Vick Indicted

5Stars;1553732 said:
I wonder how Poindexter is going to be involved in all this mess? Isn't he the one that did not want the search warrent to take place because of "the wording" or something like that?


Poindexter is watching his career as a prosecutor go up in flames... he is now regarded as a joke around the country...

From where I sit, if this whole sordid spectacle results in him being removed from his office, at least some good will have come from it... as far as I'm concerned, he's been acting to protect Vick right from the start...
dbair1967;1553743 said:
they should do whats right regardless...Vick is an embarrassment to the league and a disgrace...people who take part in dogfighting are just about the lowest forms of life

Well, maybe they're not QUITE as bad as child molesters, but they are pretty far down the evolutionary scale...

Divine justice would be to sentence him to be chained to a buried car axle for the term of his incarceration...
cobra;1553759 said:
Just something you should note here. For instance, look at this page. Paragraph 76. Notice the phrase "CW #4"? That means cooperating witness #4. That means for the indictment they had at least 4 cooperating witnesses. And if this goes to trial, I suspect that one or more of the other three will cooperate against Vick since he was the money man and therefore the big target. This jacks up the success rate of this kind of prosecution from the 95% rate to probably something like the 99.5% rate.

He is in some serious deep poop.

Good stuff, cobra... thanks for taking the time to read the indictment, and give us some background on it...
silverbear;1554016 said:
Good stuff, cobra... thanks for taking the time to read the indictment, and give us some background on it...

Yeah, that :bastid:needs to go down for this.
CanadianCowboysFan;1553785 said:
If he is found guilty, then of course he deserves to be suspended.

If he's found guilty, he'll go to jail... won't have to worry about the NFL suspending him...

The good news is, his reputation, and thus his ability to earn money off the field, is in the toilet... whether or not he's convicted, he's gonna feel this in his wallet...
CanadianCowboysFan;1553792 said:
Of course it's horrible, dogs are part of the family so we are grossed out by it. However, one could say that calf roping etc is equally as grotesque, only difference is some lawmaker has made cock fighting and dog fighting illegal whereas one can watch calf roping etc legally.

Those calves never die, indeed it's rare that they're even injured... they get roped, then they get set free...

I'm not saying it isn't kinda cruel, but it falls FAR short of the kind of cruelty inherent to dog fighting... a better example would have been bull fighting...
silverbear;1554020 said:
Those calves never die, indeed it's rare that they're even injured... they get roped, then they get set free...

I'm not saying it isn't kinda cruel, but it falls FAR short of the kind of cruelty inherent to dog fighting... a better example would have been bull fighting...

Calf roping is like a little girl playing with Barbie dolls compared to this.
CanadianCowboysFan;1553825 said:
So you have no problem with guys on horses chasing calves, throwing ropes around their necks, throwing them to the ground and tieing up their legs for sport?

It ain't NEAR as bad as setting two dogs to fight each other to the death... indeed, it's not much worse than what circus trainers do to lions and tigers and such...

If Vick played for the Cowboys, the moral majority wouldn't be so quick to suspend him before a hearing.

If any Cowboys player is involved in dog fighting, I'll be the first to condemn him...

And frankly, those who continue to try to defend Vick's contemptible behavior by comparing to things like rodeos aren't a whole lot better than Vick is... anybody with a lick of decency HAS to stand up and say "this is wrong"...
CanadianCowboysFan;1553840 said:
As for the points about electrocuting the dogs, having them fight to the death, at this point they are just allegations and need to be proven.

But YOU were the one trying to equate dog fighting to calf roping... now that we've called you on that, you change your story...

When dog fighting goes on, the loser almost always winds up dead... period...
03EBZ06;1553893 said:
So these dogs were killed because they underperformed? So what does that mean for him and his play on the football field?

Post of the day... :bow:
ConcordCowboy;1553913 said:
The meeting is now in session.

All in favor of getting that POS some jail time like he deserves say Aye!


Meeting adjourned.

Not so fast, CC, this looks like a GREAT opportunity for a membership drive... we need more members of the DVS...
bbgun;1553931 said:
I wonder what Vick's legal fees will amount to when this is all said and done. Probably $1M+.

You reckon we should take up a collection to help the poor guy out, or will Uncle Arthur take care of his bills?? :confused:
HardHittin'Witten;1554021 said:
Calf roping is like a little girl playing with Barbie dolls compared to this.

I've been to a dozen rodeos in my life, the worst thing I ever saw was a calf suffering a broken leg... saddle bronc or bull riding is much crueler, IMO, but at least the animals in those competitions can get a little payback from time to time...
cobra;1553759 said:
Just something you should note here. For instance, look at this page. Paragraph 76. Notice the phrase "CW #4"? That means cooperating witness #4. That means for the indictment they had at least 4 cooperating witnesses. And if this goes to trial, I suspect that one or more of the other three will cooperate against Vick since he was the money man and therefore the big target. This jacks up the success rate of this kind of prosecution from the 95% rate to probably something like the 99.5% rate.

He is in some serious deep poop.

I knew the Feds success rate was between 95% and 96%, but 99.5 means he'll have to cop a plea. What do you suspect they would offer him?
We had to stop calf roping up here at a local rodeo because a couple of them died this year.

In the end, it will be hard to convict Vick because no one can place him at the scene for the fights. He has plausible deniability just like no one could say Ray Lewis shot anyone.
dbair1967;1553896 said:
I just have to ask, but honestly are you really this stupid?

Seriously, anyone that cant see the difference between rodeo and dogs that are trained and forced to bite each other to the death needs serious mental help


Yes, he is!!!!!!!!!!!
CanadianCowboysFan;1554041 said:
We had to stop calf roping up here at a local rodeo because a couple of them died this year.

In the end, it will be hard to convict Vick because no one can place him at the scene for the fights. He has plausible deniability just like no one could say Ray Lewis shot anyone.

Actually, the indictment says the Feds have a coupla people who will definitely place him on the scene for the fights... one guy annoyed one of Vick's crew by hollering out Vick's name during the course of a fight, the other guy will testify to collecting 23 grand from Vick PERSONALLY after his dog beat one of Michael's...

You might want to familiarize yourself with the facts before you go trying to defend the guy...
Big Dakota;1554046 said:
Count me in:)

Welcome the newest, bestest club on the internet... you are now allowed to flaunt your membership in the DVS in your sig, if you like... :)

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