Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack


Screenshot of what looks like the shower before the camera feed was cut
The cameraman's fiancée was in the control room when this happened and saw it live.

Lawd, this is terrible.
The cameraman's fiancée was in the control room when this happened and saw it live.

Lawd, this is terrible.

The news woman was in a relationship with another anchor at the same station so I would assume he seen the shooting happen as well
The news woman was in a relationship with another anchor at the same station so I would assume he seen the shooting happen as well
Yes, the anchor tweeted out a statement. Gosh, that's horrible.

Also saw on twitter that the shooter has been spotted and there's a live chase going on.
#7 - You will not post political discussions or comments.

Posting about gun control or lack of is a political topic.

Next person that brings politics up is getting a time out.

This guy actually filmed himself killing them and then posted it on twitter and facebook.

Sick *******!
The suspect uploaded video on his Twitter of himself walking up to the reporters and pointing the gun, video ends before shots fired.
This is all kinds of crazy and sad. He is not going to be taken alive.
Been watching this since the news broke early this morning. Incredible to watch all this play out as more and more info comes to light. Really hope they catch the guy identified as the shooter ASAP. Hate to see these kind of things happen to what appear to be good people who were just doing their job.
Reports coming in now that the suspect shot himself. Nothing on if he survived or not.

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