Uh Oh Brady Tinker says adam jones doing what he wants and drinking


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WV Cowboy;2337519 said:
If he is that dumb, then so be it, he'll be gone.

The Dallas Cowboys will certainly go on without him, he is only hurting himself.

But I still hope he can get it together, for his sake and because he is a good player. Not great, .. but good.

He is that dumb and I told you guys he was.


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InmanRoshi;2337538 said:
Thanks. Yeah, I think Kevin Scott knows a thing or two about the Dallas nightlife.

Yeah he just said listen, I have a friend in the league who said he hasnt changed one bit.

Plus the guy that called the hardline and said pacman told him to call him pacman and not adam because adam was for the white crackers seemed to really have good info.

Pacmans bodyguards made him erase the video of him saying that.

This guy a videographer for some hip hop show, as he said called pacman a hood and said he sees his share of bad guys and that pacman was just plain bad.

I cant wait till they throw him out.


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cowboyjoe;2337522 said:
ok so if it is true, and adam jones gets cut before the end of the year, we get a 5th round pick back from tennesse right?

I believe he has to be suspended before we get our pick back from the Titans. So lets hope he gets suspended first and then we can cut him. If it shakes out that way.


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theebs;2337551 said:
Plus the guy that called the hardline and said pacman told him to call him pacman and not adam because adam was for the white crackers.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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theebs;2337512 said:
Tons of people have been calling the ticket telling them they see him out all the time at some strip club where he is always drunk and causing problems.

Not sure if it is true or not.

Even one of the ticket hosts said he has a friend in the league that told him last week the guy hasnt changed at all and that he is out all the time and causing problems.

I really hope he gets tossed for the year and we can just get this guy off the team and then move forward.

Fact: Jerry Jones hired a security detail to follow Pac. That detail works for JJ, not Pacman.

Not a fact, but extremely highly likely: With today's phome-cam technology and other similar devices, if Pacman were out clubbing and causing problems such as has been stated in this thread, it would have been all over You Tube, as well as beat to death by every beat-writer in the metroplex by now. Hell, Pac and To can't fart without it being reporte adnauseam, and you think something like that would go under the radar?


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LandryFan;2337557 said:
Fact: Jerry Jones hired a security detail to follow Pac. That detail works for JJ, not Pacman.

Not a fact, but extremely highly likely: With today's phome-cam technology and other similar devices, if Pacman were out clubbing and causing problems such as has been stated in this thread, it would have been all over You Tube, as well as beat to death by every beat-writer in the metroplex by now. Hell, Pac and To can't fart without it being reporte adnauseam, and you think something like that would go under the radar?

Yes I do.

and that caller was at a local charity function when pacman said that...he was filiming something for some local hip hop show...

and I am not sure if you heard tank jonsons response the other day, but he said pacman didnt do anything and then followed up with this brilliant response.."if they knew what I did since I got here and some of the stuff I have done..." Real bright...

Hopefully today will be one down and one to go.


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cowboyjoe;2337542 said:
ok another point i want to make, and get you zoners honest opinion,

we and the media have been talking about accountability from the players, but if jerry jones is letting adam jones slide with this stuff, how can you have accountability?

it has to start from the top, and the head coach has to carry a big stick and when players get out of line, cut them or trade them, no excuses,

so what do you guys think if jerry jones is letting adam jones slide, and other players are saying, why should i be accountable when adam jones isnt

i do agree like theebs said, adam jones caused this on himself, so he cant do what he used to do, if he wants to play football,

Or how about all those years when Bill Parcells gave Lawrence Taylor a free pass for his off the field troubles? When he kicked Quincy Carter off the team in '04 for his drug troubles, my reaction was just that..."Why didn't he do the same with LT?".

All I can say is that while I agree with you, it's a double edge sword. You go easy on your best players, yes, it could send a negative ripple effect on your team. But if you cut them, it is what it is...you lose a valuable piece of your scheme.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The day after the Joule incident, three or four people called in to Hansen's show and said Jones was definitely drinking that night.

And for the skeptical, they did sound credible. They also weren't just out to get him, because they said he didn't even appear to have done anything wrong and they didn't know what all the commotion was about. But they said he definitely had been drinking quite a bit.

There's just way too much smoke for there not to be fire on this. I will say I'm surprised that as dumb as he is, he'd be dumb enough to still go to a strip club. Seems like that alone could get him suspended again.


1st Round Pick
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theebs;2337560 said:
Yes I do.

and that caller was at a local charity function when pacman said that...he was filiming something for some local hip hop show...

and I am not sure if you heard tank jonsons response the other day, but he said pacman didnt do anything and then followed up with this brilliant response.."if they knew what I did since I got here and some of the stuff I have done..." Real bright...

Hopefully today will be one down and one to go.

Did I not tell these guys theebs?

I root for the guy but at some point you have to have some integrity for your franchise.

Bringing in pieces of crap like him makes me wanna puke.


Well-Known Member
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Never give Jones the "benefit of the doubt".

Also, never turn your back on a lion.


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Spectre;2337574 said:
Never give Jones the "benefit of the doubt".

Also, never turn your back on a lion.

and dont ever rub another mans rhubarb.


if you ain't first, you're last
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I looked at Pacman as a one year insurance policy, if he works out then great if not cut him and play Jenkins and Scandrick. I'm sure Jerry thinking was this way also when he give him Zero signing bonus and the Ability to get our draft pick back from Tennessee.


Rising Star
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Im all for giving the guy a another chance but if he is too pathetic to stop drinking and partying then he just doesnt get it and never will. Time to end this experiment and roll with Jenkins and Scandrick.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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theebs;2337560 said:
Yes I do.

and that caller was at a local charity function when pacman said that...he was filiming something for some local hip hop show...

and I am not sure if you heard tank jonsons response the other day, but he said pacman didnt do anything and then followed up with this brilliant response.."if they knew what I did since I got here and some of the stuff I have done..." Real bright...

Hopefully today will be one down and one to go.

I didn't say so in my previous post, but I am not attempting to defend Pacman. If he indeed did any of what is being reported, I think he is gone, and deservedly so. I was just trying to say that the Cowboys get by with nothing these days. I still find it very hard to believe (not saying it isn't so, though) that he could be out in public doing these things and us not have heard a peep out of any of the local rags, sports radio, etc., not to mention Joe Public who would die for the chance to have his/her 15 minutes of fame for "outting" Pacman.


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AmishCowboy;2337583 said:
I looked at Pacman as a one year insurance policy, if he works out then great if not cut him and play Jenkins and Scandrick. I'm sure Jerry thinking was this way also when he give him Zero signing bonus and the Ability to get our draft pick back from Tennessee.

That's what I've been trying to tell all the haters here. For all that have been giving Jerry alot of flack, you gotta remember that he ended up making this a win-win deal...he changes his personality, we have a stud corner for years to come. If not, then we move on, and have some extra draft picks to boot. Remember when the Titans wanted an unconditional 3rd AND a player?

BTW-how would you have felt if Jerry broke the bank for Asante Samuels instead?(of course, it may have left smaller room to resign Ware, Canty, et al in the future)


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I would not put it past people to call in and lie. Look at this board there are several posters who want him to fail.


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Does anybody think when Greg Ellis said he is dissapointed in the organization that he is talking about the Pac-man situation? Makes sense.


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i think the main thing is accountablity,

it all boils down to what happens today when the players and coaches meet, adn they show the film where 2 cardinals came in unblocked on mcbrair and it cost our best punter for the year

plus the way the offensive line played and tony romo wound up getting hurt due to that poor offensive line play

something has to be done, you just cant say, im very upset, dont do it again, thats stupid, players wont get it, and do it again

you have to set an example with someone and make them accountable, by stting them down, or cutting them or trading them, something has to be done to be held accountable, words wont do it anymore an example has to be made and done now


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Goldenrichards83;2337597 said:
Does anybody think when Greg Ellis said he is dissapointed in the organization that he is talking about the Pac-man situation? Makes sense.

Does anybody think poor lil" Greggy is jealous, cause he was drug through the mud for wanting more security financially, while his diaper dripped about getting replaced?


Zone Scribe
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Goldenrichards83;2337597 said:
Does anybody think when Greg Ellis said he is dissapointed in the organization that he is talking about the Pac-man situation? Makes sense.

Yep. That combined with Bradie James going up to PacMan to tell him to apologize in front of the team. I think some of the core veterans on the team that have been here a while notice Jerry has some new "pet cats" that get special treatment. It's one thing to give a special treatment to phenomenal perennial Pro Bowl players ... but from what I've seen from Tank and Pac so far, they aint all that.