USA today releases their 2024 NFL team record projections


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Meh, no one’s projections are worth much in July… but it wouldn’t surprise me if Dallas won 8 games. I also wouldn’t be surprised with less than 8 or more than 8.

In short, I could see this season being 6-11, 8-9, or 11-6.

Their offseason decisions certainly don’t inspire a lot of confidence in me, although I do think the defense will be improved under Zimmer. Their fundamentals will be much improved.
Yeah, the offseason activity (or lack thereof) really has me concerned.

As of today, July 23rd, I do not think we are as good of a team as we were last how exactly that translates to wins and losses, I have no idea.

We do know that the NFC East has not had a repeat champion since the ice age, so odds are that Philly wins the division and we are a wildcard, at best.