Vick pleads not guilty; trial set for Nov. 26

nyc;1564155 said:
I just heard Al Cowlings just picked up another white Ford Bronco and he heading to Virginia.


Guess he better fill up.

Too funny NYC.
Yeagermeister;1564212 said:
Was he wearing a purple full length fur coat????? :D

Yeah, purple dyed dog fur! He did stop to pee on the fire hydrant in front of the courthouse before he went in...

Im amazed at the number of people who think Vick cant beat this rap.

His lawyer got Jayson Williams acquitted of the major charges against him, despite an eyewitness who saw him shoot his limo driver in the face. The retrial on manslaughter ended hung with 8-4 in favor of acquittal.

Another Martin client, the corrupt mayor of Atlanta , Bill Campbell, faced 9 years on a variety of federal charges (racketeering, bribery) but all that stuck was tax evasion. And this was after a FIVE year federal investigation. How long did the Feds investigate Vick, 5 months? Less??

As soon as Vicks lawyers , private investigators, jury consultants, etc. get to work , we will begin hearing stories about these "corroborating witnesses" against Vick and how unreliable they are , how they're out to save their own necks by ratting out Vick , make a buck etc.

All it takes is one juror to say not guilty and they cant convict him.

That being said , I think he's guilty as sin.
hank2k;1564259 said:
That being said , I think he's guilty as sin.

Guilty or not guilty, the damage is already done. He will never be the same after this...and that might be what he deserves!
hank2k;1564259 said:
Im amazed at the number of people who think Vick cant beat this rap.

His lawyer got Jayson Williams acquitted of the major charges against him, despite an eyewitness who saw him shoot his limo driver in the face. The retrial on manslaughter ended hung with 8-4 in favor of acquittal.

Another Martin client, the corrupt mayor of Atlanta , Bill Campbell, faced 9 years on a variety of federal charges (racketeering, bribery) but all that stuck was tax evasion. And this was after a FIVE year federal investigation. How long did the Feds investigate Vick, 5 months? Less??

As soon as Vicks lawyers , private investigators, jury consultants, etc. get to work , we will begin hearing stories about these "corroborating witnesses" against Vick and how unreliable they are , how they're out to save their own necks by ratting out Vick , make a buck etc.

All it takes is one juror to say not guilty and they cant convict him.

That being said , I think he's guilty as sin.

True, but dead dogs are a bit harder to shove into a paper shredder than Campbell's reciepts. Just saying. ;)
Conviction rate is 95%. That Atlanta mayor was STILL CONVICTED. Maybe they only got him on one charge- but he went DOWN.
Besides- Iguess you have not heard that 2 years ago the Feds were investigating Vick but did not have enough to go to the Federal Grand Jury.
SO they have been on him for quite a while.
Another factor you have ignored- with as high a profile as this case is- MUCH higher then a mere mayor warrants- the Prosecuter will be VERY sure.
burmafrd;1564284 said:
I did not see any reformed liars there. Only liars.

Cool it, burmafrd...don't start this mess again!

5Stars;1564298 said:
Cool it, burmafrd...don't start this mess again!


Its ok. He's been getting beat on many different threads across many different forums today.

What's another thread/forum?
Vintage;1564313 said:
Its ok. He's been getting beat on many different threads across many different forums today.

What's another thread/forum?

Talking about "many different forums"? What happened to PT's crybaby post where he was saying that he was leaving because nobody liked him? Remember that got deleted for some reason. :confused:

I asked PT to give me the URL of the site that he is a supposedly mod at?
burmafrd;1564279 said:
Conviction rate is 95%.

Fairly meaningless stat given that 99.9 % of defendants cant afford Vicks level of lawyers.What is Vicks lawyers acquittal %?

That Atlanta mayor was STILL CONVICTED. Maybe they only got him on one charge- but he went DOWN.

That case was seen as a major loss for the Feds given the resources used to prosecute that Mayor. So possibly Vick ends up getting convicted for something lesser, does 6 months and walks. People are acting like his career is over. Ray Lewis faced a murder rap, plead out to obstruction and has been playing ever since.

Besides- Iguess you have not heard that 2 years ago the Feds were investigating Vick but did not have enough to go to the Federal Grand Jury.

You dont need much to get a grand jury indictment, given that the defense has no say in the "evidence" presented.

SO they have been on him for quite a while.

Really? Most of Vicks allegations against him were from things that happened well over 2 year ago so if they were "on" him , it wasnt much more than a sniff.

Another factor you have ignored- with as high a profile as this case is- MUCH higher then a mere mayor warrants- the Prosecuter will be VERY sure.

Sorry, but a publically elected official running his city like an organized crime family is much more likely to get the federal $$$$ behind the prosecution than some wanna be dog fight kingpin.
I can careless which way the jury goes (its wouldn't suprise me if there is a hung jury) .....the damage is done and Atlanta will cut him and Peta, Human Society and every other society will be on this guys trail and nobody and I mean nobody will want to touch him....unless your Detroit and you need to sell some tickets. Vicks life as he knows it is gone. He certainly will regret putting those innocent dogs to death when all is said and done.
tomson75;1564276 said:
True, but dead dogs are a bit harder to shove into a paper shredder than Campbell's reciepts. Just saying. ;)

True, but unless they have Vick on tape killing a dog, that can be explained any number of ways, not the least of which will be ..."it was those other dudes that did it."


"Man, Im a multi- multi- millionaire. What do I need to be fighting dogs for 1500 dollar purses for ?"
Wood;1564343 said:
I can careless which way the jury goes (its wouldn't suprise me if there is a hung jury) .....the damage is done and Atlanta will cut him and Peta, Human Society and every other society will be on this guys trail and nobody and I mean nobody will want to touch him....unless your Detroit and you need to sell some tickets. Vicks life as he knows it is gone. He certainly will regret putting those innocent dogs to death when all is said and done.

Guilty by association, even if not guilty, will ruin a persons life! It's his property, it's his cousin, his name is on the indictment, he's been watched for a few years, ect.

If an attorney gets him off, guilty or not's over for Vick and his street cred gang.

Who would want to touch this guy? :confused:
hank2k;1564353 said:
True, but unless they have Vick on tape killing a dog, that can be explained any number of ways, not the least of which will be ..."it was those other dudes that did it."

If he says that, he is guilty! Why? Because if he knows the "other dudes did it" then he knew what was going on!

:laugh2: Careful....
5Stars;1564363 said:
If he says that, he is guilty! Why? Because if he knows the "other dudes did it" then he knew what was going on!

:laugh2: Careful....

Not really. Of course, hes not going to testify but his lawyers will imply that he was just funding a kennal and the other guys were doing the bad stuff to make a little coin on the side...without his knowledge.

And who's to say Vick wont pay them off to say its true and take the rap Greg Anderson style (ala Barry Bonds)?