carter VS testaverde isn't something that can be easily compared... vinny when he has protection is great, vinny when he doesnt sucks... carter when he has protection was good, carter when he had protection was ok.. carter has the mobility to escape a jam from the pocket, i'd say all in all they are pretty much all in all last year's QC vs this years VT is just about even, vinnys even on his INT and TD ratio, and is pretty lucky he doesn't have more INT's than TD's... had quincy stayed this year and started i think he would have been much improved over last year, everyone's going to have his dumb mistakes, but he was going to greatly improve over last year... but, we cut him, so it doesn't matter anymore, everyone was pissed about him being here, now people are pissed that he's gone.. make up your minds... in my opinion we never should have cut him, just lowered him on the depth chart, not like his salary was going to kill us and he was much better than romo