Vick - Search Warrant Issued but not executed

Big Dakota;1512855 said:
I like the whole "giving people herpes intentionally" topic :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Can't say that Vick isn't generous! It's the gift that keeps on giving.

BlueStar22;1512854 said:
all circumstantial

Circumstances like dog fights going on at a property you own?

That's a circumstance that he is responsible for
Faerluna;1512857 said:
Can't say that Vick isn't generous! It's the gift that keeps on giving.



Better than the jelly of the month club
Vick evidence could prompt July grand jury

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 05/29/07
Authorities investigating felony dogfighting at a Surry County, Virginia property owned by Falcons quarterback Michael Vick could have enough evidence to present to a specially called grand jury before a scheduled July session, Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Tuesday.
That evidence includes possible testimony from two people who have contacted authorities — one out of state — claiming they have information to assist the investigation. Poindexter was in a jurisdiction outside of Surry County Tuesday doing due diligence on the background of one of the people who has contacted him about the investigation. Investigators also plan to make a similar trip soon concerning the out-of-state contact.

"The investigation is proceeding," Poindexter said.
Vick, a licensed dog breeder in Virginia, has not been charged. In his one public statement on the investigation, Vick has denied any involvement in illegal dogfighting, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. In April, he blamed family members who lived at the property for the situation. Vick has since refused comment on the advice of his attorney Lawrence Woodward, has not returned repeated phone calls.
Poindexter continued to caution that up to 10 people had access to Vick's 15-acre property and that the investigation could be focused on more than one person. Poindexter would not identify Vick as one of those people.
Poindexter said that initial searches of the property in April show that dogfighting likely occurred at the property. Authorities seized 66 dogs and other objects, such as treadmills, medicines and other equipment believed to be related to dogfighting. Three envelopes addressed to "M. Vick" were seized. A room inside the house had blood-spattered walls, which investigators believe is a fighting pit. Poindexter said last week that charges were likely to be filed but would not indicate against whom.
Poindexter and Surry County Sheriff Harold Brown did not execute a search warrant requested and authorized last week by a deputy sheriff, who wrote in the warrant that the U.S. Department of Agriculture wanted another search of the property to look for dog carcasses and other forensic evidence.
After recieving information from an informant, investigators wanted to look under floors of the fighting pit and dig under and disassemble some structures on the property for dead dogs and blood evidence, Poindexter said. The USDA, the federal agency involved in the investigation, is assisting in the forensic part of the investigation, Poindexter said. NFL security has also contacted Poindexter to offer its assistance.
The search warrant, obtained by Virginia news outlets but denied to the AJC upon repeated phone requests, stated authorities also wanted to search for "any utensils or weapons utilized in the killing of any animals to include ropes, guns/rifles, spent shotgun shells, spent bullet cartridges, or shovels and all evidence contributing to dog fighting and animal cruelty."
Poindexter said some language in the warrant prompted enough concerns for it not to be executed. However, the request has a "10 to 15 day" life where the denial could be lifted and investigators could execute the search.
"We'll go in if we have to," Poindexter said.
When asked if he felt they had enough evidence to press charges without searching the property again, Poindexter said, "I'm not going to comment on that."
Obviously the evidence against Vick aint all that great, or charges would have been filed.

We'll see what happens.
Vintage;1512868 said:
Obviously the evidence against Vick aint all that great, or charges would have been filed.

We'll see what happens.

Cold pizza touched on the whole Duke/Nifong situation and how that may be influencing this case. We can joke, but no sense in a rush by prosecutors. If he did it he did it, if he didn't he didn't, but they gotta be DARN sure for a whole host of reasons.
Big Dakota;1512856 said:
If the glove don't fit........

You must acquit.


OJ is Innocent!

I think the sheriff and the prosecutor are in on it too somehow. According to something I read, the state officials want to take over the case due to the Hazzard County justice system dragging their feet.
DanTanna;1512892 said:
I think the sheriff and the prosecutor are in on it too somehow. According to something I read, the state officials want to take over the case due to the Hazzard County justice system dragging their feet.

If all the accusations being presented are true, this is going to end up with the Federal Boys.
Yeagermeister;1512755 said:
A vet can do a necropsy too see how they died.

:bow: WOW... I'm impressed! (did Mrs. Yeag tell you that?) :laugh2: :laugh2:

Faerluna;1512839 said:
Here a link to a good SI article on the issue. It's 7 pages, so I won't copy, but here's the first 2 paragraphs and the related picture.


The House on Moonlight Road

Though Michael Vick insists he knew nothing of alleged dogfighting on a Virginia property he owned, the case has cast a shadow over the star quarterback, alarmed the NFL and called attention to pro athletes' involvement in the grisly pastime

Posted: Tuesday May 29, 2007 9:22AM; Updated: Tuesday May 29, 2007 12:51PM

The brick house Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick owned on Moonlight Road in rural Smithfield, Va., is painted white. It has a white door, a white fence and a huge white gate that opens on a spare front lawn holding a white birdbath. In the woods behind the house, out of view from the road, stand five smaller buildings. These are painted black -- not gray or charcoal, but pure black, as if they'd been dipped in ink. They are set off from the house by a fence, also painted black.

Kathy Strouse, an animal control officer, was standing in front of those outbuildings as night fell on April 25 when a simple question came to her: Why the black paint? A moment passed before Strouse had an answer. At night, when most dogfights are held, no one would know these buildings were here.

I read that article yesterday. Looking at the picture above and the description of the all black buildings and fence and how these things are carried out at night was eery to me. The very last part about the lady saying how they will have to euthanize the seized dogs and she will hold them while they die was surreal to me.
ThreeSportStar80;1512851 said:
Enough with all the articles, if Mike Vick took part in these alleged acts of disgust then he will be delt with accordingly. I would prefer to talk about something positive for a change.
Then avoid any further Vick threads... It's real easy to do, ya know.
Hostile;1512905 said:
I read that article yesterday. Looking at the picture above and the description of the all black buildings and fence and how these things are carried out at night was eery to me. The very last part about the lady saying how they will have to euthanize the seized dogs and she will hold them while they die was surreal to me.

I can totally understand it. I've had to have several cats euthanized and I stayed and held every one of them. If I was there, I'd hold those dogs, too.
Huh. My neighbor is a farmer. He just usually shoots them out back. Cheaper than putting them down.

Actually, a lot of people I know do that now that I think about that....
Hostile;1512905 said:
The very last part about the lady saying how they will have to euthanize the seized dogs and she will hold them while they die was surreal to me.

That's a bit overblown -- I worked at a vet's office in High School -- someone has to hold the animal while the shot is being administered. She's being dramatic. Animal control likely puts down lots of animals each day. If she's that sensitive, she's in the wrong business.
DanTanna;1512892 said:
I think the sheriff and the prosecutor are in on it too somehow. According to something I read, the state officials want to take over the case due to the Hazzard County justice system dragging their feet.
It certainly does sound like the prosecution has something more than due diligence in mind.:rolleyes:
abersonc;1512930 said:
That's a bit overblown -- I worked at a vet's office in High School -- someone has to hold the animal while the shot is being administered. She's being dramatic. Animal control likely puts down lots of animals each day. If she's that sensitive, she's in the wrong business.
I disagree with you.

Vintage;1512929 said:
Huh. My neighbor is a farmer. He just usually shoots them out back. Cheaper than putting them down.

Actually, a lot of people I know do that now that I think about that....
I've had to do that many times out on the ranch.
Vintage;1512929 said:
Huh. My neighbor is a farmer. He just usually shoots them out back. Cheaper than putting them down.

Actually, a lot of people I know do that now that I think about that....

I find that completely revolting. No offense.

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