because of work ethic!

Jim Brown is not someone whose opinion I care about.
Jim Brown has lost a lot of credibility in recent weeks. It's sad, Fuzzy.


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Just out of curiosity how many on here that despise our national athem actually served our country? Id imagine its close to zero but suprise me if not.


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I don't really care what NFL athletes do. I personally would never dream of disgracing my flag or my anthem, but I also wouldn't dream of missing a Cowboys game because a few guys I don't even know kneel for something I don't care about. That said, I was at a Labor Day party last week with about 20-30 people. I was surprised to hear 5 different people tell me that they weren't going to watch the NFL this year because of the anthem. They said they would simply watch the NCAA and that was it. These were all just average Joe fans, but when the NFL starts to lose the average Joe fan they're in trouble. Personally they could choke puppies at half and I'm still going to watch the Cowboys, but I think this is having a bigger effect on the NFL than some want to admit.

Reality, I respectfully disagree with you on this point. Not standing for the National Anthem on the basis of injustice, inequality, and unfairness is not "disgracing" the flag or anthem. To the contrary, I think it brings attention to what the "flag" should stand for but doesn't in the current social and political environment. I say this as someone who served for 22 years defending the constitution and citizens' right to lawfully protest. I will end it there (even though I have much more to say), because I don't want this to become political.
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Kellen Moore baby
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Yes, because the only way one can show appreciation and respect for those who have put their lives on the line is to stand for the national anthem............ and if you don't, that means you could care less about those people.


And how do we apply the rules of anthem standing? So if I am at home and watching on TV and the anthem comes on, am I supposed to stand up in my living room? Or does it only apply when you are physically present in front of a flag? What about radio?

So last night, when the anthem came on, was I disrespectful because I left my family room to go make sure my 5 year old brushed her teeth before she went to bed?

I need you diehard patriots to list for me the rules as it pertains to sporting events and when I should and shouldn't stand for the anthem.
You are crushing it, Syd


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Screw that, take a seat so you can play on your phone and a) not drop it in the toilet and b) not splash pee on your pants.
I had 5 sisters growing up...I was FORCED to pee sitting down over a strong sense of self-preservation!?! God help me if a slightly missed the target...there would be a steep price to pay!?! :)


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Family of warriors, Ad, brother. My thanks to their service.

I go to a group semi-occasionally with mostly Vietnam vets (my era/OIF/OEF just doesn't go to these groups as most are in school/work, etc), have a huge respect for them and have forged some great friendships with a few of their era. Most of them ride Harley's, LOL :)
Indeed brother. Keep fighting the good fight and when I speak with my peeps I will convey your thoughts.


Fire Garrett
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What does military have to do with anything in this thread? Kneeling? Etc

Well the creator of the thread indicated that due to certain players not standing for the national anthem the NFL's ratings are declining. Whether you believe that or not is up to you but I can see how that could lead to a conversation about the military since some military members find what they are doing to be offensive.

Still doesn't explain why someone would mention 9/11 except maybe it's in their mind due to that date coming up soon.


Kellen Moore baby
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Well the creator of the thread indicated that due to certain players not standing for the national anthem the NFL's ratings are declining. Whether you believe that or not is up to you but I can see how that could lead to a conversation about the military since some military members find what they are doing to be offensive.

Still doesn't explain why someone would mention 9/11 except maybe it's in their mind due to that date coming up soon.
Well, 9/11 was the catalyst to the two most recent wars. One I fought in. One several members of this board fought in.

So I find it relevant. To answer your original question.


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I had 5 sisters growing up...I was FORCED to pee sitting down over a strong sense of self-preservation!?! God help me if a slightly missed the target...there would be a steep price to pay!?! :)

I'm not afraid to admit I switch off both ways at home. I'm too lazy to want to have to clean up the damn toilet when aim is poor (after about 6 fingers of scotch).


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None of my battles that watch football, none, are not watching football because of the protests. Sure, some of them don't like it, but none are not watching football because of it. We have an open text thread with ten people, and some are upset about it, but that's all.

People say "social justice warriors," but what of "anthem justice warriors"?

That's all this is. People that have done **** all (largely) for the country, want to have some sort of impact to feel special. Awe, how cute. You won't watch football because someone kneeled. Come here and let me pat you on your head, son.
Brother you and @casmith07 are on fire today. :hammer:


Fire Garrett
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Well, 9/11 was the catalyst to the two most recent wars. One I fought in. One several members of this board fought in.

So I find it relevant. To answer your original question.

Well thanks for your service. Yea I suppose it could tie in with the military aspect.


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What does military have to do with anything in this thread? Kneeling? Etc

Nothing - that's just what they made it about. I mean, seriously...I'd challenge these highspeeds to find anybody who legit served and is mad about this. Probably a bunch of mom's basement call of duty wannabe basic training wash outs.
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