I am into contrast flavors and one of my favorite snacks is homemade pickled jalapeno halves stuffed with chunky peanut butter. I also put peanut butter on apples and cheddar cheese on a slice of apple or even better, hot apple pie is great.
When I was a kid, I ate sliced tomato sandwiches with Tobasco until, I discovered Louisiana Hot Sauce. Now, that's all I eat and especially like it on popcorn. I ate sliced pineapple and Miracle Whip sammiches as well. All of this, of course, on white bread.
One thing about growing up in the 50's/60's that wasn't great was the lack of variety of food. Lettuce, you could have any as long as it was iceberg and if you were lucky, leaf. Steaks? Bone in ribeye? Fugidaboutit, round steak, the father of jerky, sirloin and the occasional splurge on a thin t-bone. Fruit? Apples were green or red. Fish? Came in sticks.
We ate cold bologna and hot dogs without asking what was in them and a can of Vienna sausage and a jar of mustard was a fine meal. Spam or Treat, fried crispy on white bread with horseradish mustard, onions and pickles was heaven sent.