Gagne was screwed either way. When he lost his land he had nothing to leverage. Hogan wasn't in the AWA for that long, but was way over. His Florida and Memphis runs were brief.
To me, Hogan was the burden of pro wrestling after 1989. Wasn't really that great of a draw for any consistent amount of time. He was the main wrestler from the 80's that had a shot of going mainstream, but he took all of these goofy movie roles and is such a carny in real life that it turned off Hollywood to working with wrestlers. Of course, McMahon's behavior didn't help matters either. Even the Rock had to deal with that stigma.
After '89, if Hogan drew it was usually a brief stint due to his huge stardom in the 80's. But eventually between him refusing to job and him being generally overrated as a talent (most overrated mic worker ever), it would die out quickly. He drew in New Japan, but that wasn't going to last long and he got out of there. He got an initial draw when he came to WCW, but that was because of his name and not being in the WWF. It then fizzled out badly and it hurt a lot of talent because they were jobbing to some old guy that looked pathetic in the ring.
The same happened when he joined the nWo. It was great at the beginning, but when they had to continue the program between his awful mic skills, his awful ring work and being unwilling to put anybody over, it killed the company to the point where their PPV buyrates were lower than ECW's.
The same when he came to TNA. Except by then everybody was sick of his act and the entire sex video scandal and his divorce just made him look more pathetic.
So when I think of all of the promotions and for all of the wrestlers, for me...Hogan would drop quite a bit. He did great by one promoter...Vince. Other than that, he was either a colossal failure or had success, but was brief. And in Verne's case, he screwed him over so I can't see how that would work in Hogan's favor.