Uh Oh Brady Tinker says adam jones doing what he wants and drinking


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InmanRoshi;2337768 said:
Homerism is inflating the performance of a player because he plays on your favorite team.

I believe you're the one guilty of homerism.

PacMan has been nothing special on the field since coming to the Cowboys. He's hit or miss as a CB, and has provided the team with zero big plays in either turnovers or punt returns.

I think that's what he was saying, Roshi.

As a matter of fact, on his punt return he pulled his left to right 1000 yard run 2 yard gain. Had he gone forward there was a seam. DOH!!


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Seven;2337787 said:
I think that's what he was saying, Roshi.

As a matter of fact, on his punt return he pulled his left to right 1000 yard run 2 yard gain. Had he gone forward there was a seam. DOH!!

:confused: You mean he's NOT perfect??:laugh1:

Like I said-you want him out, that's fine with us. Our pass D suffers, don't come back here crying with thread after thread(like you guys did after Roy's absense showed its true colors).


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Boysboy;2337777 said:
Actually-the Pacman homers on this board have been inflating how he's "innocent" of that scuffle last year(I'm not one of them).

Anyhow-Homerism also is the same for DEFLATING the performance of a player on your favorite team to RATIONALIZE why he shouldn't be on the team.

Remember when Flo went down 3 years ago? Most Zoners said how his loss would help the team b/c of his boneheaded false starts and penalties that costed us games, blah, blah, blah...only to realize later how was he truely the MVP of this offense. Now THAT was HOMERISM.

No one deflates Adams play. It is what it is. Thus leaving the "Homer" award squarely on your shoulders. We wouldn't have to use such tactics. His record, literally, speaks for itself. Sayin?


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Seven;2337792 said:
No one deflates Adams play. It is what it is. Thus leaving the "Homer" award squarely on your shoulders. We wouldn't have to use such tactics. His record, literally, speaks for itself. Sayin?

So just b/c he hasn't recorded an INT, that makes him bad?

Heh-guess we should have given Samuels a boat-load of money instead, eh?


Messenger to the football Gods
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Boysboy;2337789 said:
:confused: You mean he's NOT perfect??:laugh1:

NOW you're gettin it.................bout time. Hook line and sinker, Bub. :laugh2:

Boysboy;2337789 said:
Like I said-you want him out, that's fine with us. Our pass D suffers, don't come back here crying with thread after thread(like you guys did after Roy's absense showed its true colors).

You pull up a post of mine where I've cried to get roy off the field. I'll eat it.

I don't give a rats rump what our pass D does minus Adam. I don't give a rats rump about Adam at all. Now tell me I'd come back "crying". Tears of joy, maybe.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Boysboy;2337795 said:
So just b/c he hasn't recorded an INT, that makes him bad?

Heh-guess we should have given Samuels a boat-load of money instead, eh?

What's the price of tea in China? :confused:


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Goldenrichards83;2337657 said:
Bradie shouldn't have to go up to Pac-man, thats something he should have done himself. That tellls me alot about him as far as him changing.

This is totally correct.

Also remember during hardknocks, Deon telling Pac that he should call and thank Goodell and Pac did not seem to keen on the idea.

This zebra has not changed it's stripes.


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cowboyjoe;2337468 said:
was listening to brady tinker, and he was talking about the cowboys secondary and said that the cowboys cant count on adam jones, because he is out every night partying, etc, and drinking, even 6 to 7 cowboys were assigned to him to watch him, and reason why the rookies are playing more and more. Is due to cowboys not trusting him, so they cant move anthony henry to safety due to adam jones not settling down

that bears any kind of logic. why shouldn't we play him when is able to ? when he is gone he is gone as long as he is able to play we play him.

those draft picks have enough posibilities to get experience because they play alot nickle and dime defense. and now with newman out they even break the starting lineup.

move henry to free safety has never been an issue. it was always clear that henry is the no 2 cb behind newman and will move to safety in certain game situations only. maybe long term he will make the switch but not this season.

so i question if brady tinker has a clue.


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Boysboy;2337632 said:
Just like the special treatment Parcells gave to Lawrence Taylor all those years, that he ended up not giving to Quincy?

Two TOTALLY different players. Loads of coaches, probably most, let studs who produce huge results slide on lots of things. Look at Dallas with Michael Irvin. You're trying to compare BP cutting ties with Carter as something it wasn't. Carter was a hack, a nothing. He wasn't a superstar and he sure wasn't a big time contributor.

Does that make it right? No, but that's life.


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BraveHeartFan;2337847 said:
Two TOTALLY different players. Loads of coaches, probably most, let studs who produce huge results slide on lots of things. Look at Dallas with Michael Irvin. You're trying to compare BP cutting ties with Carter as something it wasn't. Carter was a hack, a nothing. He wasn't a superstar and he sure wasn't a big time contributor.

Does that make it right? No, but that's life.

I was just responded to theebbs' claims how Jerry is running this organization like an asylum over how he's giving uber-treatment to his better players like Pacman and TO, and kicking everyone else to the curb.

Was just pointing out that even the GREATS like Parcells and the Giants organization have done the same with their better players.


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Boysboy;2337789 said:
:confused: You mean he's NOT perfect??:laugh1:

Like I said-you want him out, that's fine with us. Our pass D suffers, don't come back here crying with thread after thread(like you guys did after Roy's absense showed its true colors).

Actually I think there have been about half, or even less, the amount of Roy threads since he went out injured so I don't know where you're getting this idea.

I, for one, actually like Roy and just wish he could cover better but I never really wanted him gone anyway but all these threads that you say have popped up wishing we still had him in certainly isn't accurate. There have been a few, inquiring about his return, but there have been FAR less Roy threads since he's been out then there are the ones blaming him when he's in.

Boysboy;2337795 said:
So just b/c he hasn't recorded an INT, that makes him bad?

Heh-guess we should have given Samuels a boat-load of money instead, eh?

Actually yes. At least with Samuels I know I'm not counting on some bonehead whose 1 miss step away from being gone again.

I don't think Jones has been horrible, like some think, but he certainly hasn't played very, very, very well like some here are trying to indicate either. He's not been the upgrade on Punt Returns over Crayton that so many thought he'd be (To this point anyway), and he hasn't been that great in coverage either. He got beat by Fitz and Breaston just as much as Henry did Sunday and he was part of that secondary that allowed TJ to have a nice game, that allowed the Commanders to have a good game (Though, yes, we all admit that Newman was more to fault there).

I've actually seen more timely pass defenses, and better plays, out of Jenkins more often thus far than Jones so I wouldn't cry, at all, if we relied more on Jenkins than Jones.


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He got beat by Fitz and Breaston just as much as Henry did Sunday

Jones didn't get beat nearly as much as Henry did on Sunday. Henry was simply awful.


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AdamJT13;2337883 said:
Jones didn't get beat nearly as much as Henry did on Sunday. Henry was simply awful.

*Shrugs* They both gave up TDs, they both gave up first down catches. If Henry allowed 6 of those and Jones only allowed 4 that doesn't exactly equal playing very, very, very well. At least not to me.


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BraveHeartFan;2337919 said:
*Shrugs* They both gave up TDs, they both gave up first down catches. If Henry allowed 6 of those and Jones only allowed 4 that doesn't exactly equal playing very, very, very well. At least not to me.

So b/c Jones gave up that TD pass, it made him a ****** corner?:confused:


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Boysboy;2337931 said:
So b/c Jones gave up that TD pass, it made him a ****** corner?:confused:

Did I say that? Show me where I posted that. I'll wait. I said the way he's been playing isn't that much more than Henry and he isn't playing very, very, very well like some are trying to claim. He's played average.


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BraveHeartFan;2337919 said:
*Shrugs* They both gave up TDs, they both gave up first down catches. If Henry allowed 6 of those and Jones only allowed 4 that doesn't exactly equal playing very, very, very well. At least not to me.

You said Jones got beat by Fitzgerald and Breaston "just as much as Henry did."

Are you standing by that statement?