Ok... Impartial observer here.
Kingsmith88, you baited these responses somewhere around post 34 when you used the word, "asinine."
Everyone else posting: you took the bait.
My opinion: 1) The US military spending is out of control, but new developments that reduce the need/expense of current ammunition technology should most definitely be developed. 2) There is no correlation between the amount of money the USA spends on the military and/or healthcare research, so there is no point of contention to discuss. 3) the private sector has huge amounts of non-Federal money being used to develop new and better ways to treat sick people. There are not many legal ways to do this with military arms development outside of US military awareness/participation. So, again... the correlation is non-existent. 4) There have been many developments through the centuries that have re-defined the ability of a military power to stay on top... bronze, iron, steel, projectiles, explosives, flight, nuclear, etc. We take for granted that the USA's place of power is something that was not worked for. We can't expect to maintain our place as a world power & peace keeper if we don't stay ahead of the rest of the world on ways to protect ourselves and our interests. So, if we can figure out how to use the awesome power of electricity to neutralize enemies from great distances (and do it with the power of lightning)... why not be proud of this accomplishment? It has taken nothing away from any other form of research. Besides, it is not a stretch of the imagination to connect that the ability to harness and project an electrical charge for a short burst onto a specific target could eventually be used to target cancer cells, or any other malignant cells.
Just my $0.02.