US Men's National Team

So I'm not ranting at Soccer, because if you like it, you like it. Doesn't matter to me.

But I am gonna rant about the unrealistic expectations of some Soccer fans. There's a very simple reason the US Men's team sucks compared to the US Women's team and it has everything to do with talent allocation. In this country, if you are a premier male athlete, then you are likely going to play in the NFL, MLB, NBA where you could make $35 million *if* you are the top paid guy. Hockey is a bit niche in that you have to know how to ice skate, but you can make about $15 million, maybe a bit more, but I don't know how many hockey players played soccer growing up. The highest paid MLS player who actually grew up in America is Michael Bradley and he makes $6 million.

For comparisons sake, there is no NFL or MLB for the top female athletes. Women's soccer is more or less competing with the WNBA and I *think* they pay better. So in essence if you're a woman and a great athlete, you're likely to continue playing Soccer a lot longer. And unfortunately for people who want to see US Men's Soccer become competitive, it's an endless cycle, MLS players won't get paid more until more talent goes into that sport and more talent won't go into that sport until the money is there. Yes kids see Lebron James and Steph Curry on TV and want to be them, but once kids get older and the adults with money (AAU clubs, University boosters, MLB scouts) can identify who has a future, they will steer them towards playing one sport and that just won't be Soccer and there isn't anything that coaching or youth investment can do to change the fact that the money just isn't there.
Your comment is a major talking point on twitter with the hashtag #reformussf.
Your comment is a major talking point on twitter with the hashtag #reformussf.

I'll have to check it out, I'm not really on Twitter, but I don't think reforming USSF is the answer. What they honestly need, is for the NFL to fold or at least have a huge decline in popularity and I don't think either are happening anytime soon.
I'll have to check it out, I'm not really on Twitter, but I don't think reforming USSF is the answer. What they honestly need, is for the NFL to fold or at least have a huge decline in popularity and I don't think either are happening anytime soon.

Interestingly, this comment also is a talking point on reforming USSF because people realize that the NFL and SUM (Soccer United Marketing) is what is holding the sport back. But you're right.
Yes it is. I dont understand how the US is losing to Canada at football.

simple. they just aren’t very good.

berhalters system is ****. Zero attack, always going back, nobody who can consistently finish.

this is a team still living off of Donovan, Dempsey and Howard days.
Awesome job defending on that goal defense. Pathetic
Oh my word! Is the US Men's team coached defencively by Marinelli? Cuz this is pathetic. The US really needs to but the entire system and start from scratch. Getting beaten by Mexico is one thing if you're the US. Getting humiliated by Canada in football is a completely different story.
1985 since Canada has beaten the Americans. 1985. This is as bad as when the Americans lost to TT and did not qualify for WC. Berhalter would not allow back in the country if he coached another country.
simple. they just aren’t very good.

berhalters system is ****. Zero attack, always going back, nobody who can consistently finish.

this is a team still living off of Donovan, Dempsey and Howard days.

Yup, and the poor devils seem to think the MLS can cut it in international football. Obviously, not. They need to fix it. 2 nil to Canada is pathetic.
It’s about as low as you can get.

losing to the 0-4 Jets on Sunday then losing to Canada on Tuesday lol
This week just keeps getting worse and worse. Jets beat the Cowboys, US loses to Canada which has happened in 35 years, and the Yanks are down 2-1 to the Stros. Well at least I have my health but if this keeps going I don’t know about that.
This week just keeps getting worse and worse. Jets beat the Cowboys, US loses to Canada which has happened in 35 years, and the Yanks are down 2-1 to the Stros. Well at least I have my health but if this keeps going I don’t know about that.

I hear you man. At least I have the Nats. One thing to keep me going
1985 since Canada has beaten the Americans. 1985. This is as bad as when the Americans lost to TT and did not qualify for WC. Berhalter would not allow back in the country if he coached another country.

I dare say this is worse. TT was a shocker. This is humiliating. This would be like England getting beaten by Scotland. The manager would never live it down, and neither would the players. And considering the state of the NFL, the US really should start to care more about football and demand change from the top down.
This week just keeps getting worse and worse. Jets beat the Cowboys, US loses to Canada which has happened in 35 years, and the Yanks are down 2-1 to the Stros. Well at least I have my health but if this keeps going I don’t know about that.

Yup, as a Yankees fan, this has been bad. At least my 3 Lions (AKA England) pulverized Bulgaria 6 nil as we should. At least one of my teams has a killer instinct. Oh, and my Golden Knights look good so far.
I dare say this is worse. TT was a shocker. This is humiliating. This would be like England getting beaten by Scotland. The manager would never live it down, and neither would the players. And considering the state of the NFL, the US really should start to care more about football and demand change from the top down.
I would worry about England’s manager and players well being if Scotland beats England.

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