Vick - Search Warrant Issued but not executed

Faerluna;1512947 said:
I find that completely revolting. No offense.

Different areas, I guess. I grew up in a rural small town. And to boot, I lived out in the country.

I don't see anything wrong with it personally. Its quick and painless (like the shot is supposed to be).

Different strokes, I guess.
Faerluna;1512947 said:
I find that completely revolting. No offense.
The ranch I grew up on was 48 miles from the nearest veterinarian. I am sure many farms and ranches are the same. If an animal is suffering, waiting until the vet can make the drive, or loading them up and taking them to the vet is somewhat cruel.

Just to give what he posted another voice.

Amazing, in nearly 42 years on this earth, I've never seen a house painted jet black. That's certainly a difference in contrast to the main house in the foreground. And the jet black houses are also located in the wooded area of the property, which is another marked difference from the property in the foreground.

The old saying goes that the best secrets are usually kept hidden in plain sight.
Hostile;1512953 said:
The ranch I grew up on was 48 miles form the nearest veterinarian. I am sure many farms and ranches are the same. If an animal is suffering waiting until the vet can make the drive, or loading them up and taking them to the vet is somewhat cruel.

Just to give what he posted another voice.

Under those circumstances, I can understand the decision. I cannot understand doing it because it's cheaper.

I also couldn't shoot my pet and then bury it.

I grew up in a small, rural town in Nebraska, but it's still not something I would ever consider under ordinary circumstances.
DanTanna;1512892 said:
I think the sheriff and the prosecutor are in on it too somehow. According to something I read, the state officials want to take over the case due to the Hazzard County justice system dragging their feet.

Sounds like Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane is running the place.
zeromaster;1512935 said:
It certainly does sound like the prosecution has something more than due diligence in mind.:rolleyes:

Seeing an interview with Poindexter on the WAVY-TV site, he sounded like he hated being bothered with having to deal with all this.

Nice attitude for a prosecutor, eh?

As small as that community seems to be, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd already heard what was going on out there.
Or he is trying to gather all the evidence, examine it, and see if there is enough to pursue charges. Or see if Vick was truly involved or not. And that being charged for something like this where evidence needs to be accumulated and examined rarely leads to instantaneous charges/trials.

Or he wants to make sure he is doing it 'by the books' because somewhere, they had botched an earlier dog fighting case by a legal technicality or something.

Or...we could stick with the conspiracy angle......
Vintage;1512966 said:
Or he is trying to gather all the evidence, examine it, and see if there is enough to pursue charges. Or see if Vick was truly involved or not. And that being charged for something like this where evidence needs to be accumulated and examined rarely leads to instantaneous charges/trials.

Or he wants to make sure he is doing it 'by the books' because somewhere, they had botched an earlier dog fighting case by a legal technicality or something.

Or...we could stick with the conspiracy angle......

Or...He's this guy....

Who couldn't gather evidence even with the bloodhound to help.
Whether Vick is personally involved is irrelevant to the question of whether there's enough evidence to bring a case against someone who appeared to be fighting dogs on that property.

Or at least, it *should* be irrelevant.
Faerluna;1512957 said:
Under those circumstances, I can understand the decision. I cannot understand doing it because it's cheaper.

I also couldn't shoot my pet and then bury it.

I grew up in a small, rural town in Nebraska, but it's still not something I would ever consider under ordinary circumstances.
When you grow up on a farm or ranch you tend to get removed from the animals in some ways. Cattle, pigs, chickens, etc. aren't pets. They're food. Even dogs are working animals. I won't say that you get callous, but I will say that emotions are scarce and rare. Sometimes even not welcomed.

I have had to bury pets. I've had to put them out of their misery. It isn't easy, but when you know it has to be done, you suck it up and do it. I liken it to the scene in "Old Yeller" where he knows he has to kill his dog.

I also know that amongst ranchers or farmers that have to do this out of necissity, that if there is a strong emotional attachment they usually call a neighbor and ask them. I've had to do this for my neighbors before.

It is hard to explain to those who have animals who are only domestic pets. That's the best way I can explain it. It is never thought of as cruel and there is no joy in doing it. I can assure you of that.
FuzzyLumpkins;1512751 said:
i realize everyone is going to be ooohing and aaahing saying that vick is in real trouble now but before you all get into that just ask yourself how animal corpses found on the property are going to incriminate Vick.

I cannot help but notice,are u pro-Vick in this case?just curious.
Vintage;1512929 said:
Huh. My neighbor is a farmer. He just usually shoots them out back. Cheaper than putting them down.

Actually, a lot of people I know do that now that I think about that....
wow.where do u live?lol.
juckie;1513002 said:
wow.where do u live?lol.
If his neighbor is a farmer it's easy to guess in a rural area as opposed to an urban one. What is so strange or "lol" about that?
Hostile;1512942 said:
I've had to do that many times out on the ranch.
thats disgusting.If someone cannot afford to take the animal to a vet and and have the beloved animal euthanized in a more humane way than they shouldn't have a dog.These are the same owners who tie the dog outside for days.:bang2:
juckie;1513010 said:
thats disgusting.If someone cannot afford to take the animal to a vet and and have the beloved animal euthanized in a more humane way than they shouldn't have a dog.These are the same owners who tie the dog outside for days.:bang2:

We have two dogs.

One is a puppy and is a terrier and lives inside.

The other is old, a mix, and a huge dog and lives outside. We leave him tied up or his disappears in the middle of the night (usually to our neighbors place, where he has killed a couple of cats, a chicken, a turkey)
juckie;1513010 said:
thats disgusting.If someone cannot afford to take the animal to a vet and and have the beloved animal euthanized in a more humane way than they shouldn't have a dog.These are the same owners who tie the dog outside for days.:bang2:
Uh wrong. That would be people like those who have them anchored to buried axles per that story.
Vintage;1513013 said:
We have two dogs.

One is a puppy and is a terrier and lives inside.

The other is old, a mix, and a huge dog and lives outside. We leave him tied up or his disappears in the middle of the night (usually to our neighbors place, where he has killed a couple of cats, a chicken, a turkey)

No offense,but how would u like to be tied up all ur life?not fun huh?I would kill stuff if i was tied up all my life too.
juckie;1513017 said:
No offense,but how would u like to be tied up all ur life?not fun huh?I would kill stuff if i was tied up all my life too.

I hate arguing with PETA members.
im not a PETA member,but I also dont live in the wild wild west mentality like most of this country.sad.

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