i thought both Jaylon and LVE had their best game of the year vs Saints in '19.
i also thought the mutiny of the coaches had a big impact on the LBs as well,(for the worse)
-one coach wanted players to do Plan A, ,another asst wanted players to do Plan B, and the upper powers
that be at the time, either didn't have a clue how to overseer and intervene as needed, or chose to ignore and have
the mutiny parties work out their own revolution.
- the notorious screen passes that ever abuse these LBs, ..the busted run gap assignments, the missed open field tackles,
rumors of players freelancing, not calling proper signals and assignments, not being in the position needed and not reacting
to tasks and assignments at at hand, questionable leadership.
- i've always tended to believe the Cowboys moved jaylon to middle LB, because of he was quite still in recovery
of his knee nerve damage, and they wanted to reduce the wider field responsibilities, and hide his limitations.
* His 1st year, he was just red shirted, his 2nd year in NFL without an injured Sean Lee, and Hitchens having to move to OLB, Justin Durant on fumes, forced team to have to start Swipe.. and it was hideous. He was so lost and slow to react on a cerebral level
and he was or too limited in mobility to do much physically.
* But he recovered a great deal more, starting getting his forward burst back again in '18 and became a heated missile.
Though we were still surrendering rushing totals On The Road, before the Colts and Rams, the exposure became at it's worst
was really games really exposed us in a crushing manner.
When Jaylon was drafted, Garrett claimed he was a natural Middle LB, ..Michael Irvin proclaimed him as the next Luke Kuehly
He has marvelously rebound to not only play the NFL game again when many had doubts he'd play again period, but he's been remarkably durable. I'll wait to see him officially moved from the middle mike role to OLB.