Ultimately playoff success will determine how Dak’s career will be perceived

Again, like most Dak over Dallas fans you're confusing criticism for the QB as hoping the team loses.

I asked you to provide some proof of them rooting for us to lose and crickets.

I don't see you defending Aikman slander when it comes to defending Dak. You just pass that right up... I wonder why?

for every dak over Dallas guy you claim exists there are as many who never show dak any support or marginalize anything positive he does. I’m always cowboys over players but usually the low hanging fruit crowd will always default to “but but but super bowls” or bust arguments even if he was to play good in a game the defense allows 500 yards.

the franchise quarterback gets the blame- such is life in the nfl but way too many here go over the top with the criticism and hyperbole
I never said you said Dak doesn't have any flaws.

I said you never call out any of the Davidians. you only call out the "haters".

and call yourself "down the middle"
like I said, with you guys, its if I don't agree with you 100% of the time, I must be a dak Davidian (whatever the heck that means)... its that black and white with you all. in your opinion based on everything you have said, there is no middle, if you don't absolutely with a passion hate dak, then you are a Dak Davidian. that's how you roll.
It's comical to me that in this supposed great game he played it included a pick 6, a sack fumble and mismanaging the clock at the end.

Like this is him at his finest, apparently. If he can just do that consistently we may win the Super Bowl.
What did Carson Wentz do over the weekend, while Dak was lighting up one of the best defenses in football?
like I said, with you guys, its if I don't agree with you 100% of the time, I must be a dak Davidian (whatever the heck that means)... its that black and white with you all. in your opinion based on everything you have said, there is no middle, if you don't absolutely with a passion hate dak, then you are a Dak Davidian. that's how you roll.

One more time
I don't think you are a Davidian.

I do think you consistently call out the "haters" with regularity, while giving the "Davidians" a pass.

That's my only beef with you. If you are truly down the middle and the extremes bother you as much as you say, then I would expect you to be railing people who never admit Dak makes a mistake.

other than that, I think you and I may be closer together than either of us is willing to admit.
you like a good debate and you don't give in. I respect that.
It’s the opposite, good QB’s that win super bowls are first ballot hall of famers, Aikman, Bradshaw, Eli, poor qb’s that won super bowls no..good qbs that never won anything, rivers, Romo, Ryan no shot at the hall of fame..
If Romo would have gotten us to a SB I actually think he could get into the HOF. The only thing that was bad about the guy was his playoff record.
One more time
I don't think you are a Davidian.

I do think you consistently call out the "haters" with regularity, while giving the "Davidians" a pass.

That's my only beef with you. If you are truly down the middle and the extremes bother you as much as you say, then I would expect you to be railing people who never admit Dak makes a mistake.

other than that, I think you and I may be closer together than either of us is willing to admit.
you like a good debate and you don't give in. I respect that.
so in your opinion, I should argue with Davidians as much as I do with Haters.... I do debate and disagree with Davidians. they are less of them and they are less emotional and disagreements don't go on for pages. we respect each other's opinions, thus you see less comments and less back and forth. that simple. Haters tend to post more, so you naturally see more responses, specially after a loss, when they come out in droves. post after post. comment after comment, you very well know the routine.

perhaps we are closer than we are willing to admit...glad you finally see it.

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